DTE-Python / GB-TileSetMaker

A quick program to turn a given image into a hex tileset for GBDK usage.
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A quick program to turn a given image into a hex tileset for GBDK usage.

Usage (Terminal):

I set this up to be used in the Linux command line, it probably doesn't work on Windows
but I don't think that's too hard of a change. Uses the .py file.

python3 createSet.py -in [FILE...] [OPTION...]


-o [FILE...]
Short for "out." The name of the file(s) to output to. You don't need to specify the extention. By default this is "NEW_SET"
Short for "move folder." You can set the folder of output to FILEPATH. By default this is "/output_default"
-DG [INT...]
Short for "Dark Grey." Set a custom value for your dark grey colors, between 0 and 255. Defaults to 85. Must be lower than the light grey value.
-LG [INT...]
Short for "Light Grey." Set a custom value for your light grey colors, between 0 and 255. Defaults to 170. Must be higher than the dark grey value.

Usage (LibreSprite):

Put the .js file into LibreSprite's Scripts folder. Run it on the desired image in LibreSprite.
Output, unless something is different, will be in the main LibreSprite folder. Files would be named "RENAME_THIS_FILE.c" and "RENAME_THIS_HEADER.h";
this is because if you run the plugin again it will overwrite the files with those names.


(Terminal) Unless you specify an output folder you will have to create the "/output_default" folder.

This tool works best with small images, because big ones are impractical for the Gameboy.
I'm not too savvy with GitHub or really Python/JavaScript in general, but this tool works for me, so I'm happy.


LibreSprite plugin working(?). GIMP not currently planned. Animation support being looked into. Going to make sure it works on Windows.