DamirFM / leftover

MIT License
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Leftover Lover Recipe Finder! 🥬 🍎 🥚 🥩


The Leftover Lover web application allows you to input an ingredient you have sitting unused in your fridge, and find a delicious recipe to make for dinner!

Deployed Application

Leftover Lover Web Application


At the top of the page, simply search for the ingredient you'd like to use up, whether it's celery, chicken, eggs, etc.

The Leftover Lover will return a ?list of? recipes to choose from including the ingredient, including an image for reference, and a list of instructions on how to make it.

You will also see some popular Youtube videos that include this ingredient in a recipe.

And a list of your recent ingredient searches will be saved in case you would like to return to them.

Alt text Alt text Alt text


API's Used:


Google Fonts:

Bulma CSS Library:


Made with Bulma


MIT License


DamirFM: https://github.com/DamirFM
jasskoch: https://github.com/jassakoch
morgs999: https://github.com/morgs999