Daniel-KM / Omeka-plugin-FileModify

Omeka plugin that allows to modify (convert, compress, watermark, rename or any other command) uploaded file before saving it in archive folder and before creating metadata in Omeka database. Renaming files requires Archive Repertory plugin.
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File Modify (plugin for Omeka)

File Modify is a plugin for Omeka that allows to modify (convert, compress, watermark, rename or any other command) uploaded file before saving it in files folder and before creating metadata in Omeka database.

The example process adds a watermark to each uploaded image. Original files can be backup automatically if wanted.

Renaming requires Archive Repertory plugin.


Uncompress files and rename plugin folder "FileModify".

Then install it like any other Omeka plugin and follow the config instructions.

Finally, you should adapt the files libraries/FileModify/Preprocess.php and libraries/FileModify/Rename.php to your specific needs, if used.

If you use the renaming feature, you need to install and enable the plugin Archive Repertory. Furthermore, you should take care with non-ascii filenames if your server is not fully UTF-8 compliant.


Two mechanisms are provided in order to transform files.

    -resample 96x96 -quality 50 -resize 50%
    -pointsize 120 -draw "gravity South fill black text 0,12 'Powered by Omeka' fill blue text 1,11 'Powered by Omeka'"

Warning: parameters are not escaped.

The default library adds a watermark to an image. Parameters can be, for this library, for a watermark from a file or a text:

    /www/plugins/FileModify/views/shared/images/qrcode.png, Center, fixe, 85
    Powered by Omeka, Center, fixe, 85


Use it at your own risk.

It’s always recommended to backup your files and your databases and to check your archives regularly so you can roll back if needed.


See online issues on the File Modify issues page on GitHub.


This plugin is published under the CeCILL v2.1 licence, compatible with GNU/GPL and approved by FSF and OSI.

In consideration of access to the source code and the rights to copy, modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the economic rights, and the successive licensors only have limited liability.

In this respect, the risks associated with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the software by the user are brought to the user's attention, given its Free Software status, which may make it complicated to use, with the result that its use is reserved for developers and experienced professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore encouraged to load and test the suitability of the software as regards their requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the same conditions of security. This Agreement may be freely reproduced and published, provided it is not altered, and that no provisions are either added or removed herefrom.


Current maintainers:

First version of this plugin has been built for École des Ponts ParisTech. Upgrade to 2.0 has been made for Mines ParisTech.
