DHBW-Projekt / BeePublished

GNU General Public License v3.0
21 stars 20 forks source link

Developer Setup Instructions


  1. Go to http://code.google.com/p/msysgit/downloads/list (Mac-User: http://code.google.com/p/git-osx-installer/)
  2. Download Git-1.7.7
  3. Start the installer
  4. Choose 'Run git from the windows command prompt' and 'use OpenSSH'. Default selection can be used for all other settings.
  5. Start GitBash (Mac-Users: use "Terminal")
  6. Type: git config --global user.name "Your Name" Enter your first and lastname.
  7. Type: git config --global user.email my@mail.com Enter the mail address with which you want to sign up at github.
  8. Type: ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "my@mail.com" The mail address need to match the mail address you just entered
  9. Just keep the standard path. You don't need to provide a password.


  1. Go to https://github.com/signup/free
  2. Enter your data to create an account
  3. Go to your account settings
  4. Choose SSH Public Keys
  5. Click "Add another public key"
  6. Find the file C:\Users\Name.ssh\id_rsa.pub (Mac-User: Finder => Shift+Cmd+G => /Users/<>/.ssh and open id_rsa.pub with TextEdit )
  7. Copy and paste the content of the file into the field on the github website
  8. Save Changes
  9. Go to GitBash (Mac: Terminal) and type ssh -T git@github.com to check your settings
    1. "Are you sure you want to continue?" ==> YES
    2. You should get the messaege "Hi <>! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access."
    3. Goto https://github.com/WWI09SWB/DualonCMS and create a fork (Click "Fork")

Local development environment

  1. Create a directory on your hard drive
  2. Start GitBash
  3. Change to the directory you just created
  4. Type: git clone git@github.com:<< username >>/DualonCMS.git
  5. Type: cd DualonCMS
  6. Type: git remote add upstream git@github.com:WWI09SWB/DualonCMS.git
  7. Type: git fetch upstream


  1. Download Eclipse Indigo
  2. Via Help -> Install new software... install the following components:
    • PHP Development Tools (PDT)
    • Eclipse EGit
  3. Switch to "Git Repository Exploring" perspective (you might have to add it via Window -> Open Perspective
  4. Click: "Add an existing local Git Repository to this view"
  5. Select the directory where you created the repository and add it
  6. Right click on you Repository and select Import projects
  7. Select Import general project
  8. After creating the project switch to the PHP perspective
  9. Right click on your project and select Configure -> Add PHP Support


  1. Create a new branch for every new feature or bugfix. The name of the branch should match the name of the task in the project management system.
  2. To create a branch select: Team -> Switch to -> New branch
  3. When you're done with all changes commit the changes: Team -> Commit
  4. You can merge Branches via Team -> Merge

Other things to to (everything can also be accessed via Team in Eclipse)

Sending code to the master repository

  1. go to your github site and select the branch, that contains all the commits you did
  2. click on "pull request"
  3. you can then review your commit and type in a message for the admins
  4. you can manage your requests by clicking "Pull requests" on your dashboard