DH-IT-Portal-Development / ethics

Ethical Committee web application in Django
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Changes to the information and consent forms for institutions and minors #391

Open miggol opened 2 years ago

miggol commented 2 years ago

In the future, the FETC wishes to largely do away with Passive IC and focus on Algemeen Belang instead. Besides the changes described in the mail of the 28th, more changes are required to the documents page. Further discussion is needed to figure out what exactly we're going to do, and how much we can get done before the new regulations come into effect.

Current status: Passive IC will be removed with merging to prod of #439 . Then we need a new modular documents system for the changes to information letters. We also kind of need #446 before making more major changes to fields. Then we should be set to implement the rest of Algemeen belang.

djhcapel commented 2 years ago

The term 'passive consent' should be deleted from the application form asap; this is not used anymore and is not mentioned in the regulations. This will certainly lead to confusion.

miggol commented 1 year ago

Now that #422 is coming to a close, I'm pasting this comment by @djhcapel here so it doesn't get lost:

In the practice portal, I noticed that different sets are requested for different age groups (situation: recruiting and test at schools): 16+: IL and DoC participants ánd school management 6-11 years ánd 12-15 years: IL and DoC participants only.

Documents for participants: The sets for the 16+ age group are okay. The sets for the 6-11 and 12-15 groups are incomplete, see below: the documents for the management of the institution are missing.

Further, in case the data collection concerns underage participants (I do not know if the text below can be displayed only when these age groups are ticked???), it should be stated somewhere that:

If children are 11 years old or younger: only parents/guardians need to sign the declaration of consent.
If children are between 12 and 15 years of age, both parents/guardians and the child needs to sign the declaration of consent. You may consider composing separate information letters for children on the one hand and parents/guardians on the other hand: the extra letter can be uploaded as an 'additional form'. (Note: two documents then have to be uploaded; in case you only have one additional form, please upload an empty document as the second form.)
Children of 16 years and older may sign the declaration of consent independently of their parents/guardians.

Documents for management: In all situations in which someone should consent to the research being conducted at their premises, a second set of documents should be uploaded, i.e. an IL and a DoC for the management of that institution.

This not only concerns schools, but also 'peuterspeelzaal/dagopvang/buitenschoolse opvang', ' logopediepraktijk' and 'zorginstelling'.

In those cases, the text for the second set of forms should not read: 'Toestemmingsverklaring van de schoolleider/hoofd van het departement' (which was incorrect anyway, cause it also concerns the IL), but:

Documenten voor de leiding/het management van de instelling:

Upload hier de informatiebrief voor de leiding/het management van de instelling(in .pdf of .doc(x)-formaat): Upload hier de toestemmingsverklaring voor de leiding/het management van de instelling(in .pdf of .doc(x)-formaat):

Please note that #439 was only about removing Passive IC to prevent confusion, and we will now continue implementing the regulations' changes relating to algemeen belang and research with minors.

(description has been updated)