DH-IT-Portal-Development / ethics

Ethical Committee web application in Django
MIT License
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Some users are not flagged properly as humanities #611

Open tymees opened 4 months ago

tymees commented 4 months ago

We've had two topdesk tickets (M240215147 and M240204594) indicating the portal does not think they work at GW.

Not entirely sure why, in both cases their Solis ID is properly flagged as hum-affiliated. Maybe the IdP just didn't send that info?

In both cases the user in question did not have any faculty assigned, so maybe we should change the text of that specific case to be less definite?

tymees commented 2 months ago

So the 'we don't know any faculty' text is definitly too harsh, and should be more honest about the situation.

Proposal new texts:

Faculty known: (unchanged)

Deze portal is bedoeld voor medewerkers (en studenten) van de Faculteit Geesteswetenschappen. Volgens onze gegevens werk/studeer je bij de {X}. Controleer of je inderdaad een aanvraag wilt indienen bij de Facultaire Ethische Toetsingscommissie van Geesteswetenschappen. Als je vermoedt dat dit incorrect is, neem dan contact op met portal support.

Faculty unknown:

Wij konden niet verifieren bij welke faculteit je in dienst bent. Deze portal is bedoeld voor medewerkers (en studenten) van de Faculteit Geesteswetenschappen. Controleer of je inderdaad een aanvraag wilt indienen bij de Facultaire Ethische Toetsingscommissie van Geesteswetenschappen. Indien dat het geval is kan de portal gewoon gebruiken. Voor vragen kan je contact opnemen met portal support.

@djhcapel Is this okay?

djhcapel commented 2 months ago

I did not understand what 'dit' referred to in the Faculty known text? Suggestion (if my understanding is correct, but why would they need to contact you?):

Deze portal is bedoeld voor medewerkers (en studenten) van de Faculteit Geesteswetenschappen. Volgens onze gegevens werk/studeer je bij de {X}. Controleer of je inderdaad een aanvraag wilt indienen bij de Facultaire Ethische Toetsingscommissie van Geesteswetenschappen. Als je niet verbonden bent aan {X}, neem dan contact op met portal support.

tymees commented 2 months ago

'Dit' indeed refers to 'we think you belong to x'. So your new wording would be clearer.

As to why they would need to contact us; well, it's mainly just to provide a 'complaints' contact. But, it might happen that someone is employed by multiple faculties, and we simply do not know atm what that would do. (No real-life testcase for it).

But my main concern is the 'faculty unknown' text. Is that text okay?

djhcapel commented 2 months ago

faculty unknown' text

tymees commented 2 months ago

Some actual info on the issue:


At first read, it would imply that the user object does not yet exist. Which might make sense for new users, which admitedly isn't something I thoroughly tested.

However, I'm not confinced that this is actually the case, for multiple reasons: