Searchify : Search | Compare | Conquer
Group Members:
Motivation for Development:
- One of the team member purchased a house in 2018 and needed construction material, appliances, furniture etc.
- The team member noticed that the price of an item differs from one store to another so he wanted an app that
- Search and Compare prices among multiple stores.
Design Process:
- Defined problem: needed app that compared products across vendors
- Researched other implementations (google shopping, Amazon, etc.)
- Researched APIs to integrate
- Delegated tasks
- Communicated through slack - virtual daily standup meetings
- Utilized GitHub throughout the process to manage project
Technologies Used:
Materialize CSS
Google Fonts
Directions For Futher Development:
- Add more store API's
- Integrate a map feature (i.e. Google Maps)
- Integrate a database feature to store search history, most popular items, etc