DPIclimate / broker

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IoTa - IoT device management / message transformation and routing


IoTa is an IoT device management and message transformation and routing system developed by the Digital Agriculture team at the NSW Department of Primary Industries.

IoTa has been developed in response to the challenges the team encountered while running and maintaining sensor networks in the field and building a research database of timeseries data.

Note: References to commerical vendors in this documentation are not recommendations or endorsements.

These challenges include:

The design of IoTa attempts to address these challenges with a 'narrow waist' architecture where the front- and back-end processors of the system (implemented as microservices) accept messages from varied sources and deliver the timeseries data to multiple destinations, and the narrow waist uses IoTa's own message format and a physical to logical device mapping layer.

Message exchanges and queues are used as the service coupling mechanism, carrying timeseries data in a normalised format that front- and back-end microservices must emit or accept. The use of persistent exchanges and message queues provides some amount of resiliency to the system.

The scale of the Digital Agriculture project is relatively small - comprising some few hundred devices in the field - so the rate of messages and the performance required from even the busiest components are modest. The implementation reflects this, having enough performance and resiliency to support our use-case while exploring solutions to the challenges mentioned above.

To address the problem of routing the data from different devices in the field - for example after replacing a broken device - to the same final destinations IoTa introduces the notion of physical and logical devices. Physical devices are the devices in the field, sending data via some means to be accepted by the front-end processors. Logical devices represent a device in a destination system or database such as a tank sensor or weather station whose timeseries data may be provided by different physical devices over time as the phyiscal devices are replaced for maintenance purposes.

Due to the disparate nature of sources and destinations, IoTa has a minimalistic view of devices, comprising an id, name, location, and a last seen timestamp. Physical devices also record their 'source' and some source-specific information to allow fast device lookups to be performed based upon information in an incoming message. Each device has a map of free-form properties associated with it that is available for use by the various components of the system.


System architecture

Front-end processors

The front-end processors are responsible for accepting or fetching messages from the various telemetry sources. The majority of our sensors are deployed connected to LoRaWAN nodes whose messages are received via the The Things Stack Community Edition. We have a growing number of sensors attached to YDOC NB-IoT nodes, and a few sensors whose telemetry must be retreived via polling vendor REST APIs.

Each front-end processor is responsible for accepting or retrieving messages from its source and transforming those messages into IoTas own message format for use throughout the remaining processing stages, before publishing the messages to an exchange leading into the mid-tier narrow-waist processes.

Front-end processors are responsible for creating physical devices in IoTas database. This must be done when a message from a new device is received. Each physical devices has a map that can be used for storing free-form information against the device. Front-end processors may use this to store source-specific device information, the last message received, etc.

Finally, front-end processors are responsible for generating and assigning the correlation id to each message as it is received, and should record every message along with its correlation id in the raw_messages database table. This should be done as soon as possible so the message has the best chance of being stored somewhere before any errors cause the processor to abort processing that message.

Mid-tier processors

There is currently one mid-tier processor, the logical mapper. The logical mapper's job is to determine where to send the telemetry received from a physical device. This decision is informed by a table in the database that maps a physical device to a logical device. This mapping must be updated when a physical device is replaced in the field so that data from the new device flows to the same destination.

The mapping is maintained manually using a CLI tool or the management webapp. For example, this tool provides a command to create a logical device based upon an existing physical device and then map the two. The reason this is not done automatically is because when a sensor is replaced in the field and a new physical device is created by a front-end processor, the telemetry from that new sensor/physical device should flow to the same logical device, not a new one.

Back-end processors

A back-end processor is responsible for writing timeseries data to destinations such as IoT platforms or locally hosted timeseries databases.

There are currently two back-end processors:

Inter-service communications

Message queues and exchanges are used for message flow through the system. RabbitMQ is used as the message broker, and provides the persistence mechanism for the messages.

Two main exchanges are used:

These exchanges are fan-out exchanges, meaning any number of microservices may bind message queues to them to receive messages. This was done to allow the possibility of timeseries data to be delivered to multiple destinations.

The message exchanges and queues are declared as persistent, and the exchanges require positive acknowledgement of a message or it will be re-delivered to a subscriber.

This can be a nuisance if a processor fails to handle a message due to either a bug or a malformed message - if the processor NACKs a message that cannot be processed without specifying it should not be re-delivered then RabbitMQ and the processor will become stuck in an endless loop with RabbitMQ continually re-delivering the message as soon as the processor NACKs it.

A third exchange, ttn_raw is used internally by the Things Stack front-end processor. Additionally, HTTP is used for communication internally within this same front-end processor for calling uplink decoders.

RabbitMQ also acts as an MQTT broker for sources that publish telemetry via MQTT.


IoTa uses a PostgreSQL database to store device metadata and raw messages.

Reverse proxy

A reverse proxy is required to terminate TLS connections for webhooks, the REST API, the management webapp, and the MQTT broker. nginx works well, and configuration details are provided in doc/nginx.md.

Normalised message format

Messages from sensors come in many formats and protocols, but all essentially encode information about the identity of the sender, one or more timestamps, and data.

In some cases the sender's identity is not included in the message itself but is encoded in the delivery mechanism, such as an MQTT topic name.

The normalised message format used by IoTa includes the following information:

The normalised messages are encoded as JSON objects before being published to a message exchange.

An example of a message in this standard format:

  "broker_correlation_id": "83d04e6f-db16-4280-8337-53f11b2335c6",
  "p_uid": 301,
  "l_uid": 276,
  "timestamp": "2023-01-30T06:21:56Z",
  "timeseries": [
      "name": "battery (v)",
      "value": 4.16008997
      "name": "pulse_count",
      "value": 1
      "name": "1_Temperature",
      "value": 21.60000038


A simple installation of IoTa is achieved by cloning the GitHub repository, and installing a web server to act as a TLS connection termination point and reverse proxy if desired.

This is how it is deployed by the Digital Agriculture team. We hope the containerised nature of the system assits in deploying to a cloud service but we have not had a reason to do that - a simple docker compose deployment is sufficient for our scale.

docker must be installed for IoTa to run, the version of which is recent enough that the docker compose command is supported.

The ttn-formatters repo should be cloned in the same directory as the broker repo, ie the ttn-formatters and broker directories share the same parent directory.

If this is not done the ttn_processor and ttn_decoder logs will get errors for every uplink received. If the message from TTN has decoded values in it, these values will be used.

$ git clone https://github.com/DPIclimate/broker.git
$ git clone https://github.com/DPIclimate/ttn-formatters.git


Container environment variables

The main point of configuration is the file compose/.env. Many variables have default values and can be left as-is. It is important to set the passwords to a secure value. The hostnames should be left at their defaults unless the docker-compose file services are also updated to reflect the hostnames.

This .env file must also be symlinked into the compose/production and compose/test directories.

Docker volumes

To preserve the state of PostgreSQL and RabbitMQ between docker compose down and docker compose up commands, external volumes are used by the database and RabbitMQ containers when running in production mode.

These external volumes must be created before running IoTa in production mode, using the commands:

$ docker volume create broker_db
$ docker volume create mq_data

The Intersect DataBolt delivery processor requires a volume mapped to a directory shared with the DataBolt container. The DATABOLT_SHARED_DIR environment variable must be set to the fully qualified path name of this directory, for example DATABOLT_SHARED_DIR=/home/abc/databolt.

Running IoTa


IoTa is started using the run.sh script.

run.sh takes a single argument, either production or test.

run.sh production starts IoTa in 'production' mode, which starts all the front-end (except GreenBrain), mid-tier, and back-end processors and exposes various IP endpoints to the host for use by the reverse proxy.

run.sh test starts a test instance of IoTa. This can be done on the same host as a production instance but this is not recommended. The test deployment starts an additional container, test-x-1, that can be used for running unit tests or other Python scripts. A test instance still runs any back-end processors; you may wish to either disable these or point them at staging environments while becoming familiar with the system in order to avoid polluting a production timeseries database or IoT platform. Test mode uses temporary volumes for the database and message queues, so data will not survive a docker compose down command. Less networking ports are exposed, and some port numbers are changed so they do not conflict with those used in production mode.

In either mode the script runs a docker compose logs -f command, leaving the log files scrolling up the screen. You can safely ctrl-c out of this and the containers will keep running.


A script called dc.sh exists in both the broker/compose/production and broker/compose/test directories. This is a convenience script for running docker compose commands with the correct docker-compose file arguments and in the correct directory.



A python script called broker-cli can be used to query and update the device data. It must be run in a container using a command similar to:

docker exec prod-lm-1 python -m broker-cli pd ls --plain

If a container is running a python process, it can be used for running broker-cli. It makes no difference which python-enabled container is used, so this document will always use lm_1 - test-lm-1 or prod-lm-1.

The broker/src/python directory is mounted into the python-based containers and is the current working directory for processes in those containers. If you wish to provide a file to a command you can place the file in the broker/src/python directory and have the command find it:

docker exec prod-lm-1 python -m broker-cli pd create --file new_device.json

If a command can take JSON via stdin using --file - then you must run the command from a shell running in the container:

host$ docker exec -it prod-lm-1 bash
broker@529308294:~/python$ cat updated_device.json | python -m broker-cli pd up --puid 123 --file -

The script functions are broken up into a multi-level set of commands, with flags used to pass in values. The --help flag to print the available commands and flags.

From here on, the docker part of the command line is omitted, and examples will start with broker-cli.

Physical devices

The pd command is used to work with physical devices. The subcommands are:


broker-cli pd get --properties --puid 6

Fetches the physical device with uid 6 and prints the complete JSON representation.

broker-cli pd lum

Prints a list of all unmapped physical devices in JSON format, without the properties field.

broker-cli pd lum --source ttn

Prints a list of all unmapped TTN physical devices in JSON format.

broker-cli pd ls

Prints a list of all physical devices in JSON format, excluding the properties field.

broker-cli pd ls --source ydoc --plain

Prints a list of all YDOC devices in a plain text format, one device per line, including the current mapping to a logical device, if any.

broker-cli pd create --json '{ "source_name": "ttn", "name": "Test device", "location": { "lat": -39.769108, "long": 147.920245 }, "source_ids": { "app_id": "ttn-app-id", "dev_id": "ttn-device-id", "dev_eui": "ttn-dev-eui-in-hex" } }'

Creates a new physical device and prints the JSON object describing the newly created device. The new device's uid is included in this output.

broker-cli pd create --file new_device.json

Creates a new physical device from the JSON in new_device.json and prints the JSON object describing the newly created device. The new device's uid is included in this output.

broker-cli pd up --puid 123 --json '{ "name": "XYZ", "last_seen": "2022-05-06T10:30+10:00" }'

Updates the name and last_seen fields of the physical device identified by uid 123. The updated device JSON is printed.

cat updated_device.json | python -m broker-cli pd up --puid 123 --file -

Updates the physical device identified by uid 123 with changes contained in the file updated_device.json. The updated device JSON is printed. This command would be have been run while logged into the container.

broker-cli pd rm --puid 123

Deletes the physical device with uid 123 and prints the JSON object describing the (now deleted) device.

Logical devices

The ld command is used to work with logical devices. The subcommands are:


broker-cli ld get --properties --luid 6

Fetches the logical device with uid 6 and prints the complete JSON representation.

broker-cli ld ls

Prints a list of all logical devices in JSON format, excluding the properties field.

broker-cli ld create --json '{ "name": "Test device", "location": { "lat": -39.769108, "long": 147.920245 } }'

Creates a new logical device and prints the JSON object describing the newly created device. The new device's uid is included in this output.

broker-cli ld create --file new_device.json

Creates a new logical device from the JSON in new_device.json and prints the JSON object describing the newly created device. The new device's uid is included in this output.

broker-cli ld up --luid 123 --json '{ "name": "XYZ", "last_seen": "2022-05-06T10:30+10:00" }'

Updates the name and last_seen fields of the logical device identified by uid 123. The updated device JSON is printed.

cat updated_device.json | python -m broker-cli ld up --luid 123 --file -

Updates the logical device identified by uid 123 with changes contained in the file updated_device.json. The updated device JSON is printed. This command would be have been run while logged into the container.

broker-cli ld rm --luid 123

Deletes the logical device with uid 123 and prints the JSON object describing the (now deleted) device.

Device mappings

The map command is used to work with physical devices. The subcommands are:


broker-cli map ls --puid 154

Displays the current mapping, if any, for physical device identified by uid 154.

broker-cli map ls --luid 123

Displays the mapping history, if any, for the logical device identified by uid 123.

broker-cli map start --puid 154 --luid 123

Maps phyiscal device 154 to logical device 123. Any existing mapping for either device is ended.

broker-cli map end --puid 154

Ends the current mapping, if any, for physical device identified by uid 154.

User Authentication

The broker implements authentication to control access to the API endpoints. The user is created on the broker-cli and then an API request prives a username and password to obtain an authorization token which can be used for subsequent requests.

Broker CLI

The users command is use to manage users. Subcommands are:


broker-cli add -u my_user -p super_strong_password

Creates a user called 'my_user' and has the password 'super_strong_password'

token -u my_user --refresh

Refreshes the authentication token required for my_user to authenticate with the system

Authenticating with API

To authenticate with the API you must obtain a users token at /broker/api/token. This token can then be used for subsequent requests with the API

Obtaining Bearer Token

/broker/api/token uses Basic HTTP Auth to send the username and password.

Example Request:

curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic bXlfdXNlcjpzdXBlcl9zdHJvbmdfcGFzc3dvcmQ='

Basic bXlfdXNlcjpzdXBlcl9zdHJvbmdfcGFzc3dvcmQ= is the base64 encoded string of my_user:super_strong_password

Example Response:


This is the token to be used on subsequent requests with the API


Now that a token has been obtained we can make a request to other endpoints, for example /broker/api/physical/sources. Instead of Basic HTTP Auth we will use Bearer Authentication.

Example Request:

curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer 0b81e933c7b79bb20a98cba7936ce3bfc2098b7ed10fb46548d22f0aaaf19f1e6f627ec3d9ef7d5247f8c48cdbc674251f15804baf3fe4bede5c5c2c7490378e'

Unit tests

There are unit tests for the database interface and the REST API. To run these, use the following commands while a set of test containers are running (via run.sh test):

docker exec test-x-1 python -m unittest TestDAO
docker exec test-x-1 python -m unittest TestRESTAPI

To run a single test, use this style of command:

docker exec test-x-1 python -m unittest TestRESTAPI.TestRESTAPI.test_get_all_physical_sources