DLaxV-Community-Projects-Hub / Open-Shot-Clock

Build your own DIY Shot Clock
CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - Permissive
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Controller: Add Button funcationality quarter/halftime #14

Open ChangeD20 opened 2 years ago

ChangeD20 commented 2 years ago

As a user I want to start a timeout countdown for quarter (two minutes) and halftime (five minutes)by pressing the break button on the controller. By pressing the break button once a quarter coins down should be started, when the button is pressed again the half time count down is started. Pressing the button again would Start the quater again, and so on. When the timer is above 59 seconds only the left minutes should be display/send by LoRa to the displays.

After the Countdown expires the horn should sound for one sec (or less by starting the normal shot clock count down again) and the count down should be reset to the initial number (normally 30 seconds).the State should be paused and the clock should be started again by pressing the start button.