DangHa / commodity_shipping

The system optimizes shipping capacity and expenses
MIT License
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(optimising the shipping commodity capacity)


This system was created to help drivers can maximise their income in each their shipment For example: a driver has a plan travelling from Hanoi,Vietnam to HoChiMinh,Vietnam by a 4-seat car. He uses Uber to fill up the three rest seats, but the luggage compartment is still not filled up. This system will help this driver to fill up the rest capacity of the car which means he can optimise the money for each travel.

How it works. If a driver has still 100 (Kg) and 100 (M^3) in his car. He will register these information of this shipment on the system, then those information will be shown for users who has packages to choose if this travel fit with their demand.

The information of 1 shipment consists:
-, Starting point
-, Destination
-, Direction (The system will have a recommender system to helps drivers choose the direction which does not pass the toll plazas in Vietnam, it means reducing the cost of travel)
-, Weight capacity
-, Space capacity
-, Starting day (after this day, the system won't recommend this shipment to users have packages anymore)

Overview system

Interfaces of 2 mobile apps

Diagram_driver_app Driver_app_interface

Diagram_user_app User_app_interface

Pathfinding recommender system

This recommender system helps drivers to find suitable direction by criteria such as time, length of way and expense

Tools used

- React-native
- Google map API
- nodejs (express)
- postgresql (database)
- Openstreetmap, pgrouting, osm2pgrouting (data)


How to run