ArmA 3 Dynamic Universal War System - Rebirth
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Make the Helo Taxi experience more realistic #79

Open fritogotlayed opened 9 years ago

fritogotlayed commented 9 years ago
Emton 6 hours ago  
Hey I have a request. I was joyed to find out DUWS has the helicopter taxi because I can 
use that for evacuation after I get my chopper shot down. But it could be reworked to not 
be so weird. For one when you request the chopper it should spawn at home base to make
the journey to your location, instead it seems to spawn in the air fairly close to you, when it
came to me it was actually in the direction of the enemy, so it would be a lot more realistic
if it spawned at the home base. Second, I see there is an option to "detonate taxi" well I 
understand this is if you want to cancel the taxi but this seems a little extreme, if there was 
an option to "cancel evac" and when you activate that the chopper simply returns to home 
base where it spawns, that would be ideal for immersion. I actually hit the detonate after it 
dropped me at home base and it destroyed everything it was hilarious but I prefer 

Emton 6 hours ago  
So to wrap up I think the helicopter taxis should work like this:
When you call for taxi it spawns that chopper within 100m of the base and takes off from 
there. If you cancel the evac the chopper returns to it's spawn point and you lose the CP 
you spent. After the chopper drops you off at your location it waits there until you call it 
again (for more CP) or until you board it and give it a new destination.

I think that's a pretty simple way of doing it but would be a lot more realistic. I want to care 
about the taxi and keep it alive if it saves me some CP, not just blow it up after I don't need 
it ya know what I mean?
bolbies commented 9 years ago

I also want to try and make taxi's a bit more flexible. I tend to snipe a lot and I hate being forced to decide whether to land somewhere far away from the hill I want to snipe from so my men can actually get to their destination, or having all of us land on a mountain, leaving the AI useless because they can't figure out how to walk down. I was thinking we could get everyone in the heli, you obviously stand outside, tell the heli where to go, and as it does its thing, you do a solo halo jump. Then the heli just returns to base when it's done.

Maybe we can even add a C-130 taxi. I currently have a rough version that will spawn a few kilometers above the base and land at the nearest airport. I made it for a custom halo jump (which doesn't really work, everyone explodes when they touch down) but I would like to add a functionality at some point that let's you pick which airport to go land at (or click on the enemy base you're going to capture and it'll land at the nearest airport). Just after you select, a little menu will pop up asking if you'd like the plane to stay at the target airport or if it can return to base. Just some ideas.

bolbies commented 9 years ago

After messing around and almost getting my ideas to work, I'm afraid that the easiest way to do this is to make all of the variables public throughout the mission. Obviously that could be a slight problem as I'm sure it will screw up other scripts. We can give it a shot though.