DLaxV-Community-Projects-Hub / Open-Shot-Clock

Build your own DIY Shot Clock
CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - Permissive
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Open Shot Clock

Open Shot Clock is an Open Source and DIY Project aiming to minimize the barriers of entry for shot-clock-aided sports like Boxlacrosse and Sixes and maximizing the pure sports experience to an affordable price.


The price tag is around 1000€ for materials and accessories. Depending on which design and battery options you choose, it might cost more.

For more information have a look at our wiki or this blog made by @devdrik.

The Open Shot Clock in Action

To see the Open Shot Clock in action check out the following recordings of Lacrosse high lights in Germany:

What´s Included Here


To build your own Open Shot Clock you can find all documents/information in the documentation folder.

Getting All the Parts Needed

Please go through the BOM to make sure you have all parts needed available. In the BOM we have included recommendation links, where we recently purchased the parts. Be aware that you can choose from different design features which you have to cover in your purchases. The developement is stil ongoing so some design features are not yet tested or even sufficiently developed.

In the design 3d printing is requried. Make sure you print the necessary parts before starting to build or let them print by a printing service. Make sure the parts are printed with a heat and impact resistant 3d printing material. You can find recommended materials in the BOM.

For the PCBs you can use the design files to order them at a PCB manufacturer like PCBWay or you can get in touch with us, there are still some prototyping PCBs left of the current version. In the near future the PCB design has to be adapted to the new Heltec Lora 32 version 3.0. For now the new version is supported through a workaround. For more information check this blog artical from @devdrik.

List of Optional Design Features:


When you have all parts available please follow the DIY Building Instructions Manual for assembling your Open Shot Clocks. Some parts like the base-, front- and back-plates or the aliminium extursion profiles need to be modified before they can be assembled. You can do the needed modification by using the drawings of these parts or you can get in touch with us, there are still some back plates left in our stock. In this youtube playlist you can see videos of @devdrik performing the assembing process of an Open Shot Clock. In the future the playlist will be extended to cover all parts of the assembling process.

Heltec WiFi LoRa V2/V3

The V2 module is hard to get at the moment, so we added support for the new V3 version of the module, that is easy to source. To use V3 with PCBs designed for V2, you need to rewire some connections. So make sure not to use a V3 on a V2 PCB without modification!

What to do to use a V3 on a Display PCB v0.2:

v3 Mod pins

What to do to use a V3 on a PCB for V2 (controller):

5V Hack

Some Mosfet modules do not work with 3.3V on gate. To fix this on a v0.2 shotclock display PCB, we can disconnect the 3V3 pins from the of the heltec module and connect the corresponding pins on the display PCB to 5V of the heltec module. This will bring all 3V3 on the display PCB to 5V, so be careful if you use a temperature sensor!

5V Mod pins

How to Set Up the Firmware

You can find the source code for the controller and the displays in the code folder. Please just copy this repo to your VS Code with Plaformio extension and open both as projects. Fill in your preferred wifi credentials for setting up local device wifi networks to change settings. It is recommended to use different credentials for the controller and the displays to make sure you access the right devices settings. Make sure to select the environment that fits the board you are using.

What´s Left to Do

How to Contribute

Feel free to customize your Open Shot Clock to your needs. For this purpose you can find the design files in the cad and pcb folders and the source code in the code folder. If you have ideas how to improve the Open Shot Clock and you need support for the integration or you want to share the benefits with the community please get in touch with us.


Many thanks to Ulf for some initial inspiration in the approach to develop a LED shot clock. If you are looking out for a minimal and cheap setup for small indoor fields without obstacles have a look to Ulf´s basketball shot clock tutotial! With minor changes to the app it is possible to start with 30 seconds on the clock for lacrosse instead of 24 as for basketball.





CERN OHL v2 Permissive