DUNE-DAQ / fdreadoutlibs

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fdreadoutlibs - Far Detector readout libraries

Collection of Far Detector FrontEnd specific readout specializations. This includes type definitions to be used with the implementations in readoutlibs and frontend specific specializations (i.e. frame processors or software hit finding). It is the glue between readoutlibs and readoutmodules that specifies types and implementations for the use of readoutlibs that can then be imported by fdreadoutmodules to be initialized in the DataLinkHandler module.

Building and setting up the workarea

How to clone and build DUNE DAQ packages, including readout, is covered in the daq-buildtools instructions. For examples on how to run the standalone readout app, take a look at the fdreadoutmodules documentation.

Frontends and features provided by fdreadoutlibs

The following frontends and features are provided by this package:

TPG Applications

Here is a short summary of the applications and scripts available in fdreadoutlibs. Refer to the code for further details.


wibeth_tpg_algorithms_emulator is a emulator for validating different TPG algorithms, either in a naive or in AVX implementation. The application allows to emulate the workload when running a TPG algorithm and therefore monitor performance metrics. It requires an input binary frame file (check assets-list for valid input files) and it will execute the desired TPG algorithm for a configurable duration (default value is 120 seconds). The application is single threaded, pinned to core 0.

To use the tool use the following:

$ wibeth_tpg_algorithms_emualator --help 
Test TPG algorithms
Usage: wibeth_tpg_algorithms_emulator [OPTIONS]

  -h,--help                   Print this help message and exit
  -f,--frame-file-path TEXT   Path to the input frame file
  -a,--algorithm TEXT         TPG Algorithm (SimpleThreshold / AbsRS)
  -i,--implementation TEXT    TPG implementation (AVX / NAIVE)
  -d,--duration-test INT      Duration (in seconds) to run the test
  -n,--num-frames-to-read INT Number of frames to read. Default: select all frames.
  -t,--tpg-threshold INT      Value of the TPG threshold
  --save-adc-data             Save ADC data
  --save-trigprim             Save trigger primitive data

The command line option save_adc_data allows to save the raw ADC values in a txt file after the 14-bit to 16-bit expansion. The command line option save_trigprim allows to save the in a file the Trigger Primitive object information in a txt file.

Example of usage:

$ wibeth_tpg_algorithms_emulator --frame_file_path FRAMES_FILE --algorithm SimpleThreshold --implementation AVX --save_adc_data
$ wibeth_tpg_algorithms_emulator --frame_file_path FRAMES_FILE --algorithm AbsRS --implementation AVX  --save_trigprim 

Utility tools and scripts

Setup matplotlib on NP04 machines (e.g. np04-srv-019)

To use the matplotlib python module run the following command on a console where the DUNE-DAQ software area has not been sourced:

pip install --prefix=$PREFIX_PATH matplotlib


Pattern Generation App

There is a separate application in the apps directory tailored to WIBEth pattern generation. It shares common features with wibeth_tpg_algorithms_emulator.

Before running the pattern generation app, please make sure you have downloaded an existing WIBEth binary file from the asset repository, e.g.,

> assets-list  --subsystem readout
dd156b4895f1b06a06b6ff38e37bd798 readout         WIBEth          valid           /cvmfs/dunedaq.opensciencegrid.org/assets/files/d/d/1/wibeth_output_all_zeros.bin
> cp /cvmfs/dunedaq.opensciencegrid.org/assets/files/d/d/1/wibeth_output_all_zeros.bin . 

The wibeth_output_all_zeros.bin file contains 32 WIBEth frames with all ADC values set to 0. Each frame corresponds to 64 channels and 64 clock-ticks. It is convenient to consider each word in the frame as 64 bits long. The frame header, among other information, contains the 64b timestamp value in the 2nd header word. The difference between the timestamps of every two consecutive WIBEth frames is 2048 (i.e., 64 clock-ticks per frame * 32 units per clock-tick = 2048).

Currently the TPs stored in text files contain the following hit parameters, e.g.


Then we can proceed to the pattern generation step.

wibeth_tpg_pattern_generator -h


  1. Generate binary file containing the selected pattern

    wibeth_tpg_pattern_generator -f wibeth_output_all_zeros.bin -n 2 -i 0 -t 499 -o 1 -p patt_golden
  2. In addition to 1., store the hits (currently in a text file) contained in generated binary file

    wibeth_tpg_pattern_generator -f patt_input.bin -n 2 -i 0 -t 499 -o 1 -p patt_golden --save-trigprim

TPG Algorithm Validation

There is a Python script in the scripts directory to compare hits found by the AVX and NAIVE implementations of the TPG algorithm.

python sourcecode/fdreadoutlibs/scripts/compare_avx_vs_naive.py -h


python sourcecode/fdreadoutlibs/scripts/compare_avx_vs_naive.py . -n test_01

Test Patterns

This section describes the available patterns. Currently the following patterns are implemented.

  1. Golden - most complicated pattern so far.
  2. Pulse - Single pulse on a single channel and single time tick.
  3. Edge square - a square pulse on the edge between two WIBEth frames.
  4. Edge left - a triangular pulse spanning two frames where the hit peak is in the first (left-side) frame.
  5. Edge reight - same as 4. but the hit peak is in the the second (right-side) frame.

Here is a description of the so-called "golden" pattern.

In every frame, one hit is generated and placed in the selected channel. In every binary file, the hit start time can be offset by the specified number of clock-ticks. The time tick offset value is attached to the name of the output binary file, e.g. patt_golden_35_wibeth_output.bin.

The hit ADC values and the hit parameters are (before pedestal substraction):

ADC values               : 500 502 504 505 506 505 504 502 500
ts_0                     : initial timestamp from the first frame of the binary file
ts_hit_offset            : hit start clock-tick, varies from 1 to 63  
hit finder threshold     : 499   (recommended)
hit time-over-threshold  : 8 * 32 = 256 (clock-ticks, counted from 0)
hit peak_time            : ts_0  + (time_offset + 4) * 32  e.g.  79554162068719943 + (1 + 4) * 32
hit peak_adc             : 506
hit sum_adc              : 4528
