Developed by Hasitha Chikkala, Shachi K Shah under the guidance of Jesse Lecy for the DS4PS organization and available as a github pages theme that can be forked and used to build a new course website with ease.
Fork this repository and update the _config.yaml
file with your github info, baseurl and other details, also set up another repository for the content either by forking our sample repo or creating a similar one.
- This is the principal data file used to configure the website's skeleton and then markdown files are used to add content to each of the pages in the website.
For each of these pages mentioned, there is a markdown file and a html layout associated, wherein the html decides the generalized layout for each page while the markdown is used to input custom website content. This can be mapped easily as follows:
All of these layouts are present in the layouts folder. Also, the config.yml has the information for the websites navigation, the baseurl to launch the website and content properly, the author details, the header and footer details, social media links, github repo names and the url for launching github pages. The following section explains each of these data fields in detail.
The data fields in this file can be divided into the certain sections:
# Site subpath, e.g. /blog
baseurl: "/course_website"
permalink: /:title/
url : ""
author: name: Hasitha github: hasi96 # Github username for avatar
authors: peter: name: Peter Brown github: PressApps # Github username for avatar
github_info: username: hasi96 # Github username for avatar branch: master website-repo: course_website course-repo: Data-Science-Class
* Website basic Info
# Site logo, image or text
image: # logo.svg # e.g. logo.png, upload logo image file to /assets/img/ folder
text: Foundations of Data Science # if the above "logo:" image variable is not set, this text logo is displayed instead
# Site title and description
title: DS4PS
description: Website for the MS in Program Eval and Data Analytics Program, ASU
title: Data Science
subtitle: This course aims at empowering students especially from a non-computerscience background to learn easy tools that can be used for data analysis
image: imac.svg
title: Course Syllabus url: syllabus/
title: Textbook url:
title: Datasets url: datasets/
title: Resources url: resources/
title: GetHelp url: discussions/
title: Home url: /
title: Datasets url: /datasets/
title: Textbook url:
title: Course Timeline url: /syllabus/
* Home Page Info
program_title: Data Science for Public Sector
- name: Jesse
title: Professor
- name: Hasitha
- title: Intro to Data Science
required (y/n):
social: email: website: facebook: flickr: dribbble: github: googleplus: instagram: linkedin: pinterest: twitter: vimeo: youtube:
paginate: 10
paginate_path: "layouts/datasets/:num/"
post_assets: /assets/posts/
post_css: /assets/css/posts
markdown: kramdown highlighter: rouge
sass: style: compressed
collections: docs: output: true
markdown: kramdown kramdown: parse_block_html: true
### Enabling comments (via Disqus)
Optionally, if you have a Disqus account, you can tell Jekyll to use it to show a comments section below each post. To enable it, add the following lines to your Jekyll site:
shortname: my_disqus_shortname
You can find out more about Disqus' shortnames here.
Comments are enabled by default and will only appear in production, i.e., JEKYLL_ENV=production
. If you don't want to display comments for a particular post you can disable them by adding comments: false
to that post's YAML Front Matter.
To enable Google Anaytics, add the following lines to your Jekyll site:
google_analytics: UA-NNNNNNNN-N
Google Analytics will only appear in production, i.e., JEKYLL_ENV=production
As explained in the screenshots below, the config.yml and are to be updated in order to build a course homepage
This is a view of the course syllabus divided into sections giving an overview of each section in terms of Lectures, Labs, Handout, Reading, Exam. This view is built on the file which builds both the icons and also populates the content displayed on clicking each section.
*** <- this is added to mark the beginning of a new section
# Scope of the Sector
Musce libero nunc, dignissim quis turpis quis, semper vehicula dolor. Suspendisse tincidunt consequat quam, ac posuere leo dapibus id. Cras fringilla convallis elit, at eleifend mi interam.
After beginning a section, one can start writing all the course details for that section in simple markdown. In order to switch on the checkbox overview for every section, assets in the following format have to be added inside that section.
["Tue 02,2018"]{@date}
["slides"]{@lecture module_2_slides.html}
["Work by the weekend"]{@lab 02-mini-hw.html}
[""]{@handout STA112FS_VisDayOneSlides_Fall2017.pdf}
["Read this before the class"]{@exam STA112FS_VisDayOneSlides_Fall2017.pdf}
["Practice"]{@exam STA112FS_VisDayOneSlides_Fall2017.pdf}
These asset formats also serve as links to these assets from the content repository from within respective folders - LECTURES, LABS, HANDOUT, READINGS, EXAMS. So, they can be used as part of the section's markdown formatted content as links.
This page shows in detailed information regarding the dataset, a more detailed information regarding the dataset such as source of dataset, owner of dataset, type of data, and other such information regarding the dataset. This pages are stored under _posts
folder with the naming convention followed as :
Where the date should be in yyyy-mm-dd-title format, it is preffred to enter current date as the post are sorted on the basis of date so by giving it current date it will show that post fist in the datset page.
In the file there are two types data to be entered:
This is an auto-generated page with tables built from config's instructor data and a Github Issues view on the repo with a filter. However, content can be added as markdown formatted text in
To display Google map on contact page, add the following in your page content, replacing latitude, longitude and zoom values:
{% include map.html latitude="40.6700" longitude="-73.9400" zoom="16" %}
To create a new dataset card, you can create a new markdown file inside the _posts
directory by following the recommended file naming format:
Where YEAR
is a four-digit number, MONTH
and DAY
are both two-digit numbers, and MARKUP
is the file extension representing the format used in the file. For example, the following are examples of valid post filenames:
Dataset requires front matter, everything in between the first and second --- are part of the YAML Front Matter, and everything after the second --- will be rendered with Markdown and show up as “Content”. The following is a post file with different configurations you can add as example:
layout: dataset
title: How To Travel On Low Budget
To add an image to a post or page use the following codes:
Local image from /assets/posts/
{% include image.html img="girl.jpg" alt="Alt for image" caption="Girl on a rock" %}
External wide image with lightbox:
{% include image.html img="" lightbox="true" alt="Alt for image" caption="Image in lightbox" %}
Add the following code at the top of the post:
#### Sections in this article
exludes #### Sections in this article
title from indexing in table of contents
Embed local videos:
<video controls playsinline uk-video="automute: true">
<source src="" type="video/mp4">
<source src="" type="video/ogg">
Embed YouTube videos:
<iframe src="" width="600" height="340" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen uk-responsive uk-video="automute: true"></iframe>
To create a draft post, create the post file under the _drafts
directory, and you can find more information in Working with Drafts.
To modify the primary color, open /_sass/theme/variables.scss
and replace the color values e.g.:
// Main content
$color-main: #0F1214;
Further style customisation can be done in the following files: