DVLP / signalr-no-jquery

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SignalR JS Client with shimmed jQuery not polluting global namespace

jQuery shim borrowed from react-native-signalR

This version of signalR client doesn't add jQuery to window object but imports jQueryShim locally to signalR and exports hubConnection. jQueryShim file contains only bare-minimum of jQuery to make signalR client run.

This package is not for use with ASP.NET Core version of SignalR.

This version currently matches version 2.4.3 of SignalR/SignalR and works together with a hosted Azure SignalR Service.


npm i signalr-no-jquery

TypeScript definitions

npm i @types/signalr-no-jquery

ES6 Loader

import { hubConnection } from 'signalr-no-jquery';


Use just like regular signalR but without $ namespace.

const connection = hubConnection('http://[address]:[port]', options);
const hubProxy = connection.createHubProxy('hubNameString');

// set up event listeners i.e. for incoming "message" event
hubProxy.on('message', function(message) {

// connect
connection.start({ jsonp: true })
.done(function(){ console.log('Now connected, connection ID=' + connection.id); })
.fail(function(){ console.log('Could not connect'); });

Integration with typescript

If you are working with typescript, there is a matching types package called @types/signalr-no-jquery

npm install --save @types/signalr-no-jquery

and add at the beginning of TypeScript file:

import { connection } from 'signalr-no-jquery';

Then you can use the connection as you would have before without $.

    const signalrConnection = hubConnection();
    const hub = signalrConnection.createHubProxy('hubName');
    hub.on('eventName', (): void => {
        // handle your event here
    signalrConnection.start().done(() => {
        // do some initialization once you know the connection has been started
        // For instance, call a method on the server
        hub.invoke('serverMethod', someArgument);

Update 4/01/2017: accessing global settings like through former $.connection

Note: This is an object holding global settings and it's not the same as connection handle returned by hubConnection

import { connection } from 'signalr-no-jquery';


Feel free to create pull requests and raise issues https://github.com/DVLP/signalr-no-jquery/issues