ArmA 3 Dynamic Universal War System - Rebirth
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ArmA 3 Dynamic Universal War System - Rebirth

New Team Members Welcome

What to fix something broken or add a new awesome feature to DUWS-R? Start by looking at the Developers guide located on the wiki! You can find all the information from how to get started through getting your code into the official builds. We appreciate all the help out there from the community and can't wait to have the next great release!

Copyright / License

Click here for License Info. You are free to release any modded/modified version of the DUWS-R, as long as you put a link pointing to the original DUWS-R.


The team is not responsible if this mission destroys your computer, or if a ninja kills you with karate while doing a back flip while you are playing this mission. A big shout-out goes to the original DUWS for the great starting point! This project was forked from the work provided at http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?160117-SP-Dynamic-Universal-War-System-(DUWS-alpha0-1)


DUWS-R randomly generates a campaign with enemy zones to capture. You can also choose to manually place your HQ and enemy zones to make your own unique campaign. The key of this mission is to have maximum replay-ability, where the player can setup their own campaign or let the DUWS-R create everything randomly for them. You can play with the DUWS-R on any island you want, you just have to rename the .pbo file.

Quick Start

Put the .pbo inside your Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\Missions and/or Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\MPMissions folder. When you are asked to choose the campaign settings, just use the default parameters until you are ready to start changing the settings.

Required Add-ons:

None! You can play ArmA III vanilla or use all the add-ons you want: islands, weapons, gear, etc... Note that the DUWS-R will not show add-ons that adds BLUFOR units/vehicle, since they are added by hand. However, add-ons that add OPFOR vehicles will be used, since OPFOR vehicles are taken directly from the cfgVehicles classes.

Using the mission on another island

Just rename the .pbo to the extension of the other island. That's it! Consideration should be taken when doing this as some islands cause more load when generating zones and other items due to the terrain being sloped. Most terrain is fine but islands such as diaoyu can me it difficult to play

Manually placing zones

After a location for the HQ has been selected the player will be prompted with a dialog with various options. Two buttons will be available at that time. START-R and START-M allow you to place enemy zones randomly or manually respectively.


Known issues

See our issue list on GitHub for issue we currenty know about.

Credits / Thanks