DFTinc / onyx-android-demo

Demo app for developers that demonstrates the features of the current ONYX SDK
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Demo app for developers that demonstrates the features of Onyx Android SDK

Getting Started

If you don't already have Android Studio, you can download it here.

Once Android Studio is installed, please contact us to purchase your ONYX license key here.
Note: Make sure you have updated to the latest Android SDK via the SDK Manager.

You should receive a license of the form XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-X-X at your provided e-mail address.
Next, you can clone our sample repository on the command-line using the following commands:

> git clone https://github.com/DFTinc/onyx-android-demo.git

Alternatively, you can clone the project via Android Studio:
Select VCS >> Checkout from Version Control >> GitHub, and follow the on-screen instructions.

Place your license key into app/src/main/res/values/license.xml shown below:

<string name="license_key_value">XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-X-X</string>

The license.xml file should be excluded from version control.

There are customizable string resources that can be overriden from the onyx-camera library by adding the strings to the app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml file. The strings and their values are:

<string name="too_close_text">Move fingers back</string>

<string name="too_far_text">Move fingers closer</string>

<string name="capture_text">Hold fingers steady</string>

Simply replace the strings with the translation that is desired, or use the Android Studio Translations Editor: https://developer.android.com/studio/write/translations-editor

This sample uses the Gradle build system. To build this project, use the "gradlew build" command or use "Build >> Make Project" in Android Studio.

Now plug in your compatible device, and select Run >> Run 'app'.

Customizing OnyxConfiguration

The Onyx SDK is very highly configurable, and this section will briefly provide an overview of typical configuration. The typical configuration for OnyxConfiguration will be set to return a Processed image, or a WSQ image, depending on the needs of the biometric system being utilized. If doing on device matching, then a proprietary FingerprintTemplate and matching algorithm from Innovatrics is provided. The OnyxConfiguration can be configured to return the FingerprintTemplate, and the example code for doing on-device matching.

If integrating with a 3rd party matching system, such as a national database, or from proprietary vendors, then the requirements will vary, but will most often require a WSQ image, as these are compressed for sending across networks. The size of the output WSQ image can be controlled using the setCropSize() method on OnyxConfigurationBuilder. This will set the dimensions (width and height) of the image, such as to 512x512 or 500x500. **It is important to set this configuration to what the 3rd party matching system requires for image dimensions

Another important matter is the scale of an image. This can be controlled using the setCropFactor() method on the OnyxConfigurationBuilder, and will scale the image up or down. This can be important on some devices that may focus more closely or more further away than average device camera modules. We have set the scale to 1.0f by default that works for most devices, but you may try adjusting this setting for devices that may focus more closely or more further away to get the scale to more closely match touch-based fingerprint scanners.

The default settings for the options on the OnyxConfigurationBuilder should work fine out of the box. Here are a couple other settings that may be of use, however. **setUseOnyxLive() - this will perform a "liveness" check that returns a decimal that indicates the percentage certainty that the image is a real finger, and not a "fake" finger/fingerprint or image of a finger/fingerprint.

**setManualCapture() - this will allow the user to touch the screen to initiate the capture process instead of using the auto-capture process

The Javadoc code can be used in most modern IDE's, but a copy of the OnyxConfigurationBuilder is listed at the bottom of this document for more advanced usage.

Integration in to existing projects

If you are integrating in to an existing project, you will want to make sure you have the below copied from this project:

Important addendum: Update your security provider to protect against SSL exploits Please see the article here: https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-gms-provider

This is implemented in this project by adding a dependency on 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-base'.

The gist of it is to have an activity that implements ProviderInstaller.ProviderInstallListener.

In your onCreate() method, add a call to:

 ProviderInstaller.installIfNeededAsync(this, this);

Then add the following code:

     * The below is for updating the device's security provider to protect against SSL exploits
     * See https://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-gms-provider#java
    private static final int ERROR_DIALOG_REQUEST_CODE = 11111;
    private boolean mRetryProviderInstall;

     * This method is only called if the provider is successfully updated
     * (or is already up-to-date).
    public void onProviderInstalled() {
        Log.i("OnyxSetupActivity","Provider is up-to-date, app can make secure network calls.");

     * This method is called if updating fails; the error code indicates
     * whether the error is recoverable.
    public void onProviderInstallFailed(int errorCode, Intent recoveryIntent) {
        GoogleApiAvailability availability = GoogleApiAvailability.getInstance();
        if (availability.isUserResolvableError(errorCode)) {
            // Recoverable error. Show a dialog prompting the user to
            // install/update/enable Google Play services.
                    new DialogInterface.OnCancelListener() {
                        public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) {
                            // The user chose not to take the recovery action
        } else {
            // Google Play services is not available.

     * On resume, check to see if we flagged that we need to reinstall the
     * provider.
    protected void onPostResume() {
        if (mRetryProviderInstall) {
            // We can now safely retry installation.
            ProviderInstaller.installIfNeededAsync(this, this);
        mRetryProviderInstall = false;

    private void onProviderInstallerNotAvailable() {
        // This is reached if the provider cannot be updated for some reason.
        // App should consider all HTTP communication to be vulnerable, and take
        // appropriate action.
        Log.i("OnyxSetupActivity","ProviderInstaller not available, device cannot make secure network calls.");

Finally, in your onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data), include the following:

    if (requestCode == ERROR_DIALOG_REQUEST_CODE) {
        // Adding a fragment via GoogleApiAvailability.showErrorDialogFragment
        // before the instance state is restored throws an error. So instead,
        // set a flag here, which will cause the fragment to delay until
        // onPostResume.
        mRetryProviderInstall = true;

For an example, see OnyxSetupActivity.java.

Documentation on the OnyxConfigurationBuilder is in the Java code comments, and listed here for reference:

 * Create this class first to build an instance of OnyxConfiguration.  This builder allows
 * you to specify all of the different options that you would like for Onyx.

public class OnyxConfigurationBuilder {
    private OnyxConfiguration onyxConfig = new OnyxConfiguration();

     * This sets the configActivity in which to run Onyx
     * @param activity (required) the Android configActivity
    public OnyxConfigurationBuilder setActivity(Activity activity) {
        return this;

     * This sets the Onyx license key
     * @param licenseKey (required) the Onyx license key
    public OnyxConfigurationBuilder setLicenseKey(String licenseKey) {
        return this;

     * This sets the OnyxSuccess event handler.
     * @param successCallback (required) the event handler for the SuccessCallback.
     * @see OnyxConfiguration.SuccessCallback
    public OnyxConfigurationBuilder setSuccessCallback(
            OnyxConfiguration.SuccessCallback successCallback) {
        return this;

     * This sets the ErrorCallback event handler.
     * @param errorCallback (required) the event handler for the ErrorCallback.
     * @see OnyxConfiguration.ErrorCallback
    public OnyxConfigurationBuilder setErrorCallback(OnyxConfiguration.ErrorCallback errorCallback) {
        return this;

     * This sets the OnyxCallback event handler.
     * The callback returns the Onyx object used to create Onyx.
     * @param onyxCallback
    public OnyxConfigurationBuilder setOnyxCallback(
            OnyxConfiguration.OnyxCallback onyxCallback) {
        return this;

     * This method sets whether or not the capture task will return the raw image in the
     * {@link OnyxResult}
    public OnyxConfigurationBuilder setReturnRawImage(boolean returnRawImage) {
        return this;

     * This method sets whether or not the capture task will return the processed image in the
     * {@link OnyxResult}
    public OnyxConfigurationBuilder setReturnProcessedImage(boolean returnProcessedImage) {
        return this;

     * This method sets whether or not the capture task will return the enhanced image in the
     * {@link OnyxResult}
    public OnyxConfigurationBuilder setReturnEnhancedImage(boolean returnEnhancedImage) {
        return this;

     * This method sets whether or not the capture task will return a full frame image in the
     * {@link OnyxResult}
    public OnyxConfigurationBuilder setReturnFullFrameImage(boolean returnFullFrameImage) {
        return this;

     * This method sets the scaleFactor for the FullFrame image.
    public OnyxConfigurationBuilder setFullFrameScaleFactor(float fullFrameScaleFactor) {
        return this;

     * This method sets whether or not the capture task will return the WSQ image in the
     * {@link OnyxResult}
    public OnyxConfigurationBuilder setReturnWSQ(boolean returnWSQ) {
        return this;

     * This method sets whether or not the capture task will return the {@link com.dft.onyx.FingerprintTemplate} in the
     * {@link OnyxResult}
    public OnyxConfigurationBuilder setReturnFingerprintTemplate(boolean returnFingerprintTemplate) {
        return this;

     * This method sets whether or not the capture task will return a PGM formatted byte[] in the
     * {@link OnyxResult}
    public OnyxConfigurationBuilder setReturnPGMFormatByteArray(boolean returnPGMFormatByteArray) {
        return this;

     * This method sets whether or not the capture task should convert the FingerprintTemplate
     * to an ISO Template
     * @param shouldConvertToISOTemplate true if the FingerprintTemplate should be converted
    public OnyxConfigurationBuilder setShouldConvertToISOTemplate(boolean shouldConvertToISOTemplate) {
        return this;

     * This method sets the imageRotation amount for the image.
     * @param rotation an integer specifying the imageRotation amount (0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees).
     * @note only 90 degree rotations are supported for speed reasons.
    public OnyxConfigurationBuilder setImageRotation(int rotation) {
        return this;

     * This method sets whether or not to set the crop to the whole finger.
     * @param width sets the width of the center crop area.
     * @param height sets the height of the center crop area.
    public OnyxConfigurationBuilder setCropSize(double width, double height) {
        onyxConfig.setCropSize(new Size(width, height));
        return this;

     * This method sets the crop factor to use when cropping the finger portion from the image.
     * @param cropFactor
     * @return
    public OnyxConfigurationBuilder setCropFactor(double cropFactor) {
        return this;

     * This method sets whether or not to show the spinner while waiting for Onyx to load its setup
     * @param showSpinner
    public OnyxConfigurationBuilder setShowLoadingSpinner(boolean showSpinner) {
        return this;

     * This method sets whether or not to use the manual capture instead of the auto-capture.
     * Manual capture is where the operator will tap the screen in order to capture.
     * algorithm for deteching the finger.
    public OnyxConfigurationBuilder setUseManualCapture(boolean useManualCapture) {
        return this;

     * This method sets whether or not to use Onyx liveness detection for real/fake finger detection
     * @param useOnyxLive
    public OnyxConfigurationBuilder setUseOnyxLive(boolean useOnyxLive) {
        return this;

     * This method sets the flash mode on (true) or off (false)
     * @param useFlash
    public OnyxConfigurationBuilder setUseFlash(boolean useFlash) {
        return this;

     * This method sets the {@link com.dft.onyxcamera.ui.reticles.Reticle.Orientation}.  This was
     * for use with the single finger capture for changing the orientation for left or right or
     * vertical orientation for thumb captures.
     * @param reticleOrientation
    public OnyxConfigurationBuilder setReticleOrientation(Reticle.Orientation reticleOrientation) {
        return this;

     * This method sets the angle of the reticle
     * @param reticleAngle the degree angle to rotate the reticle
     * positive values rotate clockwise
    public OnyxConfigurationBuilder setReticleAngle(float reticleAngle) {
        return this;

     * This method sets the preference for the layout of capture UI.  The options are FULL_SCREEN
     * or UPPER_THIRD.  The UPPER_THIRD is a carry-over from previous versions of Onyx and is
     * for backwards compatibility with the older versions.
     * @param layoutPreference
    public OnyxConfigurationBuilder setLayoutPreference(OnyxConfiguration.LayoutPreference layoutPreference) {
        return this;

     * This method sets the configuration to use MittOverlayReticleView.  The first argument is
     * to enable the "Mitt" style four finger reticle.  The second argument determines if the
     * layout should be set to the right hand layout.
    public OnyxConfigurationBuilder setUseFourFingerReticle(boolean useFourFingerReticle) {
        return this;

     * This method thresholds the processed image to black and white pixels (necessary for some matchers)
    public OnyxConfigurationBuilder setThresholdProcessedImage(boolean thresholdProcessedImage) {
        return this;

     * This method configures Onyx to compute NFIQ metrics
    public OnyxConfigurationBuilder setComputeNfiqMetrics(boolean computeNfiqMetrics) {
        return this;

     * This method configures the target pixels per inch
    public OnyxConfigurationBuilder setTargetPixelsPerInch(double pixelsPerInch) {
        return this;

     * This method configures Onyx with a unique user id
    public OnyxConfigurationBuilder setUniqueUserID(String uniqueUserID) {
        return this;

     * This method configures Onyx to perform a quality check by matching an existing template
    public OnyxConfigurationBuilder setPerformQualityCheckMatch(boolean isPerformQualityCheckMatch) {
        return this;

     * This method configures Onyx to upload capture metrics result
    public OnyxConfigurationBuilder setUploadMetrics(boolean isUploadMetrics) {
        return this;

     * This method configures Onyx to use a lens focus distance for camera2 API compatible devices.
     * This is used to set a "fixed focus" distance.  The value can vary based on the device
     * capabilities.  If the supplied parameter is not valid for the device, it will attempt a
     * default value based on information reported by the device.  If this does not work, it will
     * fall back to auto-focus for the device.
    public OnyxConfigurationBuilder setLensFocusDistanceCamera2(float lensFocusDistanceCamera2) {
        return this;

     * This method configures Onyx to only return an OnyxResult if the image quality is only
     * of high quality.  It will continue to trigger image captures until it gets
     * high quality images.  The quality check is only done on the first finger to allow for thumb
     * capture currently.
    public OnyxConfigurationBuilder setReturnOnlyHighQualityImages(boolean isReturnOnlyHighQualityImages) {
        return this;

     * This method configures Onyx to return an OnyxError if the image quality is an NFIQ score
     * of 5, indicating that it is not a usable image, and should not be used.
    public OnyxConfigurationBuilder setReturnOnyxErrorOnNFIQScore5(boolean isReturnOnyxErrorOnNFIQScore5) {
        return this;

     * This method configures Onyx to enable or disable the camera shutter sound if this option
     * is available on the device.  Not all device manufactuers implement this, so it is not
     * guaranteed to work on all devices.  The default is true for this configuration.
    public OnyxConfigurationBuilder setEnableShutterSound(boolean isEnableShutterSound) {
        return this;

     * This method configures Onyx with the range to use for minimum and maximum capture distances
     * This will usually be in a range from 19 to 32.
    public OnyxConfigurationBuilder setCaptureDistanceRange(float minCaptureDistance, float maxCaptureDistance) {
        return this;

     * This method configures Onyx with the thumb scale factor to use.
    public OnyxConfigurationBuilder setThumbScaleFactor(double thumbScaleFactor) {
        return this;

     * Notice: This setting only works on devices that support FULL camera2 API support and
     * possibly that have high enough hardware specs to run smoothly.  It may not work on all devices.
     * This method configures Onyx to use the Camera2 API for preview image streaming instead
     * of taking still picture image captures, and it takes a lower and upper FPS settings to
     * control the frame rate.
    @RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP)
    public OnyxConfigurationBuilder setUseCamera2PreviewStreaming(boolean useCamera2PreviewStreaming,
                                                                  int lowerFps, int upperFps) {
        Range<Integer>[] fps = new Range[1];
        fps[0] = Range.create(lowerFps,upperFps);
        return this;

     * This method builds the OnyxConfiguration object with the specified parameters, and
     * checks that all configuration setup is complete before returning the {@link Onyx} via
     * {@link com.dft.onyxcamera.config.OnyxConfiguration.OnyxCallback#onConfigured onConfigured}
    public void buildOnyxConfiguration() {
        onyxConfig.setCaptureAnimationCallback(new CaptureAnimationCallbackUtil()
        Onyx onyx = new Onyx();
