DPsystems / Login-Shield

Your first line of defense against Internet bots, hacks and probes. Login-Shield is a small set of bash scripts that implements an iptables/ipset blocklist of known sources of hack activity. Works great as a compliment with/without fail2ban. Statistics have shown it blocks 90+% of most system probes and attacks on login ports.
36 stars 6 forks source link

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Your first line of defense against Internet bots, hacks and probes.

A great stand alone filter, or compliment to the wonderful active firewall: Fail2Ban, that will make F2B even more efficient.

by Dark Phiber, 2019-2022 - dolson803@gmail.com

If you like this, take a look at my newest project: Web-Shield https://github.com/DPsystems/web-shield



Login-Shield is a set of scripts that implements a traffic filter of certain ports commonly probed for system credentials (ftp, ssh, smtp-auth, etc.).

Our blacklist is intended to be a "wide sweep" IPv4-based blacklist of major groups of Internet locations that are notorious for housing the lion's share of compromised computers and servers. This includes Chinese, Russian, Korean, South American and other areas.

This system can by used by itself or (ideally) in association with more precise anti-hacking systems like Fail2Ban. With this large net in place, it reduces the resources Fail2Ban needs to only dealing with mostly local attacks from IP space you might not want to ban wholesale.



Every time a site is compromised, there's a chance lists of usernames and passwords are leaked. Hackers will take these lists and try to find other systems that use these same credentials. If they can gain access they can completely ruin your day (or year). They will often try to login to e-mail clients, ftp accounts, ssh services, etc.
These system probes are now becoming even more sophisticated, and able to recognize Fail2Ban trigger conditions and work around them. Our system stops approximately 90% of the attacks on most servers.



Login shield is a very small set of IPTABLES rules that is designed to block certain ports on common servers, ports that can be used for user authentication (pop3, imap, ftp, ssh, smtp-auth, etc.) This system does NOT by default interfere with web or standard mail delivery. It's mainly implemented to keep unauthorized IP space from being able to log in to your server. Our system uses less than 20k of ram and is very effective in stopping a huge amount of malicious activity. It also will log attempts so you can monitor blocked traffic in case there is something legit you need to authorize.

See the file INSTALL for installation instructions

See the file VERSION for version and developer notes

See the file STATISTICS for real world samples of the scripts' effectiveness

See the files CHANGELOG and VERSION for information on changes and program versions and developer notes