ArmA 3 Dynamic Universal War System - Rebirth
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Find more usages for Army Power #55

Open fritogotlayed opened 9 years ago

fritogotlayed commented 9 years ago

From the original README.txt...

Find something useful to do with Army Power (suggestions are very welcome)

rlex commented 9 years ago

As an idea, enemy AP can affect amount of enemies on side-missions.

fritogotlayed commented 9 years ago

I liked that thought at first but then I realized that the completing side missions is a factor in reducing the OPFOR AP. I think this note from Kibot may be a little larger than it appears on the surface.

To me OPFOR AP would make sense for increasing the number of OPFOR patrols at side missions but may make them very difficult to accomplish if you don't get a good start when you begin the mission. It doesn't make sense to me to have the number of enemy AI at a side mission based on BLUFOR AP.

Emton commented 9 years ago

I think there's room for another wave type "Skirmish wave" that are increasingly dangerous infantry at higher AP that ride in unarmed vehicles that get sent to the last captured zone (or main base if no zones have been captured). I think this helps with making the battlefield less predictable, making more back and forth fighting. It should be made sure the infantry use the vehicle to transport near the zone and the insert on the perimeter (instead of driving like mad to the center and dying (if that's what they might do, not sure just saying). Also I think the AP should be fluctuating regularly, there should be a regular small AP increase determined by how many zones you have, an AP bonus for capturing the zone, and an AP penalty for losing a zone (it might already be sort of like this but I just don't know the details), and the same applies to the AI.

I redid the AP scale for my DUWS mod, I made it 0, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300. Patrol waves (if it's working correct) should be coming at 0, 15, 40, 65, 90, 140, 190, 240, 290. Attack waves come at 35, 60, 85, 110, 160, 210, 260, 310. So you see I'm making patrol come 10 points before an AP setting and attack coming 10 points after. So there could be the Skirmish wave type coming at -20 points: 5, 30, 55, 80 etc, or something else. The goal being to make different stuff happening at different times to different zones and making sure AP fluctuates so it's more dynamic.

Emton commented 9 years ago

A couple more points. I noticed in the code that the spawning of aircraft is determined by the size of the zone, only spawning aircraft for larger zones like > 1k or something. Well I was thinking it would be cool to have aircraft spawning somewhere on the AP scale. So maybe at 100 there's a weak attack chopper, 150 strong attack chopper, 200 weak attack jet, 250 strong attack jet, etc. Or increase the numbers at higher AP; 300 sends 2 attack jets, 250 sends 2 attack choppers, 200 sends 1 attack jet, 150 sends 1 attack chopper.

I need some help though I need to rework the AP and CP distribution. I tried playing a game starting at 0 AP and 0 CP. But AP doesn't change unless zones are changing ownership. I want to have AP increase regularly like CP so that everything escalates and gets more warlike. I've thought about it I think it would work best like this:

Persistant AP Every 20 mins: 5 + (1 * number of zones controlled) CP Every 20 mins: 2 * number of zones controlled including Main Base

Zone capture AP +20 CP +20

Zone loss AP -20 CP (no loss)

I looked at the code but it's kind of confusing, can anyone give me some pointers, is it set up to do this or does it need some more script added or rewritten? I think this would be really good for DUWS.