DachunKai / EvTexture

[ICML 2024] EvTexture: Event-driven Texture Enhancement for Video Super-Resolution
Apache License 2.0
821 stars 48 forks source link
event-camera video-restoration video-super-resolution

EvTexture (ICML 2024)


Official Pytorch implementation for the "EvTexture: Event-driven Texture Enhancement for Video Super-Resolution" paper (ICML 2024).

🌐 Project | πŸ“ƒ Paper | πŸ–ΌοΈ Poster

Authors: Dachun Kaisup>[:email:️](mailto:dachunkai@mail.ustc.edu.cn)</sup, Jiayao Lu, Yueyi Zhangsup>[:email:️](mailto:zhyuey@ustc.edu.cn)</sup, Xiaoyan Sun, University of Science and Technology of China

Feel free to ask questions. If our work helps, please don't hesitate to give us a :star:!

:rocket: News

:bookmark: Table of Content

  1. Video Demos
  2. Code
  3. Citation
  4. Contact
  5. License and Acknowledgement

:fire: Video Demos

A $4\times$ upsampling results on the Vid4 and REDS4 test sets.







  1. Download the preprocessed test sets (including events) for REDS4 and Vid4 from (Releases / Onedrive / Google Drive / Baidu Cloud(n8hg)), and place them to datasets/.

    • Vid4_h5: HDF5 files containing preprocessed test datasets for Vid4.

    • REDS4_h5: HDF5 files containing preprocessed test datasets for REDS4.

  2. Run the following command:

    • Test on Vid4 for 4x VSR:
      ./scripts/dist_test.sh [num_gpus] options/test/EvTexture/test_EvTexture_Vid4_BIx4.yml
    • Test on REDS4 for 4x VSR:
      ./scripts/dist_test.sh [num_gpus] options/test/EvTexture/test_EvTexture_REDS4_BIx4.yml

      This will generate the inference results in results/. The output results on REDS4 and Vid4 can be downloaded from (Releases / Onedrive / Google Drive / Baidu Cloud(n8hg)).

Data Preparation

Inference on your own video

:heart: Seeking Collaboration: For issues #6 and #7, our method can indeed perform inference on videos without event data. The solution is to use an event camera simulator, such as vid2e, to generate event data from the video, and then input both the video data and the generated event data into our model. This part, however, may require extensive engineering work to package everything into a script, as detailed in DataPreparation.md. We currently do not have enough time to undertake this task, so we are looking for collaborators to join us in this effort! :blush:

:blush: Citation

If you find the code and pre-trained models useful for your research, please consider citing our paper. :smiley:

  title={Ev{T}exture: {E}vent-driven {T}exture {E}nhancement for {V}ideo {S}uper-{R}esolution},
  author={Kai, Dachun and Lu, Jiayao and Zhang, Yueyi and Sun, Xiaoyan},
  booktitle={International Conference on Machine Learning},


If you meet any problems, please describe them in issues or contact:

License and Acknowledgement

This project is released under the Apache-2.0 license. Our work is built upon BasicSR, which is an open source toolbox for image/video restoration tasks. Thanks to the inspirations and codes from RAFT, event_utils and EvTexture-jupyter.