DOH-JDJ0303 / vaper

MIT License
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VAPER: Viral Assembly from Probe-based EnRichment

VAPER is a viral assembly pipeline. Key features include:

VAPER comes with comprehensive reference sets for the following viral species (created using EPITOME): Taxon Segments Input Sequences Data Source
Influenza A 1-8 78703 (per segment) GISAID
Influenza B 1-8 17401 (per segment) GISAID
Measles morbillivirus wg 890 NCBI
Mumps orthorubulavirus wg 1343 NCBI
Lyssavirus rabies wg 2607 NCBI
Norovirus wg 1662 NCBI
Respiratory Syncytial Virus wg 15273 GISAID
West Nile virus wg 1993 NCBI
Enterovirus D68 wg 590 NCBI
Hepacivirus wg 1245 NCBI
Hepatovirus wg 131 NCBI
Monkeypox virus wg 2129 NCBI
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus wg 2000 (random) NCBI

See the wiki for more information.

VAPER was originally written by Jared Johnson for the Washington State Department of Health.

Quick Start

Step 1: Prepare your samplesheet

Note: Nextflow requires absolute file paths. samplesheet.csv:


Step 2: Run VAPER

Note: This will use the default reference set. You can provide your own reference set using the --refs parameter.

nextflow run DOH-JDJ0303/VAPER \
-r main \
-profile <docker/singularity/.../institute> \
--input samplesheet.csv \
--outdir results \
--max_cpus 8 \
--max_memory 16.GB


VAPER would not be possible without the following people:\ Holly Halstead (WA PHL) (check out her tool varcraft!)\ Pauline Trinh (WA MEP)\ Allison Black (WA MEP)\ Stephanie Lunn (WA MEP)\ Kristen Waterman (WA PHL)