ArmA 3 Dynamic Universal War System - Rebirth
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Performing a vehicle refit while anyone is in FRV position will erase their loadout #181

Open ultranoobian opened 6 years ago

ultranoobian commented 6 years ago

If you perform a vehicle refit whilst you or anyone (including AI) are in a Firing From Vehicle (FRV) seat, it will erase their loadout and reset them to the default loadout for that passenger (Unarmed).

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Order a vehicle with FRV seats such as a truck, or prowler
  2. Sit in, or order AI to sit in FRV seats
  3. Be near base and use the Vehicle refit support
  4. Loadouts of people in FRV seats will disappear and be replaced with unarmed passenger loadout.

Tested with Prowler, Hunter, Huron armed.

N.b. Huron FFV seats at the back will only be reset when the ramp is down, otherwise no changes occurs.