ArmA 3 Dynamic Universal War System - Rebirth
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Crash/freeze on load when resuming save game LAN #146

Open MysticDaedra opened 7 years ago

MysticDaedra commented 7 years ago

Running on local host LAN as per recommendations. I couldn't find any specific documentation on how the save system works, even though there is some sort of built-in save system for the mod. After starting a local host LAN, I clicked "Resume." After the bar reached the other end of the screen, the game froze, even going so far as to crash my graphics drivers and spew forth errors (Cannot bind object when no object referenced... etc.).

Is there something special I am supposed to do to load a save? Or is this a legitimate bug? Not sure, thought I'd post anyways just in case.

ultranoobian commented 7 years ago

A full game crash is rarely caused by a mission, But I'll see if there is anything I can replicate on my end.

If you can check a fresh restart up to just after setting up zones, then save and reload, and see if it crashes again, that would be appreciated.

ultranoobian commented 7 years ago

If it does crash, I highly recommend posting the RPT file for that crash found in %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Arma 3

Like 'C:\Users\MysticDaedra\AppData\Local\Arma 3'

MysticDaedra commented 7 years ago

I tried it multiple times last night, so here are the last three RPT files.

Arma 3.zip

Additionally, here is my loaded modlist:

CBA ADR-97 Weapon Pack (Official Mod) ACE3 Enhanced Soundscape Immerse JSRS4: APEX XLA Fixed Arsenal ShackTac User Interface RHS: AFRF RHS: USAF RHS: GREF VCOM AI ACE compat files for all of the above (RHS and ADR) Advanced Sling Loading Advanced Towing

I know that sometimes a mod could be conflicting, so I thought I'd post that just in case there is some glaring issue I overlooked. I did remove the ace_map.pbo file, and random zone/HQ placement functioned normally. Thanks so much for your help, and for taking on this project!

MysticDaedra commented 7 years ago

EDIT: Because of the freeze, I always have to ctrl+alt+del and end task to get out of Arma 3. When I do, the standard BI crash window comes up, and says Failed to Init DXGI. What's weird is that while this seems to be possibly hardware related, opening save games from other scenarios with the same modlist works fine. I don't know if this is relevant or not, just trying to give you as much information as you might need.