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Automated validation of TPG algorithms #145

Open adam-abed-abud opened 10 months ago

adam-abed-abud commented 10 months ago

In the framework of adding tools to validate the TPG it would be nice to have an automated check. Such tool would be helpful for different tests, such as: 1) validate naive and avx implementation of TPG algorithms 2) provide a way to check that the current AVX implementations of the TPG algorithms provide sensible results against known patterns. Some checks include: time-over-threshold results, identifying channels with values above threshold, etc. 3) Potentially, the validation step should also become an integration test.

Some instructions on how to run such tests would be beneficial

adam-abed-abud commented 10 months ago

As discussed with Ivana, the next steps include making an application that given different known frame patterns it executes the TPG (naive or avx) for a specific amount of time and identifies key parameters such as the total number of hits, channels for the identified hits, etc. Prepare the frame files to be added in asset list

hristovaivana commented 10 months ago

As discussed in the last TPG technical meeting, I've added in the adc_peak_feature branch the instructions and the relevant app/scripts needed to generate WIBEth test patterns and to validate the TP hits found by the AVX and NAIVE implementation. The basic instructions are provided in the README file of fdreadoutlibs and I'm working on improving the documentation.