DIYgod / RSSHub

🧡 Everything is RSSible
MIT License
30.72k stars 6.87k forks source link
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🧡 Everything is RSSible

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RSSHub is an open source, easy to use, and extensible RSS feed generator. It's capable of generating RSS feeds from pretty much everything.

RSSHub delivers millions of contents aggregated from all kinds of sources, our vibrant open source community is ensuring the deliver of RSSHub's new routes, new features and bug fixes.

RSSHub can be used with browser extension RSSHub Radar and mobile auxiliary app RSSBud (iOS) and RSSAid (Android)

English docs | Telegram Group | Telegram Channel | Twitter | 中文文档

Special Thanks


Logo designer sheldonrrr



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RSSHub is open source and completely free under the MIT license. However, just like any other open source project, as the project grows, the hosting, development and maintenance requires funding support.

You can support RSSHub via donations.

Recurring Donation

Recurring donors will be rewarded via express issue response, or even have your name displayed on our GitHub page and website.

One-time Donation

We accept donations via the following ways:

Open source is a very expensive thing. RSSHub would not be possible without the help of these individuals and organizations.


RSSHub © DIYgod, Released under the MIT License.
Authored and maintained by DIYgod with help from contributors (list).

Blog @DIYgod · GitHub @DIYgod · Twitter @DIYgod · Telegram Channel @awesomeDIYgod