DHBern / parzival-static-api

Data endpoints for the Parzival DSE (2024 incarnation)
ISC License
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Static backend for Parzival app(s)


Data is generated using src/generate.xsl and served under dist.

In addition to this, the script also serves to fetch export files from the working environment (parzDB database). As fetching the nearly 900 files takes a while, it is recommended to execute the function only when needed (e.g. after significant data updates).

Lastly, the repository also contains a template for a TEIPublisher application (src/teipb) serving as a base for a xar file created during the CI procedures. This file is deployed at https://dhbern.github.io/parzival-static-api/parzival-*.xar and fetched by the pop-up publisher instance (see https://github.com/DHBern/presentation_parzival for more context).


Future options