Daniel-Fauland / TrafficSignClassification

CNN in Tensorflow 2 to categorize traffic signs
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TrafficSignClassification (Björn Bulkens, Miriam Lorenz, Daniel Fauland)

Aim of the project

The aim of the project is the implementation of a picture classification model for traffic signs. It's simultaneously necessary for the model to be accurate, fast and as light as possible since the Use Case requires the environment to work with a low level of computing power.


Get the training data

Train the model yourself

Predict the validation data

Predict real world data

Useful git commands

- 'git add -A'  # adds all files directories and subdirectories to the queue (dependent on your current directory)
- 'git commit -am "Mesaage"'  # commits changes to the local repo
- 'git push'  # Pushes all changes to the online repo
- 'git pull' or 'git pull <link>'  # pulls newest version from github (Necessary before push command if changes werde made to the github repo)
- 'git branch'  # Shows all available branches
- 'git checkout <branch-name>'  # Switches to different branch