DamianFlynn / cgate-mqtt

MQTT interface for C-Bus written in Node.js
MIT License
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C-Gate to MQTT Bridge for CBUS Integration

The C-Gate to MQTT Bridge project offers a powerful solution for seamlessly integrating Clipsal CBUS PLCs with MQTT-enabled IoT devices and services. This repository provides the necessary code and comprehensive instructions to deploy and configure the C-Gate to MQTT Bridge. The application goes beyond basic integration by incorporating MQTT Discovery for Home Assistant, enabling automatic device recognition and configuration.

The code is based on the original fork the1laz


This project aims to establish a bridge between the Clipsal C-Gate Server and MQTT, unlocking the potential for real-time, bi-directional communication between CBUS PLCs and various IoT platforms. By supporting MQTT Discovery for Home Assistant, the project simplifies the process of integrating CBUS devices into Home Assistant's ecosystem, enhancing automation and control capabilities.


CBUS Lighting and Trigger Applications

  1. Configure CBUS Toolkit with MQTT Discovery information for lighting devices.
  2. Run the C-Gate to MQTT Bridge, connecting it to your C-Gate Server and MQTT broker.
  3. Home Assistant will automatically recognize lighting devices and configure them as Dimmers, Switches, or Phantoms.
  4. When CBUS trigger applications are fired, Home Assistant will receive MQTT Events and can respond accordingly.
  5. Use Home Assistant to control CBUS lighting devices.


You can easily and quickly get your C-Bus connected to MQTT, by implementing the following stack.

The following docker-compose.yaml file will load and run the complete stack. You just need to configure each application as directed.

version: '3.8'



  # CNI Serial port (RS232 to USB) to TCP 10001
    hostname: "ser2sock"
    image: ghcr.io/damianflynn/ser2sock:latest
    container_name: ser2sock
    restart: unless-stopped
      - proxy
        - 10001:10001
      - "SERIAL_DEVICE=/dev/ttyUSB0"
      - /dev/ttyUSB0:/dev/ttyUSB0
      - /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Prolific_Technology_Inc._USB-Serial_Controller_D-if00-port0:/dev/ttyUSB0
    privileged: true

  # Clipsal C-Bus C-Gate Server
    hostname: "cgate-server"
    image: ghcr.io/damianflynn/cgate-server:latest
    container_name: cgate-server
      - ser2sock
      - proxy
        - 20023:20023
        - 20024:20024
        - 20025:20025
        - 20026:20026
        - 20123:20123
        - /opt/appdata/cbus/config:/config
        - /opt/appdata/cbus/tags:/tag
        - /opt/appdata/cbus/logs:/logs
    restart: unless-stopped

  # C-Gate to MQTT Bridge
    hostname: "cgate-mqtt"
    image: ghcr.io/damianflynn/cgate-mqtt:latest
    container_name: cgate-mqtt
    restart: unless-stopped
      - proxy
      - cgate-server
      - /opt/appdata/cbus/settings.js:/usr/src/app/settings.js
      - /opt/appdata/cbus/tags/CBUS-PROJECT.xml:/usr/src/app/HOME.xml

    driver: bridge
    external: true


Modify the settings.js file to configure the following options:

This is my current settings.js

//Ser2Sock IP Address
exports.cbusip = '';

//cbus project name
exports.cbusname = "HOME";

//mqtt server ip:port (my Home Assistant MQTT Broker)
exports.mqtt = '';
exports.mqttusername = 'cbus';
exports.mqttpassword = 'Password!';

// Map the C-Bus project information to Home Assistant Discovery Messages
exports.enableHassDiscovery = true;

// These should not need to be changed
exports.getallonstart = true;
exports.getallnetapp = '254/56';
exports.getallperiod = 60*15;
exports.retainreads = true;
exports.messageinterval = 200;

exports.logging = false;

C-Bus Project Configuration

The application supports parsing C-Bus project configuration from XML files. The C-Bus Project file (XML only currently) should be mapped to the container as follows

      - /opt/appdata/cbus/tags/CBUS-PROJECT.xml:/usr/src/app/HOME.xml

In this case, my project file is stored on the disk as /opt/appdata/cbus/tags/CBUS-PROJECT.xml and is mapped into the container. You should edit this to match your own project file. Note: The suffix :/usr/src/app/HOME.xml should not be changed currently for the application to correctly locate the project


  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Navigate to the project directory.


The included Dockerfile can be used to create a container for the project

docker build -t cgate-mqtt:latest .
docker create \
    --name cgate-mqtt \
    -v path/to/settings.js:/usr/src/settings.js \
    --restart unless-stopped \

Local Installation

Install the required Node.js packages using the following command:

npm install

Configure the settings in the settings.js file to match your environment. Run the application using the following command:

node <path-to-your-app>/app.js


The following Node.js packages are used in this project:


MQTT Topics

The application uses MQTT topics for communication. The topics are structured as follows:



The C-Gate to MQTT Bridge project is a comprehensive solution for seamlessly integrating Clipsal CBUS PLCs with MQTT-enabled IoT devices and services. By facilitating real-time communication, MQTT Discovery, and support for trigger applications, this application enhances the automation and control capabilities of CBUS systems within the larger IoT ecosystem. Through this bridge, users can unlock new possibilities for managing their CBUS lighting and trigger applications.


Contributions to this project are welcome! If you have suggestions, bug reports, or feature requests, please open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.