DITAS-Project / VDC-Request-Monitor

Reverse Proxy for VDC Traffic. Used to transparently gather logging information.
Apache License 2.0
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monitoring tub vdc

DITAS - VDC Request Monitor

The VDC Request Monitor is one of the monitoring sidecars used to observe the behavior of VDCs within the DITAS project. The agent acts and ingress controller to the VDC and observes any incoming and outgoing HTTP/HTTPS traffic.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


To install the go lang tools go to: Go Getting Started

To run the monitor with Authorization enabled, you need to have an Identity Provider running. For our example Config we use a Keycloak instance. To run your own Keycloak server visit http://blog.keycloak.org/2015/10/getting-started-with-keycloak.html and follow the instructions. See also the DITAS Keycloak documentation.


For installation you have two options, building and running it on your local machine or using the docker approach.

For local testing and building for that you can follow the following steps:


CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -a --installsuffix cgo --ldflags="-w -s -X main.Build=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" -o request-monitor

to run locally:


For the docker approach, you can use the provided dockerfile to build a running artifact as a Docker container.

build the docker container:

docker build -t ditas/request-monitor -f Dockerfile.artifact . 

Attach the docker container to a VDC or other microservice like component:

docker run -v ./monitor.json:/etc/ditas/monitor.json --pid=container:<APPID> -p <HTTP-port>:80 -p <HTTPS-port>:443 ditas/request-monitor

Here <APPID> must be the container ID of the application you want to observe. The <HTTP-port> and <HTTPS-port> can be set as desidered. Also, refer to the Configuration section for information about the monitor.json-config file.

Running the tests

Before testing run prepare.sh in the testing folder.

For testing you can use:

 go test ./...

Use -short if you do not have docker on your machine than some integration tests will be skipped.

For that make sure you have an elastic search running locally at the default port and some sort of local service that can process HTTP traffic, we recommend net-cat in listening mode nc -l 8080.


To configure the agent, you can specify the following values in a JSON file:


An example file could look like this:

    "ElasticBasicAuth": true,
    "ElasticUser": "user",
    "ElasticPassword": "123456",
    "IgnoreElastic": false,
    "Port": 80,
    "InfrastructureID": "fog-1",
    "ZipkinEndpoint": http://localhost:9411,
    "UseACME": true,
    "UseIAM": true,
    "KeyCloakURL": "",
    "ForwardBenchmark": false,
    "BMSURL": "http://localhost:8081/sample",
    "DemoMode": false,
    "DemoSecret": "someSecretString",
    "SimulateInfrastructure": false,
    "DANGERZONE": false


Alternatively, users can use flags with the same name to configure the agent.

Built With


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 - see the LICENSE.md file for details.


This is being developed for the DITAS Project