ArmA 3 Dynamic Universal War System - Rebirth
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Do we want Zeus support in DUWS-R? #58

Open fritogotlayed opened 9 years ago

fritogotlayed commented 9 years ago

@phr0gz @bolbies @naitp

I have a PM from Rallye on the BIStudio forums stating that he/she has added Zeus support to DUWS-R. Is this a feature we want to include in core DUWS-R? I don't want to sway any votes one way or the other so I'm going to refrain from comment right now.

Rallye2011 commented 9 years ago

I have enabled zeus using GX Zeus Advanced (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?184901-GX-Zeus-Advanced-Script)

This script required line edits to the mission.sqm for the Alpha 1-1 slot (or any additional slots you wish zeus to be usable).

Several notes:

-This works with DUWS RHS Escalation.

-Any vehicle addons a vanilla arma zeus editor can see. (tested many)

-This allows for spawning assets that have not been added to the random.sqfs or request.sqf

-You can now see the random spawned AI patrol routes and adjust them in real-time to suit the flow of the BLUFOR team using the "Advanced Editor" found in the scroll menu for zeus

-Appears to work with several zeus addons as well which provide better control and behavior

-I have not tested the script import/export yet

-Have not yet found a need for import/export yet


-Dying as a remote controlled unit breaks scroll menu for zeus back to vanilla DUWS.

-Some addons I cannot see but my play-testers could. After they spawned them I was then able to spawn them via Zeus.

-Not yet tested via dedicated since well, you guys know.

Below is the code for the mission.sqm I have used. This is a copy paste from the example mission with changes for the DUWS RHS.


is your desired paramter to suit the BLUFOR faction you are using.

Class Mission { addOns[]= { "A3_Characters_F_OPFOR", "A3_Characters_F_Civil", "A3_Characters_F_INDEP", "A3_Characters_F_BLUFOR", "a3_characters_f_beta", "a3_map_altis", "A3_Modules_F_Supports", "A3_Characters_F_Gamma", "a3_uav_f_characters_f_gamma", "a3_characters_f", "A3_Modules_F", "rhsusf_c_troops" }; addOnsAuto[]= { "A3_Characters_F_OPFOR", "a3_characters_f", "A3_Characters_F_Civil", "A3_Characters_F_INDEP", "A3_Modules_F", "rhsusf_c_troops", "A3_Characters_F_Gamma", "a3_map_altis" }; randomSeed=16091530; class Intel { briefingName="Dynamic Universal War System Modified: RHS Escalation (Woodland)"; overviewText="Play a full, randomly generated campaign on whatever island you want to."; startWeather=0; startWind=0; forecastWeather=0; forecastWind=0; forecastWaves=0; wavesForced=1; windForced=1; year=2017; month=8; day=6; hour=0; minute=0; startFogBase=0.001; forecastFogBase=0.001; startFogDecay=0.0049999999; forecastFogDecay=0.0049999999; }; class Groups { items=13; class Item0 { side="EAST"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={41.243427,0,251.97107}; azimut=-104.97; id=0; side="EAST"; vehicle="O_Soldier_F"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; init="removeallweapons this"; }; }; }; class Item1 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={35.804993,0,26.812012}; azimut=270; id=1; side="CIV"; vehicle="C_man_1"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; init="removeallweapons this"; }; }; }; class Item2 { side="GUER"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={37.437637,0,154.00293}; id=2; side="GUER"; vehicle="I_Soldier_exp_F"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; init="removeallweapons this"; }; }; }; class Item3 { side="LOGIC"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={117.6598,0.16756104,103.34326}; azimut=270; id=3; side="LOGIC"; vehicle="Logic"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; }; }; class Item4 { side="WEST"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={187.86356,0,1062.9159}; azimut=135; id=4; side="WEST"; vehicle="rhsusf_army_ocp_squadleader"; player="PLAYER COMMANDER"; leader=1; rank="SERGEANT"; skill=0.46666664; text="zeus1"; syncId=0; synchronizations[]={2}; }; }; }; class Item5 { side="WEST"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { presenceCondition="isMultiplayer"; position[]={505.24139,0,1072.9504}; azimut=135; id=5; side="WEST"; vehicle="rhsusf_army_ocp_squadleader"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; rank="CAPTAIN"; skill=0.60000002; text="player2"; }; }; }; class Item6 { side="WEST"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { presenceCondition="isMultiplayer"; position[]={183.33578,-0.11955103,903.83972}; azimut=135; id=6; side="WEST"; vehicle="rhsusf_army_ocp_engineer"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; rank="CAPTAIN"; skill=0.60000002; text="player3"; }; }; }; class Item7 { side="LOGIC"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={1802.2018,5.5,5590.1499}; azimut=13.314781; class args { items=4; class Item0 { value="zeus1"; parentCls="ModuleCurator_F"; typeName="Owner"; }; class Item1 { value=""; parentCls="ModuleCurator_F"; typeName="Name"; }; class Item2 { value="2"; parentCls="ModuleCurator_F"; typeName="Addons"; }; class Item3 { value="0"; parentCls="ModuleCurator_F"; typeName="Forced"; }; }; id=2; side="LOGIC"; vehicle="ModuleCurator_F"; leader=1; lock="UNLOCKED"; skill=0.60000002; init="xx = this execVM ""gx_zeus\zeus_init.sqf"""; syncId=2; synchronizations[]={0}; }; }; };