DIT112-V19 / group-02

Documentation on a smart car project for mine detection.
MIT License
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SafeSweeper (Group-02) Build Status codecov.io

A Cheap and Safe way of Disabling Land Mines


We are seven software developers (listed at the bottom) aimed at delivering a product to our client team (listed below) who are looking for an innovative car that could add value to the client and the society as a whole.


A cheap, small, remotely driven car with the capabilities of detecting mines to enable them to be safely disarmed. This project relates to development of mobile application that interacts and control the small car's hardware which is operated by software that is described in detail below.


Anually, over 5000 innocent people are injured by land mines. Most of those are civilians, which makes this a huge humanitarian issue. Disabling land mines could be unsafe for humans and animals involved. The use of a light weight small car with capability of moving through a specific field, by avoiding obstacles, would facilitate the process realising the aforementioned purpose.


The following are some of the hardware that are currently used in development. As the project develops, the list could be updated depending on the need of the project which aims to provide a satisfactory product for the client. The use of RFID and its reader could model the mines and the sensor respectively.


Arduino libraries

Android libraries


Client Team
