DaWoody / free-video-player

An Open Source Free HTML 5 Video Player (GPLv3) - Able to play adaptive bitrate content aswell as normal content
GNU General Public License v3.0
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free-video-player gplv3 javascript


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Free Video Player - The Free HTML5 Video Player

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npm install free-video-player

Version information


Thank you for downloading and using Free Video Player! Free Video Player is an open source project using the GPLv3 license. The basic idea is to provide a fully functional open source video player which is able to play both regular content video formats (such as mp4, webm, etc) aswell as adaptive bitrate streaming formats (such as DASH and HLS), based on HTML5 technologies, both for unencrypted and encrypted content and more. (Depending on how well the idea is adopted by the community ;)).

There are a number of different video players based on HTML5 technologies both commercial versions (closed source) and some open source, but most of (if not all) video players claiming to use open source are only using a more narrow license (Apache) which in turn does not provide full transparency and ensuring that the actual code will remain "free" to the end user as described in http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/philosophy.html.

Example Page

The home of Free Video Player, besides here on GitHub, is www.freevideoplayer.org.


Currently there is me, (Johan Wedfelt) doing most of the work on the Free Video Player javascript side. If you find this project cool/interesting and wanna help, fork the project do some cool things and make a pull-request, or contact me directly and lets create a core-group of developers that want to make this project better together! :) If you wanna get in contact with us, contact us through GitHub or come and chat with us through our Slack channel, or sometimes we might be @ our HipChat channel

Issues / Todo

To see a list of todos and current issues, see our issue tracker in the github repo above.


To use the Free Video Player, you could either download it from with npm install free-video-player if you are running something like Wepback, or other buildtools with Node.js, then you could either use something like

import freeVideoPlayer from 'free-video-player';


var freeVideoPlayer = require('free-video-player');

//Now within your application the variable freeVideoPlayer is your instantiated player, so now you can call methods such as freeVideoPlayer.load(url, configObject) for instance.

//And currently we need to add the stylesheets also and this is done by typing

..or if you are using the Free Video Player without Node.js you could just use the files free.videoplayer.full.js or free.videoplayer.minified.js found within the folder aswell as the accompanying css file free.video.player.style.css and include them within your webpage. Theses files are found within the releases, which are found here), and then copy that into your javascript folder. Per default Free Video Player asumes that your javascript folder is called js. So That means you would have something like this in your references <script src="https://github.com/DaWoody/free-video-player/raw/master/js/freevideoplayer/free.videoplayer.full.js" and such.

You will need to include a reference to the source code provided, meaning one of the javascript files free.video.player.full.js, or alternatively the minified version free.video.player.minified.js. Furthermore there are currently 3 dependencies which also comes bundled within freevideoplayer folder:

  1. The first being the xml2json javascript library, which uses the Apache license, which is being used with a number of different methods utilizing parsing of different manifest structures. But this has since 0.9.1 been included in the player, so don't need to do anything there.
  2. The second one is a json file containing information on how to translate subtitle iso language convention information to regular language, which in turn is used when the subtitle labels are printed out on the video controls. How to access this data can be overidden in the configuration parameters when the Free Video Player gets instantiated, but default is that the player will try to look for this json file in the folder subtitles provided with the bundle, or for testing purposes (like with NODE) loads a default object.
  3. The third being the Free Video Player stylesheet, which you should reference to utilize the default styles of Free Video Player.

Basically, if you just copy one of the javascript files, free.video.player.full.js or free.video.player.minified.js and put it inside your javascript (js) folder and reference it correctly from your html, it should work. Currently there is also one external dependency with Font Awesome, which the player uses for current icon implementation within the video controls.

This is usually done in the top or the bottom of your html page. An example of how this could be implemented and inserted within your html, check the Example of implementation section below.

Then when the references to the files are there, either within your html within <script> ... </script> tags or through a separate javascript file reference, you can instantiate the Free Video Player. This is done by calling the method freeVideoPlayer(optionalConfigurationObject). An example of this is provided in the section Example of implementation below.

How to build (for developers wanting to contribute)?

The project is mainly about the Free Video Player library. There are a number of different commands that can be run.

The code base and files that generates the file free.video.player.full.js, can be found within the folder free_videoplayer_components/free_video_player/ where you will find the actual free-video-player, and then its corresponding modules (that gets imported through a common namespace) within the folder free_videoplayer_components/modules/.

How to configure the Free Video Player

When the Free Video Player is instantiated, it is done so with an optional configuration object. This object in turn contains a set of different types of settings that can be used to make the player behave in certain ways. One part of the configuration parametgers includes settings for the Video Controls. These Video Controls parameters, makes it possible to configure which controls should be displayed, overwrite the inner html of the controls if the default is not wanted, and also overwrite the classes added to the different controls, both the main control container aswell as the specific controls. Basically what happens when the default Video Controls are added to the player is that a div element is added as the main container for the Video Controls, then a play/pause button, a progress-slider ,a volume-icon, a volume-slider and a fullscreen-button is added to the Video Controls.

To show some examples of how to configure and overwrite the default values, below is some examples on how to manipulate and change the configuration object to make the Free Video Player behave as you want.

// Some examples of the optional configuration object
// If no configuration object is added on instantiation, the default values will be used
var freeVideoPlayerOptionalConfigurationObject = {

                // Add this parameter if you want to change the actual js class name that the Free Video Player uses
                // as a target to instantiate the player, the default value is js-free-video-player-container.
                videoWrapperClassName: 'js-free-video-player',
                // This is the default video splash image used on videos if no splash image is provided for the asset
                // when using the load method
                // This is the url used to fetch the iso-639-1 languages and labels used when the subtitles
                // in streams are added to the DOM and the control structure. Here we are asuming you have organised
                // your javascript files into a a /js folder structure and copied over the freevideoplayer folder into your js folder.
                // if the property fetchExternalSubtitleLabels below is set to true, the player will try requesting the subtitle/label information from the url
                // which this property is set to
                // This shows the default inner html for the different Video Controls discussed earlier
                // When one of the values are overwritten all is overwritten, so if you want to
                // overwrite the current setup make sure you fill in all values here below to your liking
                videoControlsInnerHtml : {
                    playIconInnerHtml:'<i class="fa fa-play"></i>',
                    pauseIconInnerHtml:'<i class="fa fa-pause"></i>',
                    stopIconInnerHtml:'<i class="fa fa-stop"></i>',
                    volumeHighIconInnerHtml:'<i class="fa fa-volume-up"></i>',
                    volumeLowIconInnerHtml:'<i class="fa fa-volume-down"></i>',
                    novolumeIconInnerHtml:'<i class="fa fa-volume-off"></i>',
                    fullscreenExpandIconInnerHtml:'<i class="fa fa-expand"></i>',
                    fullscreenCompressIconInnerHtml:'<i class="fa fa-compress"></i>',
                    spinnerIconInnerHtml: '<i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i>',
                    settingsIconInnerHtml:'<i class="fa fa-cog"></i>',

                // This object shows the different css classes that are being applied to the different video control
                // elements, and as described above if you want to customize one property all need to be changed or modified
                // since all will be overwritten once one of these sub-properties. The default value for the variable videoPlayerNameCss is free-video-player,
                // so for instance the videoControlsClass would generate the css class: free-video-player-controls
                videoControlsCssClasses: {
                    hideControlClass: 'free-video-player-controls-hide',
                    displayControlClass: 'free-video-player-controls-display',
                    videoFullScreenClass: 'free-video-player-controls-fullscreen',
                    playpauseContainerClass: 'free-video-player-controls-playpause',
                    subtitlesContainerClass: 'free-video-player-controls-subtitles',
                    progressbarContainerClass: 'free-video-player-controls-progress',
                    progressTimerContainerClass: 'free-video-player-controls-progress-timer',
                    volumeContainerClass: 'free-video-player-controls-volume',
                    volumeIconClass: 'free-video-player-controls-volume-icon',
                    fullscreenContainerClass: 'free-video-player-controls-fullscreen',
                    hideVideoOverlayClass: 'free-video-player-controls-overlay-hide',
                    showVideoOverlayClass: 'free-video-player-controls-overlay-show',
                    settingsIconClass: 'free-video-player-controls-settings-icon',
                    settingsMenuClass: 'free-video-player-controls-settings-menu',
                    subtitlesMenuClass: 'free-video-player-controls-subtitles-menu',
                    subtitleButtonClass: 'free-video-player-controls-subtitles-button',
                    bitrateQualityMenuClass: 'free-video-player-controls-bitrate-quality-menu',
                    liveIconClass: 'free-video-player-controls-live-icon',
                    videoOverlayPlayPauseIconClass: 'free-video-player-controls-overlay-play-pause-icon',
                    videoOverlaySpinnerIconClass: 'free-video-player-controls-overlay-spinner-icon',
                    displayNoneClass: 'free-video-player-controls-display-none'
                // These sub properties decides which of the video controls that should be generated to the DOM,
                // same procedure as the above properties, if one is changed all need to be added to not make them "undefined"
                // which in turn results in a falsy value and not displaying the rest of the controls that have not been defined.
                videoControlsDisplay: {
                    showPlayPauseButton: true,
                    showProgressSlider: true,
                    showVolumeSlider: true,
                    showSettingsIcon: true,
                    showSubtitlesMenu: true,
                    showFullScreenButton: true
                // Optional values to add percentage values from when the volume icon button should display
                // the icon for full volume, middle volume and no volume.
                videoControlsVolumeTresholdValues: {
                // Add this to generate debug messages to the console
                // This parameter decides if Free Video Player will try fetching external information 
                // about how to map the subtitles and their labels. This is done through making a http request.
                // This parameter decides if the Video Controls should be generated to the DOM
                // if not there is a public API that the Free Video Player also has which can be used 
                // with direct interaction with the instantiated Free Video Player, see the API section
                // for more information.


There are a number of public methods available from the instantiated free video player, most are methods regarding loading media or player control interactions. Lets list an example of how it could look:

//First create an optional configuration object
var freeVideoPlayerOptionalConfigurationObject = {
    //Stuff here..
    //See the section above How to configure the Free Video Player, 
    //to understand more on how to configure the video player.

//Then instantiate the actual player object
var player = freeVideoPlayer(freeVideoPlayerOptionalConfigurationObject);

//Now there are a number of public methods available
//There are a number of methods that normally
//also are accessible from the Video Controls section that per default is generated by the Free Video Player class
//but these methods can also be accessed directly through the API, methods include things such as play, pause, seek (used by progress-slider), setVolume etc.
//Below we are giving some examples of these API methods. The optionalConfigurationObject contains information such as an alternate videoSplashImage

player.load(videoUrl, optionalConfigurationObject);





//set volume

//get volume

//get free video player version

//Get name of free video player instance, should return Free Video Player ;)

//Sets the player to fullscreen mode if not enabled or exits it if fullscreen mode is already activated.

//get subtitles array (if you want to elaborate with your own controls

Example of implementation

Also in the html of your page a div container with the class js-free-video-player is necessary. Within this class a video player instance will be created. Like for instance

<!-- some html.. -->
<title>Some title</title>
<!-- Lets add the basic styling for the Free Video Player here, this can ofcourse be overwritten and changed based on your choice of styling -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://github.com/DaWoody/free-video-player/blob/master/css/free.video.player.style.css">
<!-- This is the default stylesheet used for the icons, Font-Awesome, this could of course be altered and changed depending on how you configure the Free Video Player -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.5.0/css/font-awesome.min.css">
<!-- Lets add the source to the different free video player js files that are necessary for running the free video player -->
<script src="https://github.com/DaWoody/free-video-player/raw/master/xml2.json.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://github.com/DaWoody/free-video-player/raw/master/free.video.player.full.js"></script>
    <!-- some html stuff here.. -->
    <div class="js-free-video-player js-free-video-player-style">
    <!-- here the free video player will be instantiated -->


// Ok so lets instantiate the free video player here..
// First create an optional configuration object
var optionalConfigurationObject = {
    // Add your own configurations here
    // See the section How to configure the Free Video Player, 
    // to see more of the possible configuration options

// Then instantiate the actual player object
var player = freeVideoPlayer(optionalConfigurationObject);

// Now we can use the player object with regular javascript or libraries such as for instance jQuery/Angular or the
// developers choice
// Like for instance if we have a button or element in the DOM that has an onclick event listener,
// then we could use that to call a method like this..
function someFunctionToPlay(){

       var videoUrl = document.getElementById('some-id-field-value-containing-the-video-url-value').value;

        // This object is optional to add when loading a video into the player, 
        // and can include information about the splash (loading) image and such
        var optionalPlayConfigurationObject = {

        //Loads the player (the optionalPlayConfigurationObject is an optional parameter).
        player.load(videoUrl, optionalConfigurationObject);

        //Starts the video..
