GTAHashMap dumped from Alexander Blade's ScriptHookV.dll
IDA: nativeInit(int64 a1):
arg a1 is oldHash
0x18D2 is hashinfo count
unk/qword referenced by jump table case 2,3 is hashtable
struct hashinfo {
uint64_t oldHash;
uint64_t hash[24];
struct hashtable {
Hash searching algorithm (reversed. seems like unfolded):
// equivalant structure: uint64_t hashtable[0x1884][22];
switch(gameVersion) {
// omit break; each case actually breaks;
case 0,1:
newHash = oldHash;
case 2,3: // to 1
newHash = hashtable[x][1] where hashtable[x][0] == oldHash (or newHash = oldHash if x not found)
case 4,5: // to 2
newHash = hashtable[x][1] where hashtable[x][0] == oldHash (or newHash = oldHash if x not found)
newHash = hashtable[x][2] where hashtable[x][1] == newHash (or newHash = oldHash if x not found) // re-search
case 6,7,8,9: // 3
newHash = hashtable[x][1] where hashtable[x][0] == oldHash (or newHash = oldHash if x not found)
newHash = hashtable[x][2] where hashtable[x][1] == newHash (or newHash = oldHash if x not found) // re-search
newHash = hashtable[x][3] where hashtable[x][2] == newHash (or newHash = oldHash if x not found) // re-search
case 10,11:
... 4
case 12,13:
... 5
14,15 6
16,17 7
18,19 8
20,21,22,23 9
24,25 10
26,27 11
28,29 12
30,31,32,33 13
34,35 14
36,37 15
38,39 16
40,41 17
42,43,44,45 18
46,47,48,49 19
50,51,52,53 20
54,55,56,57,58 21
59,60,61,62,63 22
64,65,66,67,68 23
static int searchDepth = 24; /* 0 to 24 */
uint64_t newHash = oldHash;
for (int i = 0; i < fullHashMapCount; i++) {
bool found = false;
for (int j = 0; j < searchDepth; j++) {
if (fullHashMap[i][j] == newHash) {
found = true;
if (fullHashMap[i][j + 1])
newHash = fullHashMap[i][j + 1];
if (found) break;
from idaapi import *
import json
g_hashtable = 0x18002D730
g_hashinfo_count = 0x18D2
g_hash_count = 24
def ReadHashInfo(ea, hash_count):
return [get_64bit(ea + i*8) for i in range(0, hash_count) ]
def ReadHashTable(ea, hashinfo_count, hash_count):
return [ReadHashInfo(ea + i*8*hash_count, hash_count) for i in range(0, hashinfo_count)]
hashtable = ReadHashTable(g_hashtable, g_hashinfo_count, g_hash_count)
with open('D:/hashmap.h', 'w') as outfile:
content = '''
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#define fullHashMapCount %d
#define fullHashMapDepth %d
uint64_t fullHashMap[fullHashMapCount][fullHashMapDepth] = {
''' % (g_hashinfo_count, g_hash_count)
for h in hashtable:
item = ' {'
for hi in h:
item += "0x%X, " % hi
item = item[:-2] + '},\n'
content += item
content = content[:-2]
content += '\n};\n\n'
from idaapi import *
import json
# qword_18002AE20 in worldGetAllPickups has max offset
# __int64 __fastcall worldGetAllPickups(int *a1, int a2)
# {
# v3 = gameVer;
# v4 = 0;
# v5 = a2;
# v6 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_18015FAA0 + qword_18002AE20[v3 + 966]);
# v7 = (__int64 (*)(void))(qword_18015FAA0 + qword_18002AE20[v3 + 897]);
# v8 = *(_QWORD *)(qword_18015FAA0 + qword_18002AE20[v3 + 1242]);
g_addr_table = 0x18002AE20
game_version_count = 69
g_addr_count = 1242 + game_version_count # qword_18002AE20 max offset + game_version_count
assert g_addr_count % game_version_count == 0
addr_type_count = int(g_addr_count / game_version_count)
def ReadAddrInfo(ea, addr_count):
return [get_64bit(ea + i*8) for i in range(0, addr_count) ]
addr_table = ReadAddrInfo(g_addr_table, g_addr_count)
with open('D:/addrtable.h', 'w') as outfile:
content = '''
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#define addrTypeCount %d
#define addrVerCount %d
uint64_t fullAddrTable[addrTypeCount][addrVerCount] = {
''' % (addr_type_count, game_version_count)
count = 0
for h in addr_table:
if count % game_version_count == 0:
content += ' { '
item = "0x%X, " % h
if count % game_version_count != game_version_count-1:
content += item
content += item[:-2] + ' },\n'
count += 1
content += '};\n'