DIT112-V19 / group-06

MIT License
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README Content: Build Status

1.0 Introduction 2.0 General information

1.0 Introduction

This is a repository including the code and listed hardware needed to complete this Smartcar. The Smartcar Shield makes it possible for the user to make various types of robotic applications without spending enormous amount of time and money. It opens for a pedagogic learning experience. It suits people with lower experience in programming as well as more educated persons due to its open source, object oriented design and high level API making it easier to program.

-> demo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHMe0ubszqI

2.0 General information:

This product is developed to optimize work in different areas such as Airports, Warehouse, Public transport, Restaurants etc. The system is developed to reduce the human fault factor and ensure a safe workplace for everyone.

2.1 System overview:

This system is a product of a software for automated vehicles combined with an app to control the process. The vehicle is implemented with line/object following, obstacle avoidance and a manual drive mode to ensure safety and efficiency at every workplace.

2.2 How does it work?

The system is based on an app for controlling what your specific vehicle should do. The app needs to run on a mobile device with bluetooth connection to be able to automatically connect to the vehicle. With the app you can control the different functionalities either through pressing the buttons or using the voice controlled option. The app and the functionalities of every button is listed below with explanations:

2.3 Hardware list:

2.4 Software list:

3.1 5-step Installation:

Download the softwares needed (Arduino IDE and Android studio). Import the code from the repository. Install the Smartcar shield in Arduino IDE. Upload the code to your arduino using a surge protector* Upload the Android application to a Android device.

*a surge protector is recommended to prevent damage on your computers hardware.

3.2 Start up:

Turn on the power switch of your vehicle. Run the application on a android device with bluetooth connectability and make sure it's connected. Use the app to control the functionalities of your vehicle.

4.0 Developers