ArmA 3 Dynamic Universal War System - Rebirth
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FOB & SITREP missing for players on dedicated servers #189

Closed CaiusAjiz closed 1 year ago

CaiusAjiz commented 3 years ago

On dedis the SITREP and Request FOB radio functions are missing. Looks to be because BIS_fnc_addCommMenuItem is per client and not run (as far as I can see). Adding the BIS_fnc_addCommMenuItem's to the bottom of fn_clientInit.sqf works well enough for both initial and JIP players.

Tested on SP, MP and Dedicated server. No issues found as a result of this.

Fixes #175, #135 and an unreported issue with SITREP not being available. (plus a typo and missing semicolon)

This change is Reviewable

CaiusAjiz commented 2 years ago

Anyone able to merge this PR? I've not got write to the repo.

CaiusAjiz commented 1 year ago

Hi there, it's ok, life happens. And it's been a long time since I've looked at anything SQF but I could quite happily pick it up again. I'm happy once I've got perms to sweep through the open issues and close some stuff off and get some clarity on what to work on in the github issues.