DUNE / dunedb

Database for APA Manufacturing and QA
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The DUNE APA Construction Database

This repository contains all of the code required for the DUNE APA Construction Database (referred to as the 'APA DB' for short). This database is designed to store all records relating to the manufacture, testing, quality assurance and transport of the DUNE APA frames and their constituent components.

Please note that this README is intended for database developers - for user documentation, please consult the Github Wiki.

Getting Started

The DB code is designed to run on a docker system, so you will need to have a (relatively) recent version of Docker installed on the computer or server on which you intend to run the DB. Once this is done, and you have performed a git clone of this (dunedb) repository, executing the following command when in the app directory will set up and start a new DB instance:

docker compose up -d

Note that the -d flag above indicates that the DB will run in 'detached' mode, i.e. the live logs will not be shown. To access the logs once the DB is running, please run the following command in the app directory:

docker compose logs -f app

To stop the DB instance at any point, simply run the following command in the app directory:

docker compose down

Code Organisation

The code in this respository is organised as follows (for simplicity, normally hidden directories and files are not listed here):
