DRAGON-Collaboration / analyzer

DRAGON analysis codes
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DRAGON Analyzer



This software package is developed for the analysis of data collected in DRAGON experiments at TRIUMF. The software is intended for experiments run with the "new" (c. 2013) DRAGON data-acquisition system (VME hardware + timestamp coincidence matching).

At it's core, the package is simply a collection of routines to extract ("unpack") the MIDAS data generated during an experiment into a format that is more suitable for human consumption, as well as to perform some of the more basic and commonly needed analysis tasks. From here, users can further process the data using their own codes, or they can interface with a visualization library to view the data in histograms, either online or offline. The core of the package is written in "plain" C++, that is without any dependence on libraries other than the standard library.

In addition to the "core", this package also includes code to interface with the rootana data analysis package distributed as part of MIDAS and the rootbeer program for data visualization. Each of these packages is designed for "user friendly" viewing of data in histograms, either from saved files or real-time online data. Both require that a relatively recent version of ROOT be installed on your system and, additionally, MIDAS must be installed in order to look at online data (offline data viewing should be possible without a MIDAS installation, however).

There is also an optional extension to create python wrappers for the DRAGON classes, allowing data to be analyzed in python independent of ROOT/PyRoot. This package is somewhat in the experimental stage at the moment and requires installation of Boost.Python to compile the libraries.

If you have a specific question about this package, you may want to check out the FAQ page to see if it's addresed there, or visit the Main Documentation page

Quick Start Guide

++ Note: These instructions assume that you will install the dragon analyzer package in ~/packages/dragon

There are two methods for obtaining and installing the code:

  1. Clone the git repository:

    mkdir -p ~/packages/dragon
    cd ~/packages/dragon
    git clone https://github.com/DRAGON-Collaboration/analyzer
    cd analyzer
    ./configure (--with-options if desired)
  2. Download a release

    tar -xzvf analyzer-1.x.x.tar.gz  --or-- unzip analyzer-1.x.x.zip
    cd analyzer
    ./configure (--with-options if desired)

The library can be loaded into an interactive ROOT session by issuing the following commands:

root[] .include /path/to/your/dragon/analyzer/src
root[] gSystem->Load("/path/to/your/dragon/analyzer/lib/libDragon.so");

To convert a MIDAS file to a ROOT file (assuming ~/packages/dragon/analyzer/bin is in your search path), issue the command

mid2root runxxxx.mid

For installation troublshooting, please visit the faq page



For the "core" functionality, all you will need is a working C++ compiler; there is no dependence on any third-party libraries. However, you will likely want to make use of the analysis package in ROOT, in which case you will need a fairly recent installation of ROOT on your system. For instructions on installing ROOT, go here. It is suggested that you install a relatively recent version of ROOT (say, ≥ 5.30) to ensure combatibilty between the ROOT release and the package code. You will also need to be sure that the $ROOTSYS environment variable is set and that $ROOTSYS/bin is in your search path. This is typically accomplished by sourcing the thisroot.sh or thisroot.csh script in $ROOTSYS/bin from your startup script (e.g. - ~/.bashrc). It is also required that ROOT be compiled with the minuit2 and xml options set to ON.

-- Warning: Ubuntu users: compiliation of the DRAGON analyzer package on ubuntu evidently requires clang
sudo apt-get install clang clang++

++ Note: 

The DRAGON analyzer package is now compatible with ROOT6, but ROOT6 functionality should be considered beta until it has been tested more rigorously. Please report bugs to dconnolly@triumf.ca or file an issue here.

The optional rootbeer or rootana extensions each require ROOT to be installed (and, of course, the rootana and/or rootbeer packages themselves). To look at online data, you will need MIDAS installed, and, if using the rootana system, roody is required for online histogram viewing.

Download and Compile

One may obtain the analysis package from the git repository as follows:

git clone https://github.com/DRAGON-Collaboration/analyzer

If you don't have git installed or prefer to download a tarball, then visit https://github.com/DRAGON-Collaboration/analyzer, click on the releases link and select the latest release (or an earlier one if you have reason to do so). Click on either the .zip or the .tar.gz link to download a zip file or a tarball containing the code.

Once the package is obtained, it is necessary to run a configure script in order to set the appropriate environment variables before compiling. To see a list of options, type:

./configure --help

In most cases, one may simply run


At this point, compilation should be as simple as typing make. If not, please let me know or file an issue, and we can try to fix the problem permanently so others don't run into it.

Compilation creates a shared library lib/libDragon.so (and lib/libDragon.so.dSYM if installed on a Mac) as well as an executable bin/mid2root. The executable converts MIDAS files to ROOT trees. The library can be loaded into an interactive ROOT session by issuing the following commands:

root[] .include /path/to/your/dragon/analyzer/src
root[] gSystem->Load("/path/to/your/dragon/analyzer/lib/libDragon.so");

It is strongly suggested that you add the appropriate lines to your root logon script if you have one. If you don't, the proper way to set up your root environment is to create a file entitled rootlogon.C in a sensible place (such as ~/packages/root/macros) and include the following lines in it:


Then create the file ${HOME}/.rootrc and include the following line in it:

Rint.Logon: /path/to/your/rootlogon.C

This will give you access to all of the dragon classes and functions in the software package from within a ROOT session or macro. Examples of these scripts are provided: .rootrc rootlogon.C

If you are using git and want to stay on top of new releases, just do:

git pull https://github.com/DRAGON-Collaboration/analyzer master --tags

(or just git pull) from within the repository directory (~/packages/dragon/analyzer). This gets you all of the new code since your last pull (or the initial clone). Note that we've started using a versioning system than goes as such: vMAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, where a MAJOR version change indicates a new set of non backwards compatible changes. MINOR indicates a feature addition that is still backwards compatible, and PATCH indicates a bugfix or other small change that is backwards compatible.