Dan0sz / host-analytics-locally

Automagically download analytics.js, keep it updated using WordPress' built-in Cron-schedule, generate the tracking code, add it to your site's header or footer and tons of other features!
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CAOS | Host Google Analytics Locally

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Automagically download and update gtag.js, bypass Ad Blockers with Stealth Mode, add the tracking code to your site's footer and tons of other features!


CAOS (Complete Analytics Optimization Suite) for Google Analytics allows you to host gtag.js locally and keep it updated using WordPress' built-in Cron-schedule. Fully automatic!

Not a big Google Analytics user and just curious about your pageviews? CAOS fully supports Minimal Analytics, which is basically Google Analytics Lite. An extremely lightweight alternative to Google Analytics' default libraries (gtag.js). Minimal Analytics also helps you get rid of that annoying Unused JS notice in Google PageSpeed Insights!

Whenever you run an analysis of your website on Google Pagespeed Insights, Pingdom or GTMetrix, it'll tell you to leverage browser cache when you're using Google Analytics. Because Google has set the cache expiry time to 2 hours. This plugin will get you a higher score on Pagespeed and Pingdom and make your website load faster, because the user's browser doesn't have to make a roundtrip to download the file from Google's external server.

Just install the plugin, enter your Tracking-ID and the plugin adds the necessary Tracking Code for Google Analytics to the header (or footer) of your theme, downloads and saves the gtag.js-file to your website's server and keeps it updated (automagically) using a scheduled script in wp_cron(). Or if you'd like to use the locally hosted file with another plugin, check Compatibility Mode under Advanced Settings, Either way, CAOS is a set and forget plugin.

For more information: [How to setup CAOS](For more information: How to setup CAOS.


Features in CAOS Pro

Use Google Analytics in compliance with GDPR with:

Other features


Using GIT

  1. From your terminal, cd to your plugins directory (usually wp-content/plugins)
  2. Run the following command: git clone https://github.com/Dan0sz/host-analytics-locally.git host-analyticsjs-locally

From the WordPress Repository

  1. From your WordPress administrator area, go to Plugins > Add New
  2. Search for 'Daan van den Bergh'
  3. Click the 'Install' button next to CAOS | Host Google Analytics Locally
  4. Click 'Activate'

Frequently Asked Questions

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