DallasFormulaRacing / SuspensionSteeringLib

this library will consist of methods to visualize various suspension and steering needs
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This repository contains Python scripts developed by Dallas Formula Racing for the purpose of reading sensor data (accelerometers and linear potentiometers) from CSV files, filtering out high-frequency noise, converting the data into displacement and wheel load, and calculating the vehicle's linear and rotational acceleration.

Sensor Data Sheets

Analog Acel: https://www.analog.com/media/en/technical-documentation/data-sheets/adxl335.pdf

Digital Acel: https://www.adafruit.com/product/4438

Linpot: https://www.pegasusautoracing.com/productselection.asp?Product=MC-206&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=MC-206&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAy9msBhD0ARIsANbk0A8R3RR0sLIwCP6Y3Wp2lnhvHBwkFSwJzNTXNTJI-pUplBrkuiK3jzgaAv8YEALw_wcB

The vehicle has four linpots, one on each wheel, and two analog accelerometers, one above each axle. The two analog accelerometers are in the process of being replaced for digital ones.

File Overview

Datapath: handler.py -> filter.py -> conversions.py -> calculations.py -> plots.py

Filter/filter.py: uses a low pass filter to clean the data of high-frequency noise Calculations/calculations.py: calculates the vehicle's linear and rotational acceleration Conversions/conversions.py: based on the sensors' outputs in voltages, calculates the amount of displacement the vehicle experiences and the amount of weight borne by the wheels Make_plots/plots.py: plots the vehicle's wheel load and acceleration as a function of time Handler/handler.py: main function of the library

Current Goal/Future Implementations

Current UML Diagram / Design


class  handler  {

+susp_steering_df:  DataFrame


class calculations {
    calculateWheelLoad():  float[]
    calculateDamperPlots(): void
    calculateOverSteerUnderSteer():  void

class Filter {
    apply_low_pass_filter() : void
class conversions  {
+data:  DataFrame
calculateWheelLoadConsts() : float[]
convert_voltage_to_gs() : void
convert_voltage_to_in() : void
convert_time() : void

class  Visualizer  {
+df : DataFrame
plot()  :  void


class  make_plot {

handler  <|--  calculations
handler  <|--  conversions
make_plot <|--  Visualizer

handler <|--  make_plot
conversions <|-- Filter