DWilliames / paddy2-beta

Beta for the next version of the Paddy Sketch Plugin
MIT License
146 stars 5 forks source link

⚠️ This project is no longer actively maintained

Whilst some of the functinality may continue to work on versions earlier than Sketch v53; I am no longer spending my time actively working on this project. Thanks for all the support of those that have been using Paddy!

For a deeper understanding of why I have stopped working on it; find out more here.

It seems that the Sketch team are looking into building this functionality natively 🎉; in the meantime, Anima have released an update that has a lot of the same functionatlity as Paddy 2; check it out here.

Paddy 2 – Beta

I've began completely rewriting the Paddy Sketch plugin in a way that means I can do a lot more with it.

I have a lot planned for what I want to do with this next version; one of the key things is to make it a lot more stable.

Treat this as the 'Beta program' for Paddy. If you are up for it; play around with it, and let me know what is working and what isn't.

As you can see via the 'Todo list', not everything has been implemented yet – so bare with me, as I slowly implement it all. I'm trying to lock down the core things now (Padding / Spacing / Alignment); and then I'll move onto the complexities of symbols / nested symbols.

Getting started

Warning: Please use the Beta version at your own risk. I don't want be responsible for possibly 'ruining' your very important Sketch document 😜

This will be installed separately to 'Paddy', called 'Paddy2'; eventually I'll make it the same thing once it is ready.


🙌 Bugs: Please report any issues that you find. Keep in mind, not everything has been implemented yet; see the 'Todo list' below. So only report on stuff not working if it has a 'tick' already against it.

💡 Feature requests: Got any other ideas you want to be on Paddy's roadmap; please submit them as an 'Issue', and I'll add them to this list.

Key differences

Check out the video overview:

Paddy 2 beta Preview 1 video

Compared to 'Paddy 1' there are a few key differences that have been built so far:

When will is come out of beta?

Once I can pretty much get feature parity with Paddy 1, and I know what I have implemented is stable, I will release it. With the plan of fast follow-on release for features like nested symbols.

I will not aim to get everything in the following Todo list complete before shipping; some are stretch goals.

Todo list

Automatic re-layout

Spacing / Stacking



Advanced sizing


User settings

Installing / Updating


TODO: Update the todo list here

Nested symbols

TODO: Update the todo list here – a lot to do

