DMTF / RDE-Dictionary

Dictionary generator for Redfish Device Enablement
4 stars 5 forks source link

Build Status

Copyright 2018-2019 DMTF. All rights reserved.


Pre Requisites:

Minimum Python Version: 3.6

Minimum Redfish Schema Version: 1.6 (2018.3)

Conformance: PLDM for Redfish Device Enablement 1.0.0

The RDE dictionary builder is based on Python 3 and the client system is required to have the Python framework installed before the tool can be installed and executed on the system. Additionally, the following packages are required to be installed and accessible from the python environment:

To install the required packages, use the command: pip install <package name>

To upgrade already installed packages, use the command: pip install --upgrade <package name>

Schema Requirements

The following lists the schema requirements to generate an RDE binary dictionary:

MAJOR, EVENT and ERROR Schema Classes


OEM Schema Classes

Usage (rde_schema_dictionary_gen)

Use this script to generate a single RDE dictionary for a CSDL schema.

usage: [-h] [--verbose] [--silent]
                                    {local,annotation,error,view} ...

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --verbose             increase output verbosity
  --silent              no output prints unless errors

Local Options

usage: local [-h] -c
                                          [CSDLSCHEMADIRECTORIES [CSDLSCHEMADIRECTORIES ...]]
                                          [JSONSCHEMADIRECTORIES [JSONSCHEMADIRECTORIES ...]]
                                          -s SCHEMAFILENAME -e ENTITY
                                          [-o [OEMSCHEMAFILENAMES [OEMSCHEMAFILENAMES ...]]]
                                          [-t [OEMENTITIES [OEMENTITIES ...]]]
                                          [-r COPYRIGHT] [-p PROFILE]
                                          [-d OUTPUTFILE]
                                          [-f OUTPUTJSONDICTIONARYFILE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -e ENTITY, --entity ENTITY
  -r COPYRIGHT, --copyright COPYRIGHT
  -p PROFILE, --profile PROFILE

Usage (generate_dictionaries)

Use the generate_dictionaries script to generate RDE dictionaries for all schema files in a specific folder. This will also generate the annotation dictionary.

usage: [-h] -x INPUT_CSDL [INPUT_CSDL ...]
                                [-j INPUT_JSON_SCHEMA [INPUT_JSON_SCHEMA ...]]
                                [-c CONFIG] -o OUTPUT [OUTPUT ...]

Generate dictionaries by scanning and parsing xml schema directories

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -x INPUT_CSDL [INPUT_CSDL ...], --input-csdl INPUT_CSDL [INPUT_CSDL ...]
                        source directory(s) for local XML CSDL schema files
                        source directory(s) for local JSON schema files
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        config file for specific user options
  -o OUTPUT [OUTPUT ...], --output OUTPUT [OUTPUT ...]
                        The folder(s) to write the RDE dictionary files

Example config file:
     "Copyright": "Copyright 2014-2020 MyCompany",
     "DoNotWrite": ["ExcludeFile1_v1.xml", "ExcludeFile2_v1.xml"],
     "ExplicitEntities": {
        "AnXMLSchemaFile_v1.xml": {
           "Namespace.SomeEntity1": "DictionaryForSomeEntity1.bin",
           "Namespace.SomeEntity2": "DictionaryForSomeEntity2.bin"

Quick Start Guide

The following example illustrates building a dictionary for an XML schema and using the reference BEJ encoder/decoder to encode a JSON payload into BEJ and decoding BEJ back to the JSON.

  1. Create a XML schema for the payload. The following XML schema is for a complex type SimpleExample with 1 string property:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<edmx:Edmx xmlns:edmx="" Version="4.0">
    <Schema xmlns="" Namespace="SimpleExample.v1_0_0">
      <EntityType Name="SimpleExample">
        <Property Name="SampleStringProperty" Type="Edm.String">
          <Annotation Term="OData.Permissions" EnumMember="OData.Permission/ReadWrite"/>
  1. Generate the dictionary using the python dictionary builder (Example.dict):
$ python local -c ./ -j ./ -s Example_v1.xml -e SimpleExample.SimpleExample -d Example.dict
|   Row |   Sequence# | Format   | Flags                              | Field String         |   Child Count | Offset   |
|     0 |           0 | Set      |                                    | SimpleExample        |             1 | 1        |
|     1 |           0 | String   | Nullable=True,Permission=ReadWrite | SampleStringProperty |             0 |          |
Total Entries: 2
Fixed size consumed (bytes): 32
Field string size consumed (bytes): 36
Total size (bytes): 68
Signature: 0x65c44329
  1. Feed a sample JSON into the encoder along with the dictionary from above to generate a BEJ encoded file (Example.enc). A hex dump is also generated for the BEJ:
$ python encode -s Example.dict -a annotation.bin -o Example.enc
    "SampleStringProperty": "Hello  World"
0X000000: 00 F0 F0 F1 00 00 00 01 00 00 01 14 01 01 01 00 ................
0X000010: 50 01 0D 48 65 6C 6C 6F 20 20 57 6F 72 6C 64 00 P..Hello..World.

JSON size: 39
Total encode size: 32
Compression ratio(%): 17.948717948717952
  1. Decode the BEJ to generate the JSON back:
$ python decode -s Example.dict -a annotation.bin -b Example.enc
   "SampleStringProperty": "Hello  World"

Dictionary Builder Examples

Building a Redfish Schema Dictionary

python local --csdlSchemaDirectories test/schema/metadata  test/schema/oem-csdl --jsonSchemaDirectories test/schema/json-schema --schemaFilename Drive_v1.xml --entity Drive.Drive --outputFile drive.bin
|   Row |   Sequence# | Format   | Flags                              | Field String                  |   Child Count | Offset   |
|     0 |           0 | Set      |                                    | Drive                         |            34 | 1        |
|     1 |           0 | Set      | Nullable=False,                    | Actions                       |             2 | 35       |
|     2 |           1 | String   | Nullable=True,Permission=ReadWrite | AssetTag                      |             0 |          |
|     3 |           2 | Integer  | Nullable=True,Permission=Read      | BlockSizeBytes                |             0 |          |
|     4 |           3 | Integer  | Nullable=True,Permission=Read      | CapableSpeedGbs               |             0 |          |
|     5 |           4 | Integer  | Nullable=True,Permission=Read      | CapacityBytes                 |             0 |          |
|     6 |           5 | String   | Nullable=True,Permission=Read      | Description                   |             0 |          |
|     7 |           6 | Enum     | Nullable=True,Permission=Read      | EncryptionAbility             |             3 | 37       |
|     8 |           7 | Enum     | Nullable=True,Permission=Read      | EncryptionStatus              |             5 | 40       |
|     9 |           8 | Boolean  | Nullable=True,Permission=Read      | FailurePredicted              |             0 |          |
|    10 |           9 | Enum     | Nullable=True,Permission=Read      | HotspareType                  |             4 | 45       |
|    11 |          10 | String   | Nullable=False,Permission=Read     | Id                            |             0 |          |
|    12 |          11 | Array    | Nullable=False,                    | Identifiers                   |             1 | 49       |
|    13 |          12 | Enum     | Nullable=True,Permission=ReadWrite | IndicatorLED                  |             6 | 52       |
|    14 |          13 | Set      | Nullable=False,                    | Links                         |             4 | 58       |
|    15 |          14 | Array    | Nullable=False,                    | Location                      |             1 | 62       |
|    16 |          15 | String   | Nullable=True,Permission=Read      | Manufacturer                  |             0 |          |
|    17 |          16 | Enum     | Nullable=True,Permission=Read      | MediaType                     |             3 | 73       |
|    18 |          17 | String   | Nullable=True,Permission=Read      | Model                         |             0 |          |
|    19 |          18 | String   | Nullable=False,Permission=Read     | Name                          |             0 |          |
|    20 |          19 | Integer  | Nullable=True,Permission=Read      | NegotiatedSpeedGbs            |             0 |          |
|    21 |          20 | Set      | Nullable=False,                    | Oem                           |             0 |          |
|    22 |          21 | String   | Nullable=True,Permission=Read      | PartNumber                    |             0 |          |
|    23 |          22 | Integer  | Nullable=True,Permission=Read      | PredictedMediaLifeLeftPercent |             0 |          |
|    24 |          23 | Enum     | Nullable=True,Permission=Read      | Protocol                      |            25 | 76       |
|    25 |          24 | String   | Nullable=True,Permission=Read      | Revision                      |             0 |          |
|    26 |          25 | Integer  | Nullable=True,Permission=Read      | RotationSpeedRPM              |             0 |          |
|    27 |          26 | String   | Nullable=True,Permission=Read      | SKU                           |             0 |          |
|    28 |          27 | String   | Nullable=True,Permission=Read      | SerialNumber                  |             0 |          |
|    29 |          28 | Set      | Nullable=False,                    | Status                        |             4 | 101      |
|    30 |          29 | Enum     | Nullable=True,Permission=ReadWrite | StatusIndicator               |             7 | 105      |
|    31 |          30 | Array    | Nullable=False,                    | Operations                    |             1 | 112      |
|    32 |          31 | Set      | Nullable=False,Permission=Read     | Assembly                      |             0 |          |
|    33 |          32 | Set      | Nullable=False,                    | PhysicalLocation              |            10 | 63       |
|    34 |          33 | Enum     | Nullable=True,Permission=ReadWrite | HotspareReplacementMode       |             2 | 116      |
|    35 |           0 | Set      | Nullable=False,                    | Oem                           |             0 |          |
|    36 |           1 | Set      |                                    | SecureErase                   |             0 | 118      |

|   199 |           0 | String   |                                    | Bottom                        |             0 |          |
|   200 |           1 | String   |                                    | Front                         |             0 |          |
|   201 |           2 | String   |                                    | Left                          |             0 |          |
|   202 |           3 | String   |                                    | Middle                        |             0 |          |
|   203 |           4 | String   |                                    | Rear                          |             0 |          |
|   204 |           5 | String   |                                    | Right                         |             0 |          |
|   205 |           6 | String   |                                    | Top                           |             0 |          |
Total Entries: 206
Fixed size consumed (bytes): 2072
Field string size consumed (bytes): 1702
Total size (bytes): 3898
Signature: 0xf93eb944

Building the Annotations Dictionary

python annotation --csdlSchemaDirectories test/schema/metadata --jsonSchemaDirectories test/schema/json-schema -v v1_0_0 --outputFile annotation.bin

|   Row |   Sequence# | Format   | Flags                               | Field String                         |   Child Count | Offset   |
|     0 |           0 | Set      |                                     | Annotations                          |            19 | 1        |
|     1 |           0 | Array    |                                     | @Message.ExtendedInfo                |             1 | 20       |
|     2 |           1 | String   |                                     | @Redfish.ActionInfo                  |             0 |          |
|     3 |           2 | Array    |                                     | @Redfish.AllowableValues             |             0 |          |
|     4 |           3 | Set      |                                     | @Redfish.CollectionCapabilities      |             1 | 28       |
|     5 |           4 | Set      |                                     | @Redfish.MaintenanceWindow           |             2 | 29       |
|     6 |           5 | Enum     |                                     | @Redfish.OperationApplyTime          |             4 | 31       |
|     7 |           6 | Set      |                                     | @Redfish.OperationApplyTimeSupport   |             4 | 35       |
|     8 |           7 | Boolean  |                                     | @Redfish.OptionalOnCreate            |             0 |          |
|     9 |           8 | Boolean  |                                     | @Redfish.RequiredOnCreate            |             0 |          |
|    10 |           9 | Boolean  |                                     | @Redfish.SetOnlyOnCreate             |             0 |          |
|    11 |          10 | Set      |                                     | @Redfish.Settings                    |             6 | 39       |
|    12 |          11 | Set      |                                     | @Redfish.SettingsApplyTime           |             3 | 45       |
|    13 |          12 | Boolean  |                                     | @Redfish.UpdatableAfterCreate        |             0 |          |
|    14 |          13 | String   |                                     | @odata.context                       |             0 |          |
|    15 |          14 | Integer  |                                     | @odata.count                         |             0 |          |
|    16 |          15 | String   |                                     | @odata.etag                          |             0 |          |
|    17 |          16 | String   |                                     |                            |             0 |          |
|    18 |          17 | String   |                                     | @odata.nextLink                      |             0 |          |
|    19 |          18 | String   |                                     | @odata.type                          |             0 |          |
|    20 |           0 | Set      |                                     |                                      |             7 | 21       |
|    21 |           0 | String   | Nullable=True,Permission=Read       | Message                              |             0 |          |
|    22 |           1 | Array    | Nullable=False,Permission=Read      | MessageArgs                          |             1 | 48       |
|    23 |           2 | String   | Nullable=False,Permission=Read      | MessageId                            |             0 |          |
|    24 |           3 | Set      | Nullable=False,                     | Oem                                  |             0 |          |
|    25 |           4 | Array    | Nullable=False,Permission=Read      | RelatedProperties                    |             1 | 48       |
|    26 |           5 | String   | Nullable=True,Permission=Read       | Resolution                           |             0 |          |
|    27 |           6 | String   | Nullable=True,Permission=Read       | Severity                             |             0 |          |
|    28 |           0 | Array    | Nullable=False,                     | Capabilities                         |             1 | 49       |
|    29 |           0 | Integer  | Nullable=False,Permission=ReadWrite | MaintenanceWindowDurationInSeconds   |             0 |          |
|    30 |           1 | String   | Nullable=False,Permission=ReadWrite | MaintenanceWindowStartTime           |             0 |          |
|    31 |           0 | String   |                                     | AtMaintenanceWindowStart             |             0 |          |
|    32 |           1 | String   |                                     | Immediate                            |             0 |          |
|    33 |           2 | String   |                                     | InMaintenanceWindowOnReset           |             0 |          |
|    34 |           3 | String   |                                     | OnReset                              |             0 |          |
|    35 |           0 | Integer  | Nullable=False,Permission=Read      | MaintenanceWindowDurationInSeconds   |             0 |          |
|    36 |           1 | Set      | Nullable=False,Permission=Read      | MaintenanceWindowResource            |             0 |          |
|    37 |           2 | String   | Nullable=False,Permission=Read      | MaintenanceWindowStartTime           |             0 |          |
|    38 |           3 | Array    | Nullable=False,Permission=Read      | SupportedValues                      |             1 | 53       |
|    39 |           0 | String   | Nullable=True,Permission=Read       | ETag                                 |             0 |          |
|    40 |           1 | Array    | Nullable=False,                     | Messages                             |             1 | 20       |
|    41 |           2 | Set      | Nullable=False,Permission=Read      | SettingsObject                       |             0 |          |
|    42 |           3 | String   | Nullable=True,Permission=Read       | Time                                 |             0 |          |
|    43 |           4 | Array    | Nullable=False,Permission=Read      | SupportedApplyTimes                  |             1 | 54       |
|    44 |           5 | Set      | Nullable=False,Permission=Read      | MaintenanceWindowResource            |             0 |          |
|    45 |           0 | Enum     | Nullable=False,Permission=ReadWrite | ApplyTime                            |             4 | 55       |
|    46 |           1 | Integer  | Nullable=False,Permission=ReadWrite | MaintenanceWindowDurationInSeconds   |             0 |          |
|    47 |           2 | String   | Nullable=False,Permission=ReadWrite | MaintenanceWindowStartTime           |             0 |          |
|    48 |           0 | String   |                                     |                                      |             0 |          |
|    49 |           0 | Set      |                                     |                                      |             3 | 50       |
|    50 |           0 | Set      | Nullable=False,Permission=Read      | CapabilitiesObject                   |             0 |          |
|    51 |           1 | Set      | Nullable=False,                     | Links                                |             3 | 59       |
|    52 |           2 | Enum     | Nullable=False,Permission=Read      | UseCase                              |             3 | 62       |
|    53 |           0 | Enum     |                                     |                                      |             4 | 31       |
|    54 |           0 | Enum     |                                     |                                      |             4 | 55       |
|    55 |           0 | String   |                                     | AtMaintenanceWindowStart             |             0 |          |
|    56 |           1 | String   |                                     | Immediate                            |             0 |          |
|    57 |           2 | String   |                                     | InMaintenanceWindowOnReset           |             0 |          |
|    58 |           3 | String   |                                     | OnReset                              |             0 |          |
|    59 |           0 | Set      | Nullable=False,                     | Oem                                  |             0 |          |
|    60 |           1 | Array    | Nullable=True,Permission=Read       | RelatedItem                          |             1 | 65       |
|    61 |           2 | Set      | Nullable=False,Permission=Read      | TargetCollection                     |             0 |          |
|    62 |           0 | String   |                                     | ComputerSystemComposition            |             0 |          |
|    63 |           1 | String   |                                     | VolumeCreation                       |             0 |          |
|    64 |           2 | String   |                                     | ComputerSystemConstrainedComposition |             0 |          |
|    65 |           0 | Set      |                                     |                                      |             0 |          |
Total Entries: 66
Fixed size consumed (bytes): 672
Field string size consumed (bytes): 895
Total size (bytes): 1567
Signature: 0x28837ee4

Building a Redfish Schema Dictionary with OEM extensions

python local --csdlSchemaDirectories test/schema/metadata  test/schema/oem-csdl --jsonSchemaDirectories test/schema/json-schema --schemaFilename Drive_v1.xml --entity Drive.Drive --oemSchemaFilenames OEM1DriveExt_v1.xml OEM2DriveExt_v1.xml --oemEntities OEM1=OEM1DriveExt.OEM1DriveExt OEM2=OEM2DriveExt.OEM2DriveExt --outputFile drive.bin

|   Row |   Sequence# | Format   | Flags                              | Field String                  |   Child Count | Offset   |
|     0 |           0 | Set      |                                    | Drive                         |            34 | 1        |
|     1 |           0 | Set      | Nullable=False,                    | Actions                       |             2 | 35       |
|     2 |           1 | String   | Nullable=True,Permission=ReadWrite | AssetTag                      |             0 |          |
|     3 |           2 | Integer  | Nullable=True,Permission=Read      | BlockSizeBytes                |             0 |          |
|     4 |           3 | Integer  | Nullable=True,Permission=Read      | CapableSpeedGbs               |             0 |          |
|     5 |           4 | Integer  | Nullable=True,Permission=Read      | CapacityBytes                 |             0 |          |
|     6 |           5 | String   | Nullable=True,Permission=Read      | Description                   |             0 |          |
|     7 |           6 | Enum     | Nullable=True,Permission=Read      | EncryptionAbility             |             3 | 37       |
|     8 |           7 | Enum     | Nullable=True,Permission=Read      | EncryptionStatus              |             5 | 40       |
|     9 |           8 | Boolean  | Nullable=True,Permission=Read      | FailurePredicted              |             0 |          |
|    10 |           9 | Enum     | Nullable=True,Permission=Read      | HotspareType                  |             4 | 45       |
|    11 |          10 | String   | Nullable=False,Permission=Read     | Id                            |             0 |          |
|    12 |          11 | Array    | Nullable=False,                    | Identifiers                   |             1 | 49       |
|    13 |          12 | Enum     | Nullable=True,Permission=ReadWrite | IndicatorLED                  |             6 | 52       |
|    14 |          13 | Set      | Nullable=False,                    | Links                         |             4 | 58       |
|    15 |          14 | Array    | Nullable=False,                    | Location                      |             1 | 62       |
|    16 |          15 | String   | Nullable=True,Permission=Read      | Manufacturer                  |             0 |          |
|    17 |          16 | Enum     | Nullable=True,Permission=Read      | MediaType                     |             3 | 73       |
|    18 |          17 | String   | Nullable=True,Permission=Read      | Model                         |             0 |          |
|    19 |          18 | String   | Nullable=False,Permission=Read     | Name                          |             0 |          |
|   212 |           2 | String   |                                    | Left                          |             0 |          |
|   213 |           3 | String   |                                    | Middle                        |             0 |          |
|   214 |           4 | String   |                                    | Rear                          |             0 |          |
|   215 |           5 | String   |                                    | Right                         |             0 |          |
|   216 |           6 | String   |                                    | Top                           |             0 |          |
|   217 |           0 | Integer  |                                    |                               |             0 |          |
|   218 |           0 | String   |                                    |                               |             0 |          |
|   219 |           0 | Array    | Nullable=True,Permission=Read      | Statuses                      |             1 | 220      |
|   220 |           0 | Set      |                                    |                               |             4 | 103      |
Total Entries: 221
Fixed size consumed (bytes): 2222
Field string size consumed (bytes): 1835
Total size (bytes): 4179
Signature: 0xd3639e74

Building a Truncated Dictionary using a Redfish Profile

Use the following example_profile.json to truncate the dictionary.

    "SchemaDefinition": "RedfishInteroperabilityProfile.v1_0_1",
    "ProfileName": "Example Profile",
    "ProfileVersion": "0.1",
    "ContactInfo": "",
    "RequiredProfiles": {
        "DMTFBasic": {
            "MinVersion": "1.0.0"
    "Protocol": {
        "MinVersion": "1.5",
        "Discovery": "None",
        "HostInterface": "None",
        "ExpandQuery": "None",
        "SelectQuery": "None",
        "FilterQuery": "None"
    "Resources": {
        "Drive": {
            "MinVersion": "1.5.0",
            "Purpose": "Every implementation must have one or more drive resources",
            "PropertyRequirements": {
                "ReadRequirement": "Mandatory",
                "@odata.context": {
                    "ReadRequirement": "Mandatory"
                "": {
                    "ReadRequirement": "Mandatory"
                "@odata.etag": {
                    "ReadRequirement": "Mandatory"
                "@odata.type": {
                    "ReadRequirement": "Mandatory"
                    "ReadRequirement": "Mandatory"
                "Name": {
                    "ReadRequirement": "Mandatory"
                "Status": {
                    "PropertyRequirements": {
                        "State": {
                            "ReadRequirement": "Mandatory",
                            "Comparison": "AnyOf",
                            "Values": ["Enabled", "Disabled", "StandbyOffline", "StandbySpare", "UnavailableOffline", "Updating"]
                        "Health": {
                            "ReadRequirement": "Mandatory",
                            "Purpose": "Health of the drive"
                "IndicatorLED": {
                    "ReadRequirement": "Mandatory",
                    "Comparison": "AnyOf",
                    "Values": ["Lit", "Off"]
                "Model": {
                    "ReadRequirement": "Mandatory"
                "Revision": {
                    "ReadRequirement": "Mandatory"
                "CapacityBytes": {
                    "ReadRequirement": "Mandatory",
                    "Purpose": "Actual drive capacity"
                "BlockSizeBytes": {
                    "ReadRequirement": "Mandatory"
                "Protocol": {
                    "ReadRequirement": "Mandatory",
                    "Comparison": "AnyOf",
                    "Values": ["SAS", "SATA", "NVMe"]
                "MediaType": {
                    "ReadRequirement": "Mandatory",
                    "Comparison": "AnyOf",
                    "Values": ["HDD", "SSD", "SMR"]
                "Manufacturer": {
                    "ReadRequirement": "Mandatory"
                "SerialNumber": {
                    "ReadRequirement": "Mandatory"
                "StatusIndicator": {
                    "ReadRequirement": "Mandatory",
                    "Purpose": "SES status of drive",
                    "Comparison": "AnyOf",
                    "Values": ["OK", "Fail", "Rebuild", "PredictiveFailureAnalysis", "HotSpare"]
                "Identifiers": {
                    "ReadRequirement": "Mandatory",
                    "MinCount": 1,
                    "PropertyRequirements": {
                        "DurableName": {
                            "ReadRequirement": "Mandatory"
                        "DurableNameFormat": {
                            "ReadRequirement": "Mandatory",
                            "Comparison": "Equal",
                            "Values": ["NAA"]
                "PhysicalLocation": {
                    "ReadRequirement": "Mandatory",
                    "PropertyRequirements": {
                        "PartLocation": {
                            "ReadRequirement": "Mandatory",
                            "PropertyRequirements": {
                                "LocationOrdinalValue": {
                                    "ReadRequirement": "Mandatory"
                                "LocationType": {
                                    "ReadRequirement": "Mandatory",
                                    "Comparison": "Equal",
                                    "Values": ["Bay"]
                                "ServiceLabel": {
                                    "ReadRequirement": "Mandatory"
                "RotationSpeedRPM": {
                    "ReadRequirement": "Conditional",
                    "ConditionalRequirements": [{
                        "Purpose": "Applicable only if MediaType is HDD or SMR",
                        "CompareProperty": "MediaType",
                        "CompareType": "AnyOf",
                        "CompareValues": ["HDD", "SMR"],
                        "ReadRequirement": "Mandatory"
                "CapableSpeedGbs": {
                    "ReadRequirement": "Mandatory"
                "NegotiatedSpeedGbs": {
                    "ReadRequirement": "Mandatory"
python local --csdlSchemaDirectories test/schema/metadata  test/schema/oem-csdl --jsonSchemaDirectories test/schema/json-schema --schemaFilename Drive_v1.xml --entity Drive.Drive --profile example_profile.json

|   Row |   Sequence# | Format   | Flags                              | Field String                  |   Child Count | Offset   |
|     0 |           0 | Set      |                                    | Drive                         |            24 | 1        |
|     1 |           2 | Integer  | Nullable=True,Permission=Read      | BlockSizeBytes                |             0 |          |
|     2 |           3 | Integer  | Nullable=True,Permission=Read      | CapableSpeedGbs               |             0 |          |
|     3 |           4 | Integer  | Nullable=True,Permission=Read      | CapacityBytes                 |             0 |          |
|     4 |           8 | Boolean  | Nullable=True,Permission=Read      | FailurePredicted              |             0 |          |
|     5 |           9 | Enum     | Nullable=True,Permission=Read      | HotspareType                  |             2 | 25       |
|     6 |          10 | String   | Nullable=False,Permission=Read     | Id                            |             0 |          |
|     7 |          11 | Array    | Nullable=False,                    | Identifiers                   |             1 | 27       |
|     8 |          12 | Enum     | Nullable=True,Permission=ReadWrite | IndicatorLED                  |             4 | 30       |
|     9 |          13 | Set      | Nullable=False,                    | Links                         |             1 | 34       |
|    10 |          15 | String   | Nullable=True,Permission=Read      | Manufacturer                  |             0 |          |
|    61 |           9 | String   |                                    | UnavailableOffline            |             0 |          |
|    62 |          10 | String   |                                    | Updating                      |             0 |          |
|    63 |           0 | Integer  | Nullable=True,Permission=Read      | LocationOrdinalValue          |             0 |          |
|    64 |           1 | Enum     | Nullable=True,Permission=Read      | LocationType                  |             1 | 66       |
|    65 |           4 | String   | Nullable=True,Permission=Read      | ServiceLabel                  |             0 |          |
|    66 |           0 | String   |                                    | Bay                           |             0 |          |
Total Entries: 67
Fixed size consumed (bytes): 682
Field string size consumed (bytes): 611
Total size (bytes): 1347
Signature: 0x1ae1ca48


Example Encoding JSON into PLDM BEJ

  1. Create schema and annotation dictionaries for the schema that the input JSON object conforms to (this examples uses the Redfish Drive schema):
    python local --csdlSchemaDirectories test/schema/metadata  test/schema/oem-csdl --jsonSchemaDirectories test/schema/json-schema --schemaFilename Drive_v1.xml --entity Drive.Drive --oemSchemaFilenames OEM1DriveExt_v1.xml OEM2DriveExt_v1.xml --oemEntities OEM1=OEM1DriveExt.OEM1DriveExt OEM2=OEM2DriveExt.OEM2DriveExt --outputFile drive.bin

python annotation --csdlSchemaDirectories test/schema/metadata --jsonSchemaDirectories test/schema/json-schema -v v1_0_0 --outputFile annotation.bin

2. Use the encoder to encode the JSON file to PLDM BEJ format. The below example encodes the following drive JSON:

{ "": "/redfish/v1/drives/1", "@odata.type": "#Drive.v1_5_0.Drive", "@odata.etag": "FBS4553345", "Id": "Drive1", "Name": "Disk Bay 1", "IndicatorLED": "Lit", "Model": "Consorto MM0500FBFVQ", "Revision": "C1.1", "Status": { "State": "Enabled", "Health": "Warning" }, "Status@Message.ExtendedInfo": [ { "MessageId": "PredictiveFailure", "Severity": "Warning", "RelatedProperties": ["FailurePredicted", "MediaType"] }, { "MessageId": "LinkFailure", "Severity": "Warning", "MessageArgs": ["Port", "1"] } ], "CapacityBytes": 500105991946, "BlockSizeBytes": 512, "Identifiers": [ { "DurableNameFormat": "NAA", "DurableName": "5000C5004183A941" } ], "FailurePredicted": true, "Protocol": "SAS", "MediaType": "HDD", "Manufacturer": "CONSORTO", "SerialNumber": "9XF11DLF00009238W7LN", "PhysicalLocation": { "PartLocation": { "LocationOrdinalValue": 1, "LocationType": "Bay", "ServiceLabel": "Port=A:Bay=1" } }, "RotationSpeedRPM": 15000, "CapableSpeedGbs": 12, "NegotiatedSpeedGbs": 12, "Operations": [ { "OperationName": "Erasing", "PercentageComplete": 20, "AssociatedTask": { "": "/redfish/v1/Tasks/1" } }, { "OperationName": "Rebuilding", "PercentageComplete": 70, "AssociatedTask": { "": "/redfish/v1/Tasks/2" } } ], "Links": { "Volumes": [ { "": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/Storage/1/Volumes/1" }, { "": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/Storage/1/Volumes/2" }, { "": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/Storage/1/Volumes/3" } ] }, "Oem": { "OEM1": { "@odata.type": "#OEMDriveExt.v1_0_0.OEM1DriveExt", "ArrayOfStrings": [ "str1", "str2", "str3", "str4" ], "ArrayOfInts": [ 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 ] } } }

Note: Specify a PDR map file to capture URLs to PDR mapping that can then later be used for decoding

python encode --schemaDictionary drive.bin --annotationDictionary annotation.bin --jsonFile test\drive.json --bejOutputFile drive_bej.bin --pdrMapFile pdr.txt

0X000000: 00 F0 F0 F1 00 00 00 01 00 00 02 00 03 01 19 01 ................ 0X000010: 21 E0 01 02 01 00 01 25 50 01 14 23 44 72 69 76 !......%P..#Driv 0X000020: 65 2E 76 31 5F 35 5F 30 2E 44 72 69 76 65 00 01 e.v1_5_0.Drive.. 0X000030: 1F 50 01 0B 46 42 53 34 35 35 33 33 34 35 00 01 .P..FBS4553345.. 0X000040: 14 50 01 07 44 72 69 76 65 31 00 01 24 50 01 0B .P..Drive1..$P.. 0X000050: 44 69 73 6B 20 42 61 79 20 31 00 01 18 40 01 01 Disk.Bay.1...@.. 0X000060: 01 01 01 22 50 01 15 43 6F 6E 73 6F 72 74 6F 20 ..."P..Consorto. 0X000070: 4D 4D 30 35 30 30 46 42 46 56 51 00 01 30 50 01 MM0500FBFVQ..0P. 0X000080: 05 43 31 2E 31 00 01 38 00 01 10 01 02 01 06 40 .C1.1..8.......@ 0X000090: 01 01 01 03 01 00 40 01 01 01 02 01 38 A0 01 9B ......@.....8... 0X0000A0: 01 01 10 01 96 01 02 01 01 00 01 52 01 03 01 05 ...........R.... 0X0000B0: 50 01 12 50 72 65 64 69 63 74 69 76 65 46 61 69 P..PredictiveFai 0X0000C0: 6C 75 72 65 00 01 0D 50 01 08 57 61 72 6E 69 6E lure...P..Warnin 0X0000D0: 67 00 01 09 10 01 27 01 02 01 01 50 01 11 46 61 g.....'....P..Fa 0X0000E0: 69 6C 75 72 65 50 72 65 64 69 63 74 65 64 00 01 ilurePredicted.. 0X0000F0: 03 50 01 0A 4D 65 64 69 61 54 79 70 65 00 01 03 .P..MediaType... 0X000100: 00 01 38 01 03 01 05 50 01 0C 4C 69 6E 6B 46 61 ..8....P..LinkFa 0X000110: 69 6C 75 72 65 00 01 0D 50 01 08 57 61 72 6E 69 ilure...P..Warni 0X000120: 6E 67 00 01 03 10 01 13 01 02 01 01 50 01 05 50 ng..........P..P 0X000130: 6F 72 74 00 01 03 50 01 02 31 00 01 08 30 01 05 ort...P..1...0.. 0X000140: 0A D7 A3 70 74 01 04 30 01 02 00 02 01 16 10 01 0X000150: 26 01 01 01 00 00 01 1F 01 02 01 02 40 01 01 01 &...........@... 0X000160: 03 01 00 50 01 11 35 30 30 30 43 35 30 30 34 31 ...P..5000C50041 0X000170: 38 33 41 39 34 31 00 01 10 70 01 01 01 01 2E 40 83A941...p.....@ 0X000180: 01 01 01 13 01 20 40 01 01 01 00 01 1E 50 01 09 ......@......P.. 0X000190: 43 4F 4E 53 4F 52 54 4F 00 01 36 50 01 15 39 58 CONSORTO..6P..9X 0X0001A0: 46 31 31 44 4C 46 30 30 30 30 39 32 33 38 57 37 F11DLF00009238W7 0X0001B0: 4C 4E 00 01 40 00 01 28 01 01 01 0A 00 01 21 01 LN..@..(......!. 0X0001C0: 03 01 00 30 01 01 01 01 02 40 01 01 01 00 01 08 ...0.....@...... 0X0001D0: 50 01 0D 50 6F 72 74 3D 41 3A 42 61 79 3D 31 00 P..Port=A:Bay=1. 0X0001E0: 01 32 30 01 02 98 3A 01 06 30 01 01 0C 01 26 30 .20...:..0....&0 0X0001F0: 01 01 0C 01 3C 10 01 55 01 02 01 00 00 01 23 01 ....<..U......#. 0X000200: 03 01 02 50 01 08 45 72 61 73 69 6E 67 00 01 04 ...P..Erasing... 0X000210: 30 01 01 14 01 00 00 01 09 01 01 01 21 E0 01 02 0...........!... 0X000220: 01 01 01 02 00 01 26 01 03 01 02 50 01 0B 52 65 ......&....P..Re 0X000230: 62 75 69 6C 64 69 6E 67 00 01 04 30 01 01 46 01 building...0..F. 0X000240: 00 00 01 09 01 01 01 21 E0 01 02 01 02 01 1A 00 .......!........ 0X000250: 01 33 01 01 01 02 10 01 2C 01 03 01 00 00 01 09 .3......,....... 0X000260: 01 01 01 21 E0 01 02 01 03 01 02 00 01 09 01 01 ...!............ 0X000270: 01 21 E0 01 02 01 04 01 04 00 01 09 01 01 01 21 .!.............! 0X000280: E0 01 02 01 05 01 28 00 01 83 01 01 01 00 00 01 ......(......... 0X000290: 7C 01 03 01 25 50 01 21 23 4F 45 4D 44 72 69 76 |...%P.!#OEMDriv 0X0002A0: 65 45 78 74 2E 76 31 5F 30 5F 30 2E 4F 45 4D 31 eExt.v1_0_0.OEM1 0X0002B0: 44 72 69 76 65 45 78 74 00 01 02 10 01 2A 01 04 DriveExt.....*.. 0X0002C0: 01 00 50 01 05 73 74 72 31 00 01 02 50 01 05 73 ..P..str1...P..s 0X0002D0: 74 72 32 00 01 04 50 01 05 73 74 72 33 00 01 06 tr2...P..str3... 0X0002E0: 50 01 05 73 74 72 34 00 01 00 10 01 20 01 05 01 P..str4......... 0X0002F0: 00 30 01 01 0A 01 02 30 01 01 14 01 04 30 01 01 .0.....0.....0.. 0X000300: 1E 01 06 30 01 01 28 01 08 30 01 01 32 JSON size: 1469 Total encode size: 781 Compression ratio(%): 46.83458134785569

## Example Decoding PLDM BEJ into JSON

python decode --schemaDictionary drive.bin --annotationDictionary annotation.bin --bejEncodedFile drive_bej.bin --pdrMapFile pdr.txt

{ "": "/redfish/v1/drives/1", "@odata.type": "#Drive.v1_5_0.Drive", "@odata.etag": "FBS4553345", "Id": "Drive1", "Name": "Disk Bay 1", "Status": { "State": "Enabled", "Health": "OK" }, "IndicatorLED": "Lit", "Model": "Consorto MM0500FBFVQ", "Revision": "C1.1", "CapacityBytes": 500105991946, "BlockSizeBytes": 512, "FailurePredicted": false, "Protocol": "SAS", "MediaType": "HDD", "Manufacturer": "CONSORTO", "SerialNumber": "9XF11DLF00009238W7LN", "Identifiers": [ { "DurableNameFormat": "NAA", "DurableName": "5000C5004183A941" } ], "PhysicalLocation": { "PartLocation": { "LocationOrdinalValue": 1, "LocationType": "Bay", "ServiceLabel": "Port=A:Bay=1" } }, "RotationSpeedRPM": 15000, "CapableSpeedGbs": 12, "NegotiatedSpeedGbs": 12, "Operations": [ { "OperationName": "Erasing", "PercentageComplete": 20, "AssociatedTask": { "": "/redfish/v1/Tasks/1" } }, { "OperationName": "Rebuilding", "PercentageComplete": 70, "AssociatedTask": { "": "/redfish/v1/Tasks/2" } } ], "Links": { "Volumes": [ { "": "/redfish/v1/Volumes/1" }, { "": "/redfish/v1/Volumes/2" }, { "": "/redfish/v1/Volumes/3" } ] } }