CHIMES is a user-friendly library to explore, prototype, analyze and couple dynamical models in python. It is built for both beginners and advanced users and provides access to complex tensorial dynamics resolution if needed.
CHIMES means Core for Holisitic Intertwined Model for Environmental Simplexity.
Developed initially as an internal tool for the Environmental Justice Program (EJP) at Georgetown, CHIMES has evolved into an open-source numerical environment with a range of features:
and set
methods for understanding and modifying model conditions.The main difference with the standard dynamical system library are:
import chimes as chm
chm.get_available_model() # See all available models
#we assume you want to run the model 'MODEL'
hub=chm.Hub('MODEL') # will load the model in a hub using the default values # will simulate 100 years on a 0.1 timestep
hub.plot() # will plot all the fields by their units
To explore a model
hub=chm.Hub('modelname') # Load a model file from `get_available_models()`
hub=chm.load_saved('nameofthefile') # Load a previous hub from `get_available_saves()`
hub.get_Network() # Create a causal network of the model logics
hub.get_summary() # Tell you everything about the model
R = hub.get_dfields() # Give you access to all fields inside the hub
hub.get_presets() # Give you all presets you can load
hub.get_supplements() # Give you all the supplementary functions available
To change values
hub.set_fields(field=value) # Apply it before a run !
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.