Welcome to your new dbt project!
dbt --version
to check dbt-core and postgres adapter are installed and working
type: postgres
threads: 4
host: [host]
port: [port]
user: [dev_username]
pass: [dev_password]
dbname: [dbname]
schema: [dev_schema]
type: postgres
threads: [1 or more]
host: [host]
port: [port]
user: [prod_username]
pass: [prod_password]
dbname: [dbname]
schema: [prod_schema]
target: dev
enter repo folder
dbt deps
- installs dbt_utils package
dbt run
- should run as long as schema and table specified in input model - extract_forms_params model exists
dbt test
- run tests
Model viewer dbt docs - browser based viewer to see details of models and compiled column list of each table/view
dbt docs generate
dbt docs serve