DanKim0213 / Today-I-Learned

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Introduction to Algorithms #20

Open DanKim0213 opened 1 year ago

DanKim0213 commented 1 year ago

Introduction to Algorithms

DanKim0213 commented 1 year ago


Some coding problems must be solved by BFS or DFS, not both. Which algorithm is decided by the coding problems' features.

TL;DR; BFS doesn't need to go back while DFS needs to since DFS is dependent on your past decisions.


숨바꼭질, 아기상어, 캐슬디펜스, 토마토


감시, 빵집

DanKim0213 commented 5 months ago

Disjoint Set vs Topological Sorting

Disjoint Set:

공항 (10775)

4 // G 6 // P 2 // 2 -> 1 2 // 2 -> 1 -> 0 3 // 3 -> 2 3 // 쭈욱 부모를 따라가보니 0이네? 리턴 4 4

따라서 3

DanKim0213 commented 5 months ago

Two pointers vs Sliding window vs Prefix sum


DanKim0213 commented 5 months ago

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