Daeik / obsidian-nomnoml-diagram

Obsidian Plugin for nomnoml diagram
MIT License
51 stars 1 forks source link

Obsidian nomnoml Diagram

An example of nomnoml diagram

This Obsidian plugin lets you draw nomnoml diagrams inside of Obsidian notes.

Drawing a nomnoml diagram

To draw a nomnoml diagram inside of a note, you can simply use fenced code block syntax with nomnoml keyword. (Or use [Nomnoml Diagram: New Diagram] command to insert auto-generated fenced code block)

[Example] -> [Diagram]

nomnoml directives are also supported to set diagram styles per diagram.

(Default directive settings can be set in [Plugin Options > Nomnoml Diagram].)

#background: #000000
#arrowSize: 0.5

[Example] -> [Diagram]

Please check nomnoml's official website and GitHub repository for the full syntax references and more examples!


