DS4PS / datacamp-light-demo-for-rmd

A basic demonstration of the `tutorial` package to add DataCamp Light widgets to R Markdown files.
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DataCamp Light Demo for RMD Files

The DataCamp Light javascript library allows you to add R widgets to your HTML files so that students can do interactive examples using code. The tutorial package allows you to easily add these widgets to RMD documents:

Try it out

The tutorial Package

DataCamp has created an R package called tutorial to integrate the DataCamp Light widget into R Markdown documents.

devtools::install_github( "datacamp/tutorial" ) 

Example RMD

This example of a simple tutorial comes from the tutorial vignette.

title: "Example Document"
author: "Your name here"
    self_contained: false

```{r, include=FALSE}
b <- 5
# Create a variable a, equal to 5

# Print out a
# Create a variable a, equal to 5
a <- 5

# Print out a
test_output_contains("a", incorrect_msg = "Make sure to print out `a`.")

# Options

## self_contained: false

Allows the most recent version of DataCamp light to be fetched each time the webpage opens. 

## go_interactive()

Turns R chunks into interactive widgets.

go_interactive( greedy = TRUE, height = 300 )

With the greedy argument, you can control which elements of your R Markdown document are
converted into DataCamp Light chunks. By default greedy is TRUE, leading to all R code chunks to
be converted to interactive frames. Only chunks for which you specify the option `tut = FALSE` are
not converted. If ‘greedy‘ is FALSE, only chunks for which you specify `tut = TRUE` are converted.

## type="pre-exercise-code"

R chunk option for specifying the type of chunk in the tutorial window. 

* **type="pre-exercise-code"** allows you to load packages or data silently  
* **type="sample-code"** provides starter code for the R script
* **type="solution"** displays after the user runs their own code  
* **type="sct"** performs a [submission correctness test](https://instructor-support.datacamp.com/en/articles/2312002-submission-correctness-tests) based upon user code

# Code Validation 

Test your code before launching tutorials using testwhat.
