DJ-Dingo / pibooth-oled-display

OLED display Plugin for Pibooth. Can show Logo/Pictures/Animated Gif, numbers of Photo Taken, Printed, Forgotten, Remaining_Duplicates, Date-Time or 3 x Free Text.
GNU General Public License v3.0
2 stars 0 forks source link

==================== pibooth-oled-display

|PythonVersions| |PypiPackage| |Downloads|

pibooth-oled-display is a plugin for the pibooth_ application.

.. image:: :align: center :alt: I2c 3v3 OLED display simple setup x 2

| Add 1 or 2 small OLED display (Monochrome or Color) through I2c or SPI.

(parallel mode will not be suported).

| Features

It can show up to 3 lines of Text, with or without Counters, with numbers of Photos Taken, Printed Photos, Forgotten Photos, Remaining Duplicates. Or Date-Time, Text_Only or an Empty line.

.. image:: :align: center :alt: OLED display examples

| There is also an option for showing your own or default pibooth state images for each States_

| And it is able of showing Image or Animated Gif with your own Logo, like Pibooth Logo,

.. |image1| image:: :alt: OLED display examples

.. |image2| image:: :alt: OLED display examples

|image1| |image2|

.. Note:: Text / Counters can be Sized, Centered, or moved Right or Down, to match the display. Changes can be made in the Pibooth Menu or in the config.cfg file.

Don't be scared by this long manual, it´s there to cover all the different OLED displays on the marked. If you only have an 3v3 I2c OLED display all you need is 4 wires to your Pi, and installing the plugin.

.. contents::


Hardware ^^^^^^^^

.. |image5| image:: :alt: OLED display


Tested OLED Displays ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

=============== ========================== =========== ===== ===== OLED displays Display Resolutions TESTED SPI I2C =============== ========================== =========== ===== =====

| SPI are a little faster than I2c, but also uses more wires to the raspberry pi. | Personally I use I2c 3v3 displays, since it is only 4 wires to the Pi.

Most common OLED displays are these 3 (I prefer size 0.96, 1.3 or higher″)



$ pip3 install pibooth-oled-display

I2c Configuration

Enabling I2c interface on the Raspberry Pi ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

| The I2C peripheral is not turned on by default.

There are two methods to enable I2c.

| (Be aware that newer Raspberry PI OS systems can have a different way to turn on I2c).

I recommend checking the official Raspberry Pi documentation_ or the latest resources provided by the Raspberry Pi community. They will provide the most accurate instructions for configuring the I2C interface on your specific version of the Raspberry Pi.

Raspberry Pi Configuration via Desktop GUI

raspi-config Tool via Terminal

Again, we can use raspi-config to enable it.

The system will reboot. when it comes back up, log in and enter the following command in terminal

ls /dev/*i2c*

The Pi should respond with


Which represents the user-mode I2C interface.

How to find your I2c addresss ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

| You need to know the address of your I2c.

You can find it writing this command in the command line:

sudo i2cdetect -y 1

In this case the address of the display is 0x3C.

.. |image7| image:: :alt: Detect I2C Address


How to change I2c address ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

| Only if needed:

(check the manual of your display, or search the internet)

SPI Configuration

Enabling SPI interface on the Raspberry Pi ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

| The SPI peripheral is not turned on by default.

There are two methods to adjust the settings.

| (Be aware that newer Raspberry PI OS systems can have a different way to turn on SPI).

I recommend checking the official Raspberry Pi documentation_ or the latest resources provided by the Raspberry Pi community. They will provide the most accurate instructions for configuring the SPI interface on your specific version of the Raspberry Pi.

Raspberry Pi Configuration via Desktop GUI

raspi-config Tool via Terminal

Again, we can use raspi-config to enable it.

The system will reboot. when it comes back up, log in and enter the following command in terminal.

ls /dev/spidev*

| This command lists the SPI devices available in the /dev directory. | If SPI is enabled, you should see output similar to

/dev/spidev0.0 /dev/spidev0.1 If SPI is not enabled, you will see an error message or no output.

I2c Circuit diagram and wiring - (ONLY with 3v3 displays)

I2c Circuit diagram - (ONLY with 3v3 displays) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

| Here is the diagram for hardware connections without an Logic Level Converter.


The Vcc and GND on the OLED displays are not always the same, so it is verry important that you check Vcc and GND is set correctly.

.. image:: :align: center :alt: OLED I2c Circuit diagram - (ONLY with 3v3 displays)

I2c Wire - (ONLY with 3v3 displays) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


============ ======== ======================== Display Pins RPi-PINs Info
============ ======== ======================== VCC 3v3 PIN 1 3v3 ONLY GND (Ground) PIN 6 Ground pin of the module SCL (Clock) PIN 5 Acts as the clock pin. SDA (Data) PIN 3 Data pin of the module. ============ ======== ========================

I2c Circuit diagram - (5v displays) with an Logic Level Converter

I2C circuit diagram - (5v displays) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Here is the diagram for hardware connections with and Logic Level Converter. IMPORTANT The Vcc and GND on the OLED display are not always the same, so it is verry important that you check Vcc and GND is set correctly.

.. image:: :align: center :alt: I2C circuit diagram - (5v displays)

I2c wire - (5v displays) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

IMPORTENT: If you use 5v to power the OLED display most OLEDs can also run on 3v3, check your manual.

Since the Raspberry Pi GPIO only handle 3.3v, it will therefore be a good idea to use a Logic Level Converter when using 5v to power the display, so you don't fryed your pi.

.. |image9| image:: :alt: I2c wire - (5v displays) 4-channel Logic Level converter



| OLED-I2c to the HV (High Level) side, on the Level Converter HV.

(Display >> level converter HV side)

============ =============== ========================================= Display Pins Level converter Info
============ =============== ========================================= GND GND Dsplay GND to the level converter GND VCC HV (HV ) Display VC to the level converter HV SCL (Clock) HV2 (HV2) SCL <> HV2 on the Level Converter SDA (Data) HV1 (HV1) SDA <> HV1 on the Level Converter ============ =============== =========================================

| RPi (BOARD numbering scheme) to LV (Low Level) side, on the Level Converter.

(Raspberry Pi >> Level converter LV side)

===== ===== =============== ========================================== RPi Pins Level converter Info
===== ===== =============== ========================================== GND Pin 6 GND RPi GND to GND on the level converter 3.3v Pin 1 LV (LV ) RPi (3v3) to LV on the Level Converter 5v Pin 2 HV (HV ) RPi (5v) to HV on the Level Converter SCL Pin 5 LV2 (LV2) SCL <> LV2 on the Level Converter SDA Pin 3 LV1 (LV1) SDA <> LV1 on the Level Converter ===== ===== =============== ==========================================

SPI Circuit diagram and Wiring

SPI circuit diagram (ONLY with 3v3 displays) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Here is the diagram for hardware connections without and Logic Level Converter.

If your OLED display use 5v instead of 3v3, it demands an 8 Channel Logic Level Converter, you should get one or you risk frye your pi.

IMPORTANT The Vcc and GND on an OLED display are not always the same, so it is verry important that you check Vcc and GND is set correctly.

.. image:: :align: center :alt: SPI circuit diagram (ONLY with 3v3 displays)

SPI wire setup - (ONLY with 3v3 displays) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

======== ============ ========== ============== ============================================================ 7 Pins Remarks RPi-PIN RPi GPIO Info ======== ============ ========== ============== ============================================================ VCC Power Pin PIN 1 3V3 3V3 ONLY - CHECK YOUR DISPLAY GND Ground PIN 6 GND Ground pin of the module D0, SCL Clock PIN 23 GPIO 11 (SCLK) Acts as the clock pin. D1, SDA MOSI PIN 19 GPIO 10 (MOSI) Data pin of the module. RST Reset PIN 22 GPIO 25 Resets the module, useful during SPI DC, A0 Data/Command PIN 18 GPIO 24 Data Command pin. Used for SPI protocol CS Chip Select PIN 24 GPIO 8 (CE0) Useful when more than one module is used under SPI protocol PIN 26 GPIO 7 (CE1) Useful when more than one module is used under SPI protocol ======== ============ ========== ============== ============================================================

If you have a 8 pins OLED display with "Vin" connect 3v3 to Vin and leave VCC empty. (or check the internet for more info on how to setup your display)

SPI wire - (5v display) with a Logic Level Converter ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

You will need a 8 channel Logic Level Converter to use SPI with 5v. Or you can use 2 x 4 channels Logic Level Converters.

| Same princip as I2c Circuit diagram - (5v displays) with an Logic Level Converter_


States images ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. image:: :align: center :alt: OLED State pictures

| If you need to change states images or add missing resolutions to fit your display

Look at How to show your own States images_.

| These states are showing on the display, if Show state pictures is activated

| ´choose´ ´chosen´ ´preview´ ´capture´

´processing´ ´print´ ´finish´ ´failsafe´

States description ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. image:: :align: center :alt: State sequence

Setup in Pibooth Menu

OLED Display - (SETUP) - Pibooth Menu ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

| You enter the menu by using Esc on your keyboard.

Be aware that this plugin can sometimes make the reaction to enter the menu slow (2-3 sec).

| At the first time you make changes in the Menu, a configuration file is generated in '~/.config/pibooth/pibooth.cfg'

which permits to configure the behavior of the plugin.

.. image:: :align: center :alt: OLED Display - (Setup) - Pibooth Menu

OLED Display - (MODIFY) - Pibooth Menu ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

| You enter the menu by using Esc on you keyboard.

Be aware that this plugin can sometimes make the reaction to enter the menu slow (2-3 sec).

| At the first time you make changes in the Menu, a configuration file is generated in '~/.config/pibooth/pibooth.cfg'

which permits to configure the behavior of the plugin.

.. image:: :align: center :alt: OLED Display - (Modify) - Pibooth Menu

Setup in config.cfg

| Options are also available by editing the configuration file. | But it is easier to Setup in Pibooth Menu_

under Oled display - (setup) and Oled display - (modify)

Edit config.cfg by using the command line or a text editor


$ pibooth --config

OLED DISPLAY - (SETUP) - config.cfg ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


| [OLED DISPLAY - (SETUP)] | # Choose OLED device - 'ssd1306 (Default)', 'ssd1309', 'ssd1322', 'ssd1325', 'ssd1327', 'ssd1331', 'ssd1362', 'sh1106' | # Required by 'oled_display' plugin

oled_devices = ssd1306

| # Display connection 'I2c' or 'SPI' | # Required by 'oled_display' plugin

oled_i2c_or_spi = I2c

| # I2c address (Default=0x3c) | # Required by 'oled_display' plugin

oled_port_address = 0x3c

| # Change SPI device number '0', '1' or '2' (Default = 0) | # Required by 'oled_display' plugin

oled_spi_device_number = 0

| # Change the I2c or SPI port number - (I2c = '1' - SPI = '0', '1', '2') | # Required by 'oled_display' plugin

oled_port = 1

| # SPI only GPIO DC PIN (Default=24) | # Required by 'oled_display' plugin

oled_spi_gpio_dc_pin = 24

| # SPI only GPIO RST PIN (Default=25) | # Required by 'oled_display' plugin

oled_spi_gpio_rst_pin = 25

| # Change screen WIDTH - '32', '48', '64', '80', '96', '128(Default)', '160', '240', '256', '320' | # Required by 'oled_display' plugin

oled_width = 128

| # Change screen HEIGHT - '32', '48', '64(Default)', '80', '96', '128', '160', '240', '256', '320' | # Required by 'oled_display' plugin

oled_height = 64

| # Color mode - '1 = Monochrome (Default)', 'RGB', 'RGBA' | # Required by 'oled_display' plugin

oled_color_mode = 1

| # Rotate screen - '0 (Default)', '1', '2', '3' | # Required by 'oled_display' plugin

oled_rotate = 0

OLED DISPLAY - (MODIFY) - config.cfg ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

| [OLED DISPLAY - (MODIFY)] | # Show state pictures - 'Yes' or 'No' | # Required by 'oleddisplay' plugin - (See States for more info on how it works)

oled_states_pictures = Yes

| # Show Logo or Animated Gif (instead of text) - 'Yes' or 'No'

| # Required by 'oled_display' plugin

| # See How to show your own Logo and How to show your own Animated Gif

oled_showlogo = No

| # Logo or Animated Gif in the folder '~/.config/pibooth/oled_display/logo/' | # Required by 'oled_display' plugin

oled_logos = 128x64_Pibooth_2.gif

| # FPS (Frames Per Second) speed for Animated Gif | # Required by 'oled_display' plugin

oled_animated_fps = 15

| # Text-1 - Counters, Text, Date-Time - Could be either 'Taken_Photo', 'Printed', 'Forgotten', 'Remaining_Duplicates', 'Date-Time', 'Empty', 'Text_Only' | # Required by 'oleddisplay' plugin - (Also see How to change the Date-Time format, when using Date-Time)

oled_counter_type1 = Taken_Photo

| # Text-1 Font - You can add more fonts 'Truetype(.ttf)' or 'Opentype(.otf)', in the folder '~/.config/pibooth/oled_display/fonts/'

| # Required by 'oled_display' plugin

oled_font_1 = DejaVuSerif-Bold.ttf

| # Text-1 Color - uses HTML color names. E.g. 'White', 'Red', 'Cyan', 'Silver', 'Blue', 'Grey', 'DarkBlue', 'Black', 'LightBlue', 'Orange', 'Purple', 'Brown', 'Yellow', 'Maroon', 'Lime', 'Green', 'Magenta', 'Olive'.

| (On Monochrome displays colors will be converted to 'White')

| # Required by 'oled_display' plugin

oled_text1_color = white

| # Text-1 - Text with space after to use with counter, or leave empty for counter only

| # Required by 'oled_display' plugin

oled_text_1 = "Photos "

| # Text-1 - Center text on display 'Yes' or 'No' | # Required by 'oled_display' plugin

oled_text_1_center = No

| # Text-1 Size - 19 is default if 3 x text/counters are used on the display at the same time | # Required by 'oled_display' plugin

oled_size_1 = 19

| # Text-1 - Move text 'Right' on display | # Required by 'oled_display' plugin

oled_text1_right = 0

| # Text-1 - Move text 'Down' on display | # Required by 'oled_display' plugin

oled_text1_down = 0

| # Text-2 - Counters, Text, Date-Time - Could be either 'Taken_Photo', 'Printed', 'Forgotten', 'Remaining_Duplicates', 'Date-Time', 'Empty', 'Text_Only' | # Required by 'oleddisplay' plugin - (Also see How to change the Date-Time format, when using Date-Time)

oled_counter_type2 = Printed

| # Text-2 Font - You can add more fonts 'Truetype(.ttf)' or 'Opentype(.otf)', in the folder '~/.config/pibooth/oled_display/fonts/' | # Required by 'oled_display' plugin

oled_font_2 = DejaVuSerif-Bold.ttf

| # Text-2 Color - uses HTML color names. E.g. 'White', 'Red', 'Cyan', 'Silver', 'Blue', 'Grey', 'DarkBlue', 'Black', 'LightBlue', 'Orange', 'Purple', 'Brown', 'Yellow', 'Maroon', 'Lime', 'Green', 'Magenta', 'Olive'. | (On Monochrome displays colors will be converted to 'White') | # Required by 'oled_display' plugin

oled_text2_color = white

| # Text-2 - Text with space after to use with counter, or leave empty for counter only | # Required by 'oled_display' plugin

oled_text_2 = "Printed "

| # Text-2 - Center text on display 'Yes' or 'No' | # Required by 'oled_display' plugin

oled_text_2_center = No

| # Text-2 Size - 19 is default if 3 x text/counters are used on the display at the same time | # Required by 'oled_display' plugin

oled_size_2 = 19

| # Text-2 - Move text 'Right' on display | # Required by 'oled_display' plugin

oled_text2_right = 0

| # Text-2 - Move text 'Down' on display | # Required by 'oled_display' plugin

oled_text2_down = 23

| # Text-3, Counter, Date-Time - Could be either 'Taken_Photo', 'Printed', 'Forgotten', 'Remaining_Duplicates', 'Date-Time', 'Empty', 'Text_Only' | # Required by 'oleddisplay' plugin - (Also see How to change the Date-Time format, when using Date-Time)

oled_counter_type3 = Remaining_Duplicates

| # Text-3 Font - You can add more fonts 'Truetype(.ttf)' or 'Opentype(.otf)', in the folder '~/.config/pibooth/oled_display/fonts/' | # Required by 'oled_display' plugin

oled_font_3 = DejaVuSerif-Bold.ttf

| # Text-3 Color - uses HTML color names. E.g. 'White', 'Red', 'Cyan', 'Silver', 'Blue', 'Grey', 'DarkBlue', 'Black', 'LightBlue', 'Orange', 'Purple', 'Brown', 'Yellow', 'Maroon', 'Lime', 'Green', 'Magenta', 'Olive'. | (On Monochrome displays colors will be converted to 'White') | # Required by 'oled_display' plugin

oled_text3_color = white

| # Text-3 - Text with space after to use with counter, or leave empty for counter only | # Required by 'oled_display' plugin

oled_text_3 = "Remain "

| # Text-3 - Center text on display 'Yes' or 'No' | # Required by 'oled_display' plugin

oled_text_3_center = No

| # Text-3 Size - 19 is default if 3 x text/counters are used on the display at the same time | # Required by 'oled_display' plugin

oled_size_3 = 19

| # Text-3 - Move text 'Right' on display | # Required by 'oled_display' plugin

oled_text3_right = 0

| # Text-3 - Move text 'Down' on display | # Required by 'oled_display' plugin

oled_text3_down = 46

How to use Date-Time / Logo / Animated Gif

How to change the Date-Time format ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

| See all the Date-Time format codes in the following file


You can also find the file Date-Time_Format_Codes.rst in your local pibooth config folder ~/.config/pibooth/oled_display/ after you run the plugin the first time.

Remember to set the size of the text to match the display, after you set your Date-Time format codes.

How to show your own Logo ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

| LOGO - choose Yes in the Pibooth Menu under Logo instead of text

| (Default Logo is the Pibooth logo in resolutions 128x32 or 128x64).

Also look at How to show your own Animated Gif_ as logo.

| Add a new Logo or Animated gif, same resolution as your display ( or lower).

| (pibooth-oled-display support many different image type extensions)

If you add an images with the same name and File extension(s) as some of the default images, only the user images will be showing.

When adding new Logo, you need to restart Pibooth to load it into the logo database. If you delete a user logo that is still in the configuration a default Pibooth Logo will be showing on the display

How to show your own Animated Gif ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

| You can add Animated Gif in the folder ~/.config/pibooth/oled_display/logo/

An choose Yes in Logo instead of text in the Pibooth Menu

On Monochrome displays (black & white) you need the Animated Gif to have a Black bagground. The reason for that is that the luma.oled drivers converts transperent to white color, when using color mode 1.

| Some Animated Gifs with transperent bagground work, but in general they don´t.

| So do some test with Animated Gif´s in the same resolution or less as your display.

All images will be centered automatic on the display.

| ?. Can i use an Animated Gif with colors on an Monochrome display = Yes

But they are not always showing correct, as they will be converted to Black and White or grayscale.

When adding new Animated Gif, you need to restart Pibooth to load them into the Logo database. If you delete a user Animated that is still in the configuration a default Pibooth Logo will be showing on the display

How to show your own States images ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

| STATES - choose Yes in the Pibooth Menu under Show state pictures

| (Default States images are already provided with these display resolutions):

| 128 x 32 pixels 128 x 64 pixels 128 x 128 pixels

| 160 x 128 pixels 192 x 64 pixels 256 x 64 pixels

256 x 128 pixels 256 x 256 pixels 320 x 240 pixels

| Add new .png States images, same resolution as your display, to each folders.

When adding a new states images, it will automatic be used instead of default.

There are 8 folders, and you need 11 .png images with the static names "folder and resolution". Here is an examble on how you should name your states images if you have an display with resolution 128 x 64. You should make images with the same resolution as you display and use the static names with resolution as below, and put them in every folder under each states.

Examples : 128x32 = processing_128x32.png 128x64 = processing_128x64.png

| List of file names for a display with 128x64 resolution

| states/capture/ <>_ capture_128x64.png

| states/choose/ <>_ choose_128x128.png

| states/failure/ <>_ failure_128x64.png

| states/finished/ <>_ finished_128x64.png

| layout needs 4 .png images named like this

| states/layout/ <>_ layout1_128x64.png, layout2_128x64.png, layout3_128x64.png, layout4_128x64.png

| states/preview/ <>_ preview_128x64.png

| states/printer/ <>_ printer_128x64.png

states/processing/ <>_ processing_128x64.png

| You can see the origial gimp files in the origin folder Here <>_ under each folder.

| states/capture/origin/ <>_ capture_128x64.xcf

| states/choose/origin/ <>_ choose_128x64.xcf

| states/failure/origin/ <>_ failure_128x64.xcf

| states/finished/origin/ <>_ finished_128x64.xcf

| Layout has 4 .xcf files, inside each folder for your resolution

| states/layout/origin/ <>_ layout1_128x64.xcf layout2_128x64.xcf layout3_128x64.xcf layout4_128x64.xcf

| states/preview/origin/ <>_ preview_128x64.xcf

| states/printer/origin/ <>_ printer_128x64.xcf

states/processing/origin/ <>_ processing_128x64.xcf

| If you are using an OLED display with other resolution than already supplied,

you need to make a new images and put it in each states folder or display will be empty if states is activated.

| You can convert images with the free GIMP or online services like (this page).

If you have an monochrome display with the resolution 128x64, you can convert or make an image to that resolution (in 8-bit mode).

When adding new States images, you need to restart Pibooth to load them into the States database. If you delete a user State image the default Pibooth States images will be showing on the display

How to add your own Fonts ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

| You can add new Fonts to your local oled_display Fonts folder.


| Fonts will be added as extra font in the Fonts database automatic.

| If you add fonts that has the same name as some of the default fonts,

only the user Fonts will be showing in the menu.

You can download free fonts online, on sites like <>_

When adding new fonts, you need to restart Pibooth to load them into the fonts database. If you delete a user Font that is still in the configuration the default Font 'DejaVuSerif-Bold.ttf' will be used on the display

Tips & Tricks

How to use 2 x OLED displays at the same time ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

How to install the second display plugin ""

Open the config.cfg with this command, and find the line "plugins =" ::

$ pibooth --config

| # Path to custom plugin(s) not installed with pip (list of quoted paths accepted)

plugins = '~/.config/pibooth/oled_display/'

| Now you will have an extra plugin option in pibooth settings, with

Oled display 2 - (Setup) and Oled display 2 - (modify)

.. image:: :align: center :alt: Add an extra OLED display settings

Setup 2 x I2c OLED displays - (Showing seperate things on each display)

Setup 2 x SPI OLED displays - (Showing seperate things on each display)

| I dont know if it work, as i have not testet it yet. But it should work.

And if it work, it will only work if you have the CS PIN on the displays.

Check online for more info about your displays on how to set them up.

Can i use SPI1 ? (e.g.SPI and SPI1 together on the pi)

| The short answer is no. I tryed, but with no luck

I dont think it is suported by the luma.oled drivers.

Setup 2 x OLED displays - (Showing the same things on each display)

| If you want to show the exact same things on 2 or more displays, you dont need the second plugin.

How to use a OLED displays with only 6 pins I2c/SPI ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

| SPI Most 6 PINs displays works out of the box with SPI.

| I2c Can be used with some soldering tricks on the back of the displays, and some extra component.

.. image:: :align: center :alt: Change 6PIN SPI to I2c

| To choose I2c port address, you need to solder a wire from

| You will also need to make a "pull-up and reset circuit" or "reset pull-up circuit."

So you need a 10k resistor, and a 47nf or 100nf capacitor (Ceramic or Electrolytic)

.. |image11| image:: :width: 20% :alt: Reset pull-up circuit


The purpose of this circuit is to provide a stable voltage level and proper reset functionality for the Reset pin of the OLED display. The 10k resistor connected between the Reset pin and VCC is the pull-up resistor, which ensures that the Reset pin remains at a high logic level when it is not actively driven low.

The 47nF or 100nF capacitor connected between the Reset pin and ground serves to stabilize the reset signal by filtering out any noise or voltage fluctuations. It helps ensure that the reset signal is clean and reliable, preventing false triggering or erratic behavior.

By using this pull-up and reset circuit, you are ensuring that the OLED display receives a proper reset signal and is able to turn on reliably. It is a common practice to include these components to ensure the correct functioning of cheap displays with reset pins.

.. --- Links ------------------------------------------------------------------

.. pibooth: .. pibooth_oled_display: .. official Raspberry Pi documentation: .. Date-Time_Format_Codes.rst: .. this page: .. Download Here: .. GIMP: .. Pibooth Menu: #oled-display-modify-pibooth-menu .. _config.cfg: #oled-display-modify-config-cfg

.. |PythonVersions| image:: :target: :alt: Python 3.6+

.. |PypiPackage| image:: :target: :alt: PyPi package

.. |Downloads| image:: :target: :alt: PyPi downloads