Package to supply a comprehensive list of commands for the DIRAC user interface
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Package to supply a comprehensive list of UNIX-like commands for the DIRAC user interface

Provided commands can serve several purposes:

User Client Configuration

Users can customize their client behaviour. The configuration file lies in $HOME/.dirac/dcommands.conf.

This file is a ConfigParser formatted file (see: http://docs.python.org/2/library/configparser.html).

Here is a sample configuration file:

# dcommands.conf

# global client configuration (mainly default profile)
default_profile = frangrilles_user

# frangrilles_user profile
# DIRAC group name for this profile
group_name = frangrilles_user
# Home directory
home_dir = /vo.france-grilles.fr/user/p/pgay
# default destination for commanddput
default_se = M3PEC-disk
# default options for command drepl
replication_scheme = all()
replication_ses = LAL-disk,CPPM-disk,MSFG-disk

# other profile
home_dir = /
group_name = dirac_user

It contains a [global] section and some named profile sections. Profiles sections are used by dinit command to configure session with some user profile.


Session Environment Commands

COMDIRAC sessions are built from a user profile (see User client configuration).

Sessions are used by all commands to remember client state (think of shell environment variables)

Each session is applicable to the Unix process calling the COMDIRAC command.


File Catalog Files And Directories

These commands, like others in COMDIRAC, require LFN path arguments for files and directories. These LFN paths are specified without any prefix (no "lfn:").

The main feature of these commands is to provide a sort of File Catalog "working directory" within user session. This working directory can be set and printed with dcd and dpwd, respectively. When correctly set, working directory allows user to name LFNs using relative paths.


Data Management

These commands, like others in COMDIRAC, require LFN path arguments for files and directories. These LFN paths are specified without any prefix (no "lfn:").

When a local path is needed, as with dget or dput, it is deduced from command context. For example, local path is last argument with command dget, while it is first with dput.


File Catalog Metadata Management


Jobs Management
