DVBProject / DVB-I-Reference-CSR

Project to create a DVB-I Central Service Registry for DVB-I client service (list) discovery
MIT License
8 stars 3 forks source link
dvb dvb-i metadata-management


DVB-I clients, which could be anything from smartphones, tablets and laptops to TV sets, set-top boxes and USB sticks, require a means to find one or more service lists. This is referred to as service list discovery. The client may have one or more built-in or privately provisioned service list URLs or it may make use of one or more service list registries. These may be operated by, or on behalf of, various kinds of organizations such as the manufacturer of the device, a national or regional regulator, or an operator or platform brand serving only their own clients.

The specification also allows for a Central Service List Registry (CSR), operated for the benefit of all devices implementing the DVB-I client, providing information on a wide set of service lists known to that registry. A CSR could potentially play a role in kickstarting a horizontal market for DVB-I. The creation of a skeleton CSR is intended to provide the DVB Project with a means of verifying how a fully functional CSR would perform under conditions defined within the RfP.

Technical details

The project consists of 3 modules, frontend, backend and api. All modules use yarn. To initialize the modules, yarn in each module directory after cloning the repository

Frontend is the WEB UI for adding and editing service lists and providers.

Backend is used by the frontend to access the CSR database.

API is the query API used by the DVB-I clients to access the CSR.

SQL database is required. Database schema is found in db.sql file in the project root. Initialize the database using this sql file. The DB-schema file includes alter table commands to update the schema from a previous version of the CSR application. These alter table commands will generate errors when creating a new database, these can be ignored. For this reason the db.sql initialization should be run with --force or equivalent option to continue even if there are errors thrown.

API and backend module configuration

Database and port configuration uses .env files. Database defaults are:

backend default port is 3000 and API default port is 3001.

To configure the values create an .env file in the api/ and backend/-directory containing the values:

DB_HOST=<my db address>
DB_PORT=<my db port>
DB_USER=<my db user>
DB_PASSWORD=<my db password>
DB_NAME=<my db name>
PORT=<my api/backend port>

Example .env file contents defining the DB host, user and password:


If a value is not defined in the .env-file, the default value is used. Port and database name can usually use the default values but they can be configured if needed.


Create the .env files to "api" and "backend" directory, respectively.

Backend module requires a random string for json web token secret in the .env-file, minimum length should be 32 bytes:

JWT_SECRET=<my random string>

API Module usage

After cloning the repository, install the required node modules with the command yarn install in the api-directory. Start the api server with the command node api.js in the api-directory. Default port is 3001

API module uses a connection pool for sql connections. By default it uses 10 connections. The amount of connections can be configured in the .env file with the variable DB_CONNECTIONS. For example, to use a maximum of 50 connections, enter the following line to the .env file:


Redis cache

The API can use redis in-memory-database to cache the responses for better performance. To enable the redis caching, enter the following line to the .env-file:


To configure redis host, port and password, you can use the following env variables in the api/.env-file:


Cached responses expire after 5 minutes. Expiry time can be configured with the following variable:


Expiry value is in seconds.

Default values are:

Backend Module usage

After cloning the repository, install the required node modules with the command yarn install in the backend-directory. Start the backend server with the command node server.js in the backend-directory. Default port is 3000

Frontend Module usage

After cloning the repository, install the required node modules with the command yarn install in the frontend-directory. Start the frontend development server with the command yarn serve in the frontend-directory. Default port is 8080. If 8080 is reseverved, it will use the next free port. The yarn serve command will tell what port it is using. To build production version of the frontend, use the command yarn build in the frontend-directory. The production codes can be found in the frontend/dist-directory.

Known issues

Node.js version 17 and greater uses OpenSSL 3 and the frontend requires OpenSSL 2. In that case starting the frontend will fail with an error:


To fix this issue, a workaround is required. Before yarn serve or yarn build command an environment variable needs to be set using a command:

Linux: export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider

Windows: set NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider

Test server and Query API

A test server Frontend is running at https://csr.dtv.fi/ Please apply for an account from juha.joki@sofiadigital.com All newly created users will have empty provider and service list instances, they can create new ones as one pleases. Please note that at this point the test server DB should not be counted to be permament - i.e. it can be reset at some point in time.

The Test Server Query API can be accessed from https://csr.dtv.fi/api/query Example queries: https://csr.dtv.fi/api/query?TargetCountry=FIN https://csr.dtv.fi/api/query?ProviderName=Servicelist%20provider%202

Cache can be disabled using the endpoint https://csr.dtv.fi/api/query-nocache.

Refer to https://dvb.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/A177r2_Service-Discovery-and-Programme-Metadata-for-DVB-I_ts_103-770-v120_June-2021.pdf chapter 5.1.3 and annex C.4.


If you have any issue, please report them at https://github.com/DVBProject/DVB-I-Reference-CSR/issues