ArmA 3 Dynamic Universal War System - Rebirth
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0.6 New radio menu bugs out #173

Open CurePindal opened 6 years ago

CurePindal commented 6 years ago

(0.6, non-steam version, client hosted) The overhauled radio menu tends to bug out: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/912417471410136701/1D4FCF0D3294C2B2EFEFB7D98620C2A27BC783E6/

Support category no longer shows entries, custom and radio are suddenly both labeled with hotkey 9. Reloading the mission fixed it until it broke again. Before I saw this the first time I unlocked the Arty support option, but not sure if this is related or not. The save was pre-0.6, but I had not much support options to break the old menu.